MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

Lift is corporate bullshit. Those numbers are faked to make the MMPR look like it's succeeding. 2,000 new patients a month? BULLSHIT. NO ONE buys from LP's more than once.
Yup for sure Dizzy....Everyone needs to BOYCOTT and take back their plant. The greed coming out of everywhere is sickening.
Everyone is setting themselves up to be the supplier of schwagg.

Well folks won't stand for it. The fighters anyway. The roll-overs just keep rolling and blowing.
Lift is corporate bullshit. Those numbers are faked to make the MMPR look like it's succeeding. 2,000 new patients a month? BULLSHIT. NO ONE buys from LP's more than once.
I buy from my LP 2 or three times a month. As do many.

I don't think that the numbers are that high but you are definitely not right.
I called Tweed last week and told them my Dr susck balls and if they know of one who does not, they said yes it is via skype and it is 300$, I said ummm is that not illegal?, the girl was like I will have to get back to you on that. I was like thank you have a nice day.
I got mine by going into a walk-in clinic and told the GP that I have migraines and back pain, and he authorized me for 5 grams per day, no $300, Tweed sucks shit.
It was in Vancouver and for 3 months, GP told me to come back if I need renewed, he was all kool, all he sees most days is Chinese patients who can't speak any English.
It was in Vancouver and for 3 months, GP told me to come back if I need renewed, he was all kool, all he sees most days is Chinese patients who can't speak any English.
Man it is every man for him self in Ontario, so far I have gone to 4 doctors, all will sign, but all are insane and are not in touch with reality, one of them ( the most recent) is trying to get me jacked up on opiates, and a few other things including Viagra, he was like oh after you take all the pills I want you on, you may have trouble getting it up, I was like dude I am in my 30's what are you trying to do to me? on top of that he tried to get me to pay 150$ I told him he is wrong and that I could get him in trouble, now it is hard to get an apt, they keep telling me they are booked up.
Man it is every man for him self in Ontario, so far I have gone to 4 doctors, all will sign, but all are insane and are not in touch with reality, one of them ( the most recent) is trying to get me jacked up on opiates, and a few other things including Viagra, he was like oh after you take all the pills I want you on, you may have trouble getting it up, I was like dude I am in my 30's what are you trying to do to me? on top of that he tried to get me to pay 150$ I told him he is wrong and that I could get him in trouble, now it is hard to get an apt, they keep telling me they are booked up.
Jesus lol. I went to my family doctor and he pulled out a huge canni-med brochure lol. I told him they're garbage and irradiate everything but he actually had a rep from the company come to him and try to sway him to sign his patients to them automatically. Let's remember that is in small town Nova Scotia and canni-med is in Saskatchewan.
My doc has recently changed to every 3 months now.....also wants me to piss in a cup too. They say it's to make sure I have THC in my system. More like they can just charge more to OHIP. Just got an email from their office saying they want me to bring in my receipts for the last three months to next appointment .....probably gonna try and lower my script from 5/g a day.
My doc has recently changed to every 3 months now.....also wants me to piss in a cup too. They say it's to make sure I have THC in my system. More like they can just charge more to OHIP. Just got an email from their office saying they want me to bring in my receipts for the last three months to next appointment .....probably gonna try and lower my script from 5/g a day.
they don't do the same for ANY other medication.
i don't get why they're asking for receipts. to see how much you buy? it surely can't be to see if you're selling LP prices, how can you make anything? haha
i would also say that you get from the BM and they don't provide receipts. the Dr authorized you to use MMJ. does it all have to be from the place they OK you? that's a bit of a stretch to me. they can't dictate where you get it from. if the LP they sign you up for doesn't have what you need, what is the Dr going to do? put you on to another LP??
such a backward system. they are putting these "controls" on something that does not need it.
My doc has recently changed to every 3 months now.....also wants me to piss in a cup too. They say it's to make sure I have THC in my system. More like they can just charge more to OHIP. Just got an email from their office saying they want me to bring in my receipts for the last three months to next appointment .....prob gonna try and lower my script from 5/g a day.
They make u piss in a cup to make sure your not a drug addict.
Mine does the same.
And every time they say how come you have morphine in your system.
If they find coke or anything they said they wouldn't renew my script.
The receipts I don't understand. Unless they are making sure your ordering the full thing before cutting u back.
Treating patients like criminals while the government decides how to best capitalize on selling the same product without limits for recreational use.
It's disgusting really
Holy fuck, piss tests for weed? You aren't on probation so why be treated like you're on it? That makes me so angry to hear, I'd ask your Doctor what the purposes of tracking you so closely are and what does he/she hope to gain from such information? Are they keeping tabs and stats tracking for LP's they prescribe to?

Seems like a violation of your personal rights as you are not violating any laws nor did you sign any sort of weird contract(unless it wasn't mentioned) None of this info is required to be a patient of the MMAR. Receipts, maybe for taxes, but is he/she is insinuating/assuming that you are some kind of criminal if "the numbers dont add up"? What will they do if you refuse? Deny you medical access due to a difference in opinion or refusal?
Drs know that they are the gate keepers in this fuked up system.
The place I go hands u the piss bottle before your even allowed to see the Dr.
And they do a lot of the same things now for other drugs. In order to get my other scripts my fam Dr makes me do I piss test too. He said its to make sure I'm actually taking all the meds he prescribes.
I've heard that there is a new rule for pharmacys too. If you need fentenyl patches they won't give u new ones unless u bring back in the backing stickers of your last pack