The UK Growers Thread!

Sup lads just with the whole suicide thing its a crazy 1... im goin thru sum shit wit my bro at the min ... he is severly depressed and bordering on the s word ...

I swear i cant understand it and dnt think i will.. i am trying to learn to put myself in my bro's shoes but am finding it hard.. i have to learn wat i think is not wat the he thinks... wat i think is easy the next he mite find hard..

Im goin to see a councler next week to see if he can help me understand ... it really is a horrible porblem that ppl dnt understand and we need to learn..

1 thing that was said to me that made sum sense was ...

When u are fighting with urself in ur head u have to picture it as a boxing match but ur apponent knows every move u do before u do it ... thats wat ur fighting against...

So i dnt find these ppl cowards just ppl who cant say wat they are feeling... sum times ppl find it hard to talk and then eat themselfs up...

Lads if u have mates that are finding it hard and wont talk try give them an extra 10 mins it mite really help them..
exactly ^

I knew 2 lads that committed suicide in the past 12 months, 1 by hanging, 1 jumped off a bridge.

Everyone and every case is different, can be things from childhood that have been blocked out by your brain that trigger it and you can't work out why beacuse your brain is blocking out the bad memories or experiences. Can be chemical imbalances or just getting fed up and getting in a bad rut.
Its a fuckd up thing lads and as i said for us who think it shud be easy to sort out it just aint like that for them..
Thats why im goin to see sum1 to see if i can understand it a bit more .. hopefully i can and can help him out..

Really hits home wen its sum1 close to ya..

Cheers ghetts
Good luck to you, Irish and even more for your bru. It's hard to think of these things as an illness. If they had aids or some other awful physical disease then you are shame....if they potty everyone's lime. ..avoid that cunt like the plague he's mmmmad!....queue link to Life of Brian sketch.
I say the same as u ghetto, selfish fuckers! I know this is probly wrong tho as dst says u never know what's goin on in someone's head with mental illness......but to do it over debt and shit I still say selfish fuckers

strange thing is though, more often than not its the "normal" people that top emselves while the weird ones carry on regardless lol
Sup lads just with the whole suicide thing its a crazy 1... im goin thru sum shit wit my bro at the min ... he is severly depressed and bordering on the s word ...

I swear i cant understand it and dnt think i will.. i am trying to learn to put myself in my bro's shoes but am finding it hard.. i have to learn wat i think is not wat the he thinks... wat i think is easy the next he mite find hard..

Im goin to see a councler next week to see if he can help me understand ... it really is a horrible porblem that ppl dnt understand and we need to learn..

1 thing that was said to me that made sum sense was ...

When u are fighting with urself in ur head u have to picture it as a boxing match but ur apponent knows every move u do before u do it ... thats wat ur fighting against...

So i dnt find these ppl cowards just ppl who cant say wat they are feeling... sum times ppl find it hard to talk and then eat themselfs up...

Lads if u have mates that are finding it hard and wont talk try give them an extra 10 mins it mite really help them..

What WILL your brother talk about with regards to it etc? I find half the time they just get bored of ppl questioning them/their illness in way or another that they clam up where they dont wanna answer the question for the 200th fucking time that week etc let them lead the conversation, about whatever they want n eventually days/weeks/years later they will start confiding in you about more stuff to do with them off their own back bit by bit y`know

Its taken me 2 relationships with his sister, 10years, lots of money/time/effort/lost wages/days etc and basically teaching him how to be an actual functioning human being to get my g/f`s brother to talk to me about his shit
I dnt think it works like that for them zedd... is easy for me or u to say that..
ayahuasca helps you see the blockages mentioned by Top Dog and I agree with the concept of repressed childhood memories creating weird behaviour, the psychologists recognize the unconscious plays a big part in mental illness and this can be explored with appropriate therapy etc, obviously someone who is so profoundly depressed as to be suicidal is the most in need of acute help, ayahuasca or even iboga have helped many