BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

That's what I miss about belgium..quality beer at a reasonable price.a bottle of delirium costs 3.99 in the fucking off licence n over a fiver in the one pub that sells it ffs
I do love a good trappist beer. I'm away out for a few tonight. Probably take it easy, I had a good swally last night. Caning the Xmas booze. Done about half the white Russian supplies in already.
Thats bang tidy man gott
a love a westmalle tripel fucking lovely beer..gets you raving aswell
Quality brew man. Steak, frites to go with n your golden.

I had a black mc chouffe the other day lol not what you're thinking haha 8%. Gave me a right rough swede.
You get to go out for the evening? or just picking something up? How's the place look with the construction done? full of questions I am.
Picking up a few beers for home lad. So, decided to have one from the tap while I was there. I've got pics of the place. It's been done really nicely imo. It's all open plan now.
Those beers look a little under my % preference but they sound tasty. Any stand outs? The fruity one ijndjaars sounds canny.
Never tried any tbh. I had a zatte and legged it as I was only supposed to be getting milk lol. The ijndjaars (which is a play on the Dutch word for 'end of year') I think I'll give a go at some point. Maybe the Guji as well but I am a zatte man as you know lol.
Oh it's definitely for home n u should only have 5 max lol I've done it a few times in Belgium n a while back I really fucked up my leg n was out of work for nearly 2 months had to go to a physio n all thanks to a cocktail of valium n delirium lol still dunno how it happened to this day but ur mad to even consider cycling after a session on those lol a pub in Belgium that I worked at had this upscale beer bar with a menu of 200+ beers was fucking delicious but deadly haha
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I wasn't getting told anything that night. When I left my mates he said I should walk my bike down the which I replied. "Do I look like a cunt who walks his bike down the road" lol...what a fukkin tit haha. My face was stuck to the pillow with blood in the morning....Yet my bike was securely locked up with both locks on. The mind boggles.
I expect to be fukked disappointments on that front. The Belgians do grand job on the beer front. Where were you based lad? I've a guy who's worked for me in Brussels for the last 9 years on a contract lol...been a few times for drinks as you can imagine. Always get lost there ffs.
Antwerp n hasselt . Belgian beers by far my favourite hands down.they really take beer seriously even they're draft larger like cristal was amazing n super cheap
Went out n had a reet laugh last night. Ended up in a shit karaoke bar in the bigg market dueting erasure's a little respect. The bouncers came over and gave us a can of oust cos the green was that lifting in my pals coat pocket. Didn't hoy us out tho which was refreshing lol
Hey DGT!

I just got to smoke the first bowl off my jakes dreams. She sure came out sativa dominant! Due to PM issues only took to 9 weeks....she needed 12 at least. Next run hope to take her further and see how she does. Definitely a vigorous plant.

Hope all is well,

stay free, stay high

Yo papa, ABM was saying to keep an eye out for your next run! Hope the BBQ was fun man. Few of the uk guys have had some absolute stunners in the jakes dream. Hows the high? Soaring?

Good luck for the next run. You and Dr are going to smash it I'm sure.
Yea its very soaring. I suspect at 12 weeks will be earth shaking. She seems to be pretty pm sensitive, which in my climate kinda blows, but such is life. I have a very large one about to go into flower from clone, and a decently large one from seed that's more indica, and not nearly as vigorous, but has a very very delicious stem rub. Have high hopes. IDK If I will have a permanent keeper outta the 2 females I have, but definitely still nice plants that will be fun smokes!