Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Explain to me how people stealing top secret government information doesn't jeopardize a nation's security

Naive for not knowing we spy and hack as much or more than anybody else.

The biggest threat to national security is our foreign policy and the clowns running our country.


Well-Known Member
Putin does care about U.S. politics as it relates to Russia.
Are you saying that Obama is negotiating with Putin better than Trump could? I don't believe that for a second.
Obama is a terrible foreign policy negotiator.
I don't believe Trump could negotiate with Putin at all; remember that Putin was part of the KGB who loved to make the CIA and US look like incompetent. Look at how he cries and moans about any sort of criticism he gets. Russians love bashing the US at home - seriously get educated on Russian politics. Kind of like how during the Bush Administration Russia invaded Georgia, they became a major arms supplier to Venezuela, they threatened military retaliation if anti-missile defense systems were placed in Poland so Medvedev deployed Iskander SRBMs to Kaliningrad near the Polish border.

About the only time our relations improved with Russia was Medvedev and Obama were getting along. Putin wants a resurgence of Russia as a superpower and he does not like working with the US. He probably won't even meet with Trump knowing about how he throws little tantrums; he'll send Lavrov to meet with him first and of course Trump is going to get pissy because Putin didn't show up. Then Trump is going to call him a coward, and Putin is going to go in front of the Duma and give a speech about how stupid Americans are because they elected a reality TV star as their President. The Duma applauds, and all the States around the world that dislike the US are going to praise Putin.

Seriously, this is like Poli Sci 200-300 level basic stuff in international relations. Read the news, read history, don't start with Obama and go all the way back to Stalin in US-Russian relations. It's shaped what the rhetoric is now-a-days, including the Bush-Clinton-Bush 2nd years.

Also if you think Russia just started hacking us/spying on us that's just downright pitiful.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Folks on the right excoriates Obama on a constant basis for perceived ineptness, yet they are willing to put a charlatan, who BTW has zero political experience, be the leader of the free world.
He does also happen to be a man who built a real estate and merchandising fortune to over 10 billion dollars. That may give a little credibility to his experience.

What was Obama's claim to fame before he became president? Neighborhood organizer?
If a bunch of snobs in the UK want to keep him out it just increases his attractiveness... Who the fuck cares about what people in the UK think? They cant even manage their own borders, healthcare is bankrupting them along with the socialistic Euro monetary system. Why would we want to head down that tunnel?
When a large number of folks from our closest ally don't want the Dumpster in their country, how is that going to make America great?


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Folks on the right excoriates Obama on a constant basis for perceived ineptness, yet they are willing to put a charlatan, who BTW has zero political experience, be the leader of the free world.

When a large number of folks from our closest ally don't want the Dumpster in their country, how is that going to make America great?

I really don't think Trump is worried about what other countries think about him coming to there country. They will probably work out some kind of deal before they start begging. TRUMP!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I really don't think Trump is worried about what other countries think about him coming to there country. They will probably work out some kind of deal before they start begging. TRUMP!
I'm sure the dumpster gives less then a fuck about how others think of him but it's not him I give a fuck about, I'm trying to figure out how in hell he's suppose to make America great while at the same time insulting 1.5 billion muslims!? Now let go take a dump so I can go wipe my ass with my Trump TP!!



Well-Known Member
Folks on the right excoriates Obama on a constant basis for perceived ineptness, yet they are willing to put a charlatan, who BTW has zero political experience, be the leader of the free world.

When a large number of folks from our closest ally don't want the Dumpster in their country, how is that going to make America great?

Barak Obama was really popular in Europe. How is that working out for US Foreign policy?


Well-Known Member
Barak Obama was really popular in Europe. How is that working out for US Foreign policy?
It would be a lot better if neoconservatives hadn't invaded the Middle East and destabilized the region

Any criticism you have of current foreign policy can be traced back to the Bush administration and the wars that originated during his time in office that liberals were largely against at the time. So you don't get to complain about foreign policy then blame the problem all on the Obama administration. The people you put into office caused the problem, now you want to put another one in and make it worse having learned nothing from before.

Ain't happenin' pal


Well-Known Member
It would be a lot better if neoconservatives hadn't invaded the Middle East and destabilized the region

Any criticism you have of current foreign policy can be traced back to the Bush administration and the wars that originated during his time in office that liberals were largely against at the time. So you don't get to complain about foreign policy then blame the problem all on the Obama administration. The people you put into office caused the problem, now you want to put another one in and make it worse having learned nothing from before.

Ain't happenin' pal
Obama ran for office and gained the presidency telling us he could fix it and he has made it far worse.

Your rebuttal is crap....


Well-Known Member
Did you just call BarryO a clown? just checking. TRUMP!

They are all clowns, it is about picking the lesser of two evils. I'd vote Obama if he could run again, hes like a football coach who didn't have much experience 8 years ago and was kinda naive..he thought he could work with conservative but got his term limit is about up and he's just coming around to a good coach.. I was hoping day 1 in office he said get every troop home, every piece of equipment and vehicle and weapon back home in 60 days.


Well-Known Member
If we stopped toppling regimes and closed 90% of our foreign bases, our national security wouldn't even be an issue. Our foreign policy blows, but I guess if you are going to piss away an absurd amount of dough on " Defense" you have to manufacture some reasons and locations to use them.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trumps veteran fund raiser brings in 6 million for vets. It was a very powerful event, I got a little bit choked up when I gave 100.00.

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