EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
He is not talking about reforming anything. He is talking about increasing taxes on the rich to pay for trillions more dollars in givaway programs. Same ol same ol....
Correction. Sanders is talking about restoration of taxes..I mean where do you live in this world and pay NO taxes? Spin this as many ways as you wish, the fact remains the people are speaking and there are more of us than you.

Time to even the playing field and have everyone pay their taxes proportionate to wealth.


Well-Known Member
i have to admit i'm coming around to the Bern! i'm think Sanders vs Rubio (cruz and trump are simply unelectable and the RNC knows this)

Yeah, and Trump will lose support by Labor Day, I mean Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, wait I mean the New Year will be the turning point. Crap. Okay, lets shoot for Valentines Day?

Clinton 13.2+

It burns.


Well-Known Member

He's gonna make jobs by taxing companies and the wealthy?

By raising wage levels even more?

You stupid, bro.

I don't know why you are having a hard time with this.. The party is over for these greedy pricks.. They can pay their fair share or close up and another Corp will take their place.

These are the mother fuckers were starting with.



Well-Known Member
These people have no clue. If wages go up, first thing a company does is attempt to compensate because making money is the end game. That money will never come out of the business owners pockets.

We knows these types well around here. 8k tax returns coming in a few short weeks for many. Yeah, open your hands and catch, cause they gonna spend it ALL, just like they would spend a minimum increase the moment it hits their hands. Car lot down the road does the pre tax sale, bring your taxes in and for a "small percentage" we they put you in that car today instead of a couple weeks from now, and the clowns are literally lined up waiting to speak to a salesman.

You find predatory loans amusing huh?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and Trump will lose support by Labor Day, I mean Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, wait I mean the New Year will be the turning point. Crap. Okay, lets shoot for Valentines Day?

Clinton 13.2+

It burns.
trump is not losing support, i would agree. but the goal of the RNC is to select a candidate who they think can beat the Dems. the RNC is well aware of the polls that have trump at roughly 68% of being unelectable. 30% voters FOR trump mean 70% AGAINST


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you are having a hard time with this.. The party is over for these greedy pricks.. They can pay their fair share or close up and another Corp will take their place.

These are the mother fuckers were starting with.

Or maybe another corp wont take their place because there is no profit motive. Then you have further unemployment, less taxes, and a downward spiral...


Well-Known Member
Or maybe another corp wont take their place because there is no profit motive. Then you have further unemployment, less taxes, and a downward spiral...

Dude, click the link in that post .. That's who going to feel the Bern the fastest n hardest.. Take a look @ those numbers n the bullshit they been on and tell me there's no profit.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you are having a hard time with this.. The party is over for these greedy pricks.. They can pay their fair share or close up and another Corp will take their place.

These are the mother fuckers were starting with.

And this is not new..not anything they haven't done in the past..they've gotten a free pass for the last 40 years through lobby by crying 'poor mouth' ..'it's so hard to do business here in America'..'job creators'..give me a fucking break!


Well-Known Member
And this is not new..not anything they haven't done in the past..they've gotten a free pass through lobby by crying 'poor mouth' ..it's so hard to do business here in America..give me a fucking break!

Exactly! They got some people scared like they won't be able to turn a profit n will have layoffs.

Look @ that link, its sickening..G.E. Is -9% tax rate.. They are 9% away from being zero.. If they paid 35% this year that would be a 44% increase to get back to where they should be..so maybe their 3 billion profit turns into 2 billion..boo fuckin hoo


Well-Known Member
Dude, click the link in that post .. That's who going to feel the Bern the fastest n hardest.. Take a look @ those numbers n the bullshit they been on and tell me there's no profit.
Do you understand that profit made by a person and profit made by a corporation are completely different? Do you understand where corporations profits go??? The people that will fell the BERN will be the newly unemployed...


Well-Known Member
Do you understand that profit made by a person and profit made by a corporation are completely different? Do you understand where corporations profits go??? The people that will fell the BERN will be the newly unemployed...
Threaten all you want..somehow, someway, they will find a way to pull through..guaranteed.

Going back to the job creator, trickle down theory, are we?:lol:

Yeah the shareholders might get only one penny more instead of two this quarter..I've been on plenty of earnings calls to know that's what it's all about..I've never seen so many erections over a penny per share..they're fucking greedy and gross.


Well-Known Member
Do you understand that profit made by a person and profit made by a corporation are completely different? Do you understand where corporations profits go??? The people that will fell the BERN will be the newly unemployed...

I know exactly where it goes, some goes to shareholders n lobbyists and the rest goes overseas to be invested abroad and sheltered from taxes.