Texas, the new haven for terrorists

Is Texas a new haven for terrorists?

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Welcome to the New World Order, Texas style.

Open carry is just what the terrorists have been waiting for. Now they can walk around in Texas, fully armed to the teeth, and nobody can ask them why.

Why does Texas love the terrorist so much that they make it easy for them to slaughter innocent citizens? Granted when the terrorists attack a mall in Texas they will probably kill mostly Texans so we got to look on the bright side with that, but there might be some tourists included in the body count and that ain't right.

Should we make Texas take a Patriotic Loyalty Oath so they can explain why they let terrorists walk around with guns and shoot everybody.

Not being funny or smart here at all but the 30 or so Countries that America has invaded, or, as it is called in modern times "Globalization" the locals calls the US troops "terrorists" so its a point of view.
Not being funny or smart here at all but the 30 or so Countries that America has invaded, or, as it is called in modern times "Globalization" the locals calls the US troops "terrorists" so its a point of view.
The 'other guys' are always terrorists or guerrillas or insurgents but never freedom fighters. We call anyone that disagrees with US policy a name that identifies then as the 'bad guys'. Axis of evil anyone?
You do realize plenty of states have had open carry in ace for a while.

There are four states that allow conceal carry without a permit. If your allowed to own a gun, you can conceal.

Kind of shoots that theory to shit.

I live in an open carry state, been that way for a while. No terrorist.

Texas is the 45th state to allow it. So if your poking fun of a state for open carry, which of the five states that don't allow it do you live in?
Sure open carry is allowed in other states but we are talking about Texas here. Texas brings a whole new level of stupid to almost everything it does so they are sure to act like fools to make a point.
The criminal would blend in until they decided not to and everybody around them with guns would be the first one's shot.

It never ceases to amaze me how liberals always ascribe superhuman speed and infallible accuracy to terrorist yo-yos, but seem to think highly trained U.S. citizens who have been using firearms since they were children, can't end the threat. In this case, the smart money is on the Texans.

Texas is now one of the safest states in regards to a terrorist attack. The terrorists will stick to blue states where they know they can rack up a good body count before they encounter anything more lethal than whimpers and liberals begging for their lives.
It never ceases to amaze me how liberals always ascribe superhuman speed and infallible accuracy to terrorist yo-yos, but seem to think highly trained U.S. citizens who have been using firearms since they were children, can't end the threat. In this case, the smart money is on the Texans.

Texas is now one of the safest states in regards to a terrorist attack. The terrorists will stick to blue states where they know they can rack up a good body count before they encounter anything more lethal than whimpers and liberals begging for their lives.

What a fucking load of ignorant bigtry. Highly trained my ass. Terrorist yo-yo's,lol youre an imbecile those yo yos killed thousands including some at a fucking tx . Military base. Your talking out your ass. Have you ever been in a fire fight?

"Texas is on a path to 57% obesity by 2030, and that would be costly" highly trained gun slingers
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What a fucking load of ignorant bigtry. Highly trained my ass. Terrorist yo-yo's,lol youre an imbecile those yo yos killed thousands including some at a fucking tx . Military base. Your talking out your ass. Have you ever been in a fire fight?

Uh, the bigotry is firmly on your side of the argument, directed at Texans. The terrorist yo-yos kill many UNARMED people and yes, some have been military personnel. The caveat is those military personnel were prohibited from arming themselves, you nitwit.

A little advice for you: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Uh, the bigotry is firmly on your side of the argument, directed at Texans. The terrorist yo-yos kill many UNARMED people and yes, some have been military personnel. The caveat is those military personnel were prohibited from arming themselves, you nitwit.

A little advice for you: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Bro use that trite hick wisdom on your cave dwelling pals. Repeating idiot type bullshit reaveals your dependence on other idiots to guide the cretin like 'thought' process that you slop around these threads.

Texans should open carry their calorie counters not their pistols.
Bro use that trite hick wisdom on your cave dwelling pals. Repeating idiot type bullshit reaveals your dependence on other idiots to guide the cretin like 'thought' process that you slop around these threads.

Texans should open carry their calorie counters not their pistols.

The first paragraph was so broken and incoherent, I won't even bother.

Then you followed it up with another dose of bigotry. Hypocrite much?

Edit: Are you actually saying the civilians and military personel that were killed in terrorist attacks, were, in fact, armed? Or are you conceding the argument with the typical, attempted condescension of the defeated liberal?
I, as the OP, would like to thank everybody who posted here. For the record I am not an anti-gun freak. i don't wish to have more than enough guns for my purpose and I am always curious why people think that they can have 'enough'guns, by buying more and larger guns, and huge amounts of ammo.

How do you really know how much ammo, food, etc.one should have for a siege against an adversary like the US Army. I am a farmer so I'm cool with the food part of a siege, unless they cut off my water or send a drone over to poison my crops or some other radically unusual and/or unexpectable thing like that.
The first paragraph was so broken and incoherent, I won't even bother.

Then you followed it up with another dose of bigotry. Hypocrite much?

Edit: Are you actually saying the civilians and military personel that were killed in terrorist attacks, were, in fact, armed? Or are you conceding the argument with the typical, attempted condescension of the defeated liberal?

Not that you wont "bother" more like your "advice" was id'd as a turd. You ignored that detail.

" bigotry" was born in your loutish, first post with the "liberals" generalization.

You can barely manage to ape the shiity ideas you learned on fox...critiquing my semantics lol youre a clown.

Defeated liberal...like mitt romney?
How do you really know how much ammo, food, etc.one should have for a siege against an adversary like the US Army.

Uh . . . . . there isn't enough that you have, farmer. Were you ever in one of our branches of military? Besides the guns will be needed for the jackasses you see barking back when Trump or Ted Cruz barks.
No really, some people go there sometimes. Like the Austin music scene and the Alamo. These are very popular tourist destinations and I think people visiting the state of Texas should be warned that Texans, of all people, are walking around with guns and nobody knows what they plan to do.

Obviously they've made it very easy for fully armed terrorists to blend into the general population and execute everybody they don't like.
Austin ain't Texas, and unfortunately for them they are stuck in that land of the nutty American, who still act like they live in the 19th century and have a tendency of shitting out asshole politicians that continue to fuck the rest of the sane citizens of the US. I hope they shoot the shit out of each other.