I'm freaking out. Can someone help?

Now I'm worried about my ballast.... Does anyone know if my specific ballast can be detected by police? See earlier pic of my ballast
1. Couple bowls tonight (with keef On top)
2. Been growing 45 days
3. Yes ..... Why ask ?

They can detect the ballast with infrared ? Or the infrared detects the heat/light?

I got my windows covered so there's no light. Heats no issue either.

1. nice!
2. smoke something else.
3. if your black you may want to cut that all down. That shit will get you killed. Black folks be getting killed for sitting quietly in jail. Cant be fucking around with that shit right now.
after the fact or during the break in? that is crazy...
Story I read said cops arrived on scene after the homeowner called; they stole his guns & even shot the fuckin guy as they were escaping; now he will be charged with possession of 105 plants once released from the hospital
Give it the AM radio test. Tune your AM radio(if you have one) through the range and see if there's a noise.
Using a clock radio I found a humming noise on an AM station that would disappear when I unplugged the ballast. When I plugged it back in, the noise came back. It detected it from the adjacent bedroom from me.

Am I screwed ?
Using a clock radio I found a humming noise on an AM station that would disappear when I unplugged the ballast. When I plugged it back in, the noise came back. It detected it from the adjacent bedroom from me.

Am I screwed ?
Doubtful your screwed, check to see what kind of distance you can detect noise.
Then again the noise could be in the cordset from the ballast to the lamp, as short as possible is good.
If that helicopter is flying around like that they might not be looking at you but they are defintley looking at someone and could of picked you up, wrong place wrong time. Do you have a smart meter. Cause if you do I'd be cutting your shit down right now.
Now I'm worried about my ballast.... Does anyone know if my specific ballast can be detected by police? See earlier pic of my ballast
Dude if ur this paranoid stop fucking growing n stop smoking ffs. I don't get when ppl smoke even though they get super paranoid.ive been smoking longer than I haven't n only get a bit paranoid on serious sativas. Ur growing with a 600w ffs that could be anything. why 11 plants under one 600? At most I'd have 6 under a 600w but prefer 4-5. This also works in ur favour if u do get busted as 11 is tots selling but half that's personal
Remember when you saw helicopters and got on your knees and begged them to leave because you'd go berzerk?
Well, They left you now and the stress got worse and worse and now I see you've gone completely out of your mind.

And their coming to take you away Ha, Ha.
There coming to take you away! ho ho he he ha ha !
To the funny farm.
Where life is beautiful all the time and you'll be happy to see the nice young men in there clean white coats.
And there coming to take you away HA, HA!

You thought it was joke and so you laughed, you laughed when they said their charging you it made you flip your lid, right?
You know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed, you laughed and laughed and then they left, but now I know your utterly mad.

And they're coming to take you away Ha Ha
They're coming to take you away ho ho he he ha ha !
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
They're coming to take you away ha ha...

And They're coming to take you away Ha Ha
They're coming to take you away ho ho he he ha ha
To the loony bin with all you can eat perscription drugs like thorizine, and lithium, and electric shock and insulin
They're coming to take you away Ha Ha

Song by "LARD"
Heard in the good ole days on the Dr. Demento show!

I changed it a bit - DOC

Your fine kid - don't sweat it!
I'm with the theslipperbandit, I'd cut my plant count down so if something did happen you could at least claim you were growing for personal use and not with the intent to distribute. That's the only thing that saved me from doing time when my civil disobedience was crushed by the long arm of the law in one of those crazy southern states that I'll never move back to....and I'm white, big plus....but honestly, they're probably at your front door right now.
There's two cops reading this, laughing their asses off right now.
I'm with the theslipperbandit, I'd cut my plant count down so if something did happen you could at least claim you were growing for personal use and not with the intent to distribute. That's the only thing that saved me from doing time when my civil disobedience was crushed by the long arm of the law in one of those crazy southern states that I'll never move back to....and I'm white, big plus....but honestly, they're probably at your front door right now.

This too!