johny sunset
Well-Known Member
they don't do the same for ANY other medication.
i don't get why they're asking for receipts. to see how much you buy? it surely can't be to see if you're selling LP prices, how can you make anything? haha
i would also say that you get from the BM and they don't provide receipts. the Dr authorized you to use MMJ. does it all have to be from the place they OK you? that's a bit of a stretch to me. they can't dictate where you get it from. if the LP they sign you up for doesn't have what you need, what is the Dr going to do? put you on to another LP??
such a backward system. they are putting these "controls" on something that does not need it.
I hear ya. It is fucked up in both regards. But I honestly think the piss test is just a way for him to make more money from OHIP. Same as going from once a year to 4. More money in his pocket. And the receipts....who knows. I'd think the dr has pressure from the college of physicians to lower all patients g/day as much as they can. Don't know for sure.
I'm gonna emphasize the fact that I vape. And store and make butter from my after vaped cannabis. In order to make the butter I've come accustom too I need 2-3 oz of after vape. So if they lowered my g/day to 2-3 and i get a full order and I've got 3oz of after vape I'd be over my Storage capacity.
At the end of the day I'm not going to worry about it. I've got nothing to hide if they want to drop my g/day a bit so be it. It's not like I could afford 5g/day anyways. My main concern is that I keeping getting the cannabis that I need.