If you were to take a poll on what the average Citizen wants in USA you be shocked to find out that they want change there tired of false promises ad false hopes And after last nights Debate its clearly trump
your brain washed like the few who probably think Jeb Bush , or Hillary for president
So easy to point the blame at any president when the blame started with you for voting them in its your Fault USA is in the shape that it is . truly is your Fault
presently what does any child born or growing up presently have to look forward to in USA
I know absolutely nothing there jobs are bleek , money is bleek whats the average age of a person still living with mommy n daddy in USA ???? how old are you haha enough said
After last nights Debate its clearly trump for the win
but i guess for the few that just hate Trump its hillary or Jeb right i mean you betcha vote for them so they can screw up whats left in good ole USA if history repeats it self like it usually does
you know most carry on that Obama fucked right up ,, but again ask your self what has obama really done compared to previous presidents and lets not forget lots of the shit got carried forward so blame goes on existing president
So on closing statement we have Hillarys and bushs that will in fact rape what ever pieces are left to steal and transfer out of USA , you have other candidates that have done fuck all as senators but like a game think there worthy of leveling up to president status .ut yet did nothing as senators
If you look at history of trump being billionaire that he is he has put the right people in the right places to get the job done Right ..
Its pretty fucking simple really lower middle class and corporate tax that alone will speed up the recovery and bring jobs back ..
From mexico, Japan , China where these corporations moved to .. That is the right thinking imgine the trillions of dollars already coming back into usa
See that is the real problem money has been going out but not coming back any time soon
So yeah Vote for Bush / Hillary an you will have the same repetitive shit over n over
Vote trump for change its needed yes i agree he is wet behind the Ears on some things but again you voted for obama and he was wet in all areas of being president
If only Trump does one thing like lower taxes on corporate and middle class and lures back the jobs taken from USA he would of acomplished more then last 4 presidents in office did