EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
You have to truly be Insanely wealthy to Dodge the tax code... None of us will ever reach that.

I know a guy who owns the largest heating n cooling outfit in the Midwest..he's self made and one year older than me... He bought a private jet for 7 million.. Why? Because his accountant told him to..write off... Dude makes a fortune already and now makes a nice payday leasing the jet when he's not using it. That's absurd.
That is the problem with the tax code. My brother in law started an auto repair store franchise a few years ago. It is going really well though he has had to work his ass off. He went out and bought a used land rover for 50,000 dollars the other day for the same reason - tax writeoff.

We need system reform and nobody is serious about that.


Well-Known Member
You have to truly be Insanely wealthy to Dodge the tax code... None of us will ever reach that.

I know a guy who owns the largest heating n cooling outfit in the Midwest..he's self made and one year older than me... He bought a private jet for 7 million.. Why? Because his accountant told him to..write off... Dude makes a fortune already and now makes a nice payday leasing the jet when he's not using it. That's absurd.
Speak for yourself. It's a long shot, but I don't believe in aiming low.


Well-Known Member
All our government budgets are bloated. The system is corrupt. You need to spend or exceed your budget or it will get cut the next year. This leads to ridiculous waste in the government. They buy tons of surplus shit they dont need rather than end up with more cash on the books than they are supposed to have. The system is DESIGNED to cause waste. And the budgets automatically get a raise every year without any vote from congress.

It is insane what we allow to happen but nobody gets educated about it and so it continues.
Oh buddy, all of that is very true and deeply troubling, except for one part, that is even more deeply troubling. The budgets do not automatically get a raise. Remember that thing called the NDAA? Congress votes to approve it. They should all be decorating lamp posts in a perfect world.

You have to truly be Insanely wealthy to Dodge the tax code... None of us will ever reach that.

I know a guy who owns the largest heating n cooling outfit in the Midwest..he's self made and one year older than me... He bought a private jet for 7 million.. Why? Because his accountant told him to..write off... Dude makes a fortune already and now makes a nice payday leasing the jet when he's not using it. That's absurd.
That's a classic example of the interest rate apartheid. Most of the time, it isn't a jet. Have you seen house prices in San Fran right now? All of it is a scheme to aggregate more wealth to the top. The cycle of accumulation/distribution is what's really at fault for strife worldwide and everyone is too busy waving their finger at Trump or calling Bernie Sanders a pussy to take a step back and see what's really going on. It's the banks guys. The only candidate that matters is one that will take on international banking and copyright cartels.


Well-Known Member
If weed prices keep dropping I may have to bust out the bibs n go back to pipefitting.
I started a pool service and UB and others busted my ass about it here. Ended up selling it and making another 60K but the government took a huge chunk. The pool service would have maxed me out between 80 and 100,000 per year unless I went into repair which I dont really like.

I tried to work with another company doing home inspections but was never going to make real money so I am starting again. With the home inspections I can come close to bringing in 200,000 per year without needing to hire anyone. Past that I would have to get into management. We will see how it goes.

If I get back to about 60K per year I will be working maybe 20-30 hours a week. Anyone can become a millionaire in the US, it just takes time and a lot of hard work.


Well-Known Member
Oh buddy, all of that is very true and deeply troubling, except for one part, that is even more deeply troubling. The budgets do not automatically get a raise. Remember that thing called the NDAA? Congress votes to approve it. They should all be decorating lamp posts in a perfect world.

That's a classic example of the interest rate apartheid. Most of the time, it isn't a jet. Have you seen house prices in San Fran right now? All of it is a scheme to aggregate more wealth to the top. The cycle of accumulation/distribution is what's really at fault for strife worldwide and everyone is too busy waving their finger at Trump or calling Bernie Sanders a pussy to take a step back and see what's really going on. It's the banks guys. The only candidate that matters is one that will take on international banking and copyright cartels.

The banks only have the power the governments give them. 90% of the world problems come back to government and they are self created...


Well-Known Member
You need to start your own business and you can make a million.

What sucks is I hate my trade, I am happier now making chump change n barely getting by .. Before I was working 50-60 hours a week in steel mills n oil refineries... Good money but I hated my job.. Most of the dudes ya work with are divorced n miserable mother fuckers.. I've got 2 inventions I been sitting on n need to look into.. Its either hit on one of those, win the lotto or marry a rich broad. None are very likely to happen


Well-Known Member
Why do you care? Why do you blather on about all this? You don't live in the US and you hate the country anyway. Go to Russia where they run the country the way you like it.
Your right i really don't care to say go to Russia lol i find that funny ,, but ask your self something which appears to work and not your system >>?? or communism ?? cause if we look at how Communist China is doing appears in 11 years they will surpase USA in GDP
and what about military China could overtake the United States as the world’s biggest military spender in the 2020s or 2030s what does that tell you ???
I mean already china has went to the moon and of course questioned USA on the moon landings stating where is everything lol
as countries get better advance as in space etc wont be long before more lies will be found that USA has said or said they did lol

Mind you USA still needs russian rockets to get to space kinda gives you a new meaning to how advanced usa really is

If you have to rely on russian rockets to get to space your in deep trouble

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That point goes to me.
no changing the menu once the sausage is made... order something else.
I'm retired military and I will be the first to tell you we waste a whole fuck load of money on our military and contractors, Why would you not want a overhaul of the over-spending here ?
My husband noticed this too.


Well-Known Member
That is the problem with the tax code. My brother in law started an auto repair store franchise a few years ago. It is going really well though he has had to work his ass off. He went out and bought a used land rover for 50,000 dollars the other day for the same reason - tax writeoff.

We need system reform and nobody is serious about that.
there are benefits of owning a company here 63 vette i am building For free all tax write off using it as advertisement and possible lunchen meetings with clients :) learn how to play the game but it does not make me corrupt i pay my accountant lots of money to ind loop holes and what have you legally 63  tubbed.jpg 63 vette.jpg