Well-Known Member
I always thought potassium silicate is much more effective applied to the root zone than a foliar spray. I know Harley Smith did the studies on that one. At least he told me he did.
I'll be honest, I've read many varying views on this. There are two reasons I suggest foliar spray.
One is that is creates a basic solution on the surface of the leaves which itself can be beneficial at preventing molds/mildews from sticking around.
Two is because the solubility of silicate drops immensely with a lower pH. I think in this case, I might be off base in that it doesn't drop enough to matter with the low concentrations you actually use in hydroponics. So, there's that.
Ionic nutrients was formulated by Giles Gunstone and Dr. Carl Barry in Austrailia under thier company Growth Technology years ago. Getting all the minerals in the correct ratios (liquid) into one bottle was a problem for manufacturer's from way back. Mainly calcium and sulfer. It precipitates into gypsum and is not soluble (or hardly taken up into the roots). I dont know how they got around Guaranteed minimum analysis but Ionic has plenty of calcium and sulfer. But its proprietary and how they actually do it (HDI ..Lansing..GT sister company too) is a well guarded secret. Dr. Lynette Morgan for years (Suntec Austrailia ...Botanicare Arizona) has been trying to copy what they actually did. CNS 17 (Matrix Red and Blue) is the result and its not even close. Flora Nova one part from General Hydroponics....well lets just say there is a reason its such a heavy goopy mess. But it is effective.
So, you're definitely right that there are additional additives that some companies use. For example, Botanicare uses sugars to prevent calcium from precipitating. The example I chose there was an interesting one to me though, Ionic Bloom, again. So, the reason they don't have to label the product is due to labeling laws, not because it's not there. There's minimum concentrations you need to reach before you have to put it on the label. In the case of Ionic Bloom, the concentrations of Calcium and Sulfate they need to hit are both 1%. So, it's easy to come in under that and be great enough in concentration to precipitate. In addition, since the entire blend can meet it's NPK ratios without calcium nitrate or potassium sulfate, it's likely they are such low concentrations that they might not precipitate and also are not nearly enough to be effective, therefore, pointless.