Donald Trump

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True but it costs money to get a business under way and for most they do not even have money to register company insure a company also there is enough flooring companies haha or snow shovelers, grass cutters around haha banks laugh at people walking in with a business in mind truth is for many there business plan sucked from the beginning,
limited minded people are limited in life
You start by doing landscaping or cleaning pools or pest control. Something simple and cheap to start. Then you build from there.

No, everyone cannot walk into a bank and get a loan for 1,000,000 dollars. I didnt say it was easy but it is the way to become self sufficient and even wealthy if you work hard at it.
exactly Everything you buy once you start a business isn’t a business expense (shall we ask the IRS?). The day I was able to look at my business and run a real profit and loss (P&L) statement was one of the happiest days of my life. The next happiest moment was knowing that I was actually profitable. You can’t fix your business finances if you don’t know what’s going on behind the banking curtain. but most importantly not to many people starting up a business is willing to work hard , long hrs to make it happen
In todays era people are just plain lazy and remember There are roughly a gazillion other people in this world who do what you do. What you do isn’t the magic. i mean look in the yellow pages for plumbers or electricians , or pest control lol i mean if you look at the rate of small business failures its outstanding
that hard work and long hrs is just not in the dream anymore for most thats the problem morals are down you cannot survive getting one call a week if your lucky and for most people there already in the red before the company starts only getting them selfs more in trouble owing IRA at end of the year
You start by doing landscaping or cleaning pools or pest control. Something simple and cheap to start. Then you build from there.

No, everyone cannot walk into a bank and get a loan for 1,000,000 dollars. I didnt say it was easy but it is the way to become self sufficient and even wealthy if you work hard at it.
You nailed it! I started a Pest Control Company right out of college & I saved my money and built my first investment house, which I lived in While I had it up for sale. I kept on doing this until I was eventually able to pay cash for my personal home. Everything is a stepping stone, but not everyone has the right temperament for this sort of thing. Just like not everyone has the temperament for negotiating deals, being a criminal defense attorney, or playing a professional sport etc.
And a lot of people are perfectly happy just as long as they have enough money to eat & get by and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. At 46 yrs old, I'm just now learning that there are more important things in life than spending all of your time trying to make money. The true winners in my opinion are the people who are able to find the right balance for themselves. I just wish I would have realized this for myself a lot sooner.
Anyway that's my 2 cents- I hope everyone has a Great SuperBowl Sunday!!
Goooo Peyton!
business plan is getting into chicken wings you know how much chicken wings are ate just on super bowl sunday imagine 1 cent pay back for the 1.25 billion wings that are going to be eatten today :) and while your at it get into guacamole lol
If you were to take a poll on what the average Citizen wants in USA you be shocked to find out that they want change there tired of false promises ad false hopes And after last nights Debate its clearly trump
your brain washed like the few who probably think Jeb Bush , or Hillary for president

So easy to point the blame at any president when the blame started with you for voting them in its your Fault USA is in the shape that it is . truly is your Fault
presently what does any child born or growing up presently have to look forward to in USA

I know absolutely nothing there jobs are bleek , money is bleek whats the average age of a person still living with mommy n daddy in USA ???? how old are you haha enough said

After last nights Debate its clearly trump for the win

but i guess for the few that just hate Trump its hillary or Jeb right i mean you betcha vote for them so they can screw up whats left in good ole USA if history repeats it self like it usually does

you know most carry on that Obama fucked right up ,, but again ask your self what has obama really done compared to previous presidents and lets not forget lots of the shit got carried forward so blame goes on existing president

So on closing statement we have Hillarys and bushs that will in fact rape what ever pieces are left to steal and transfer out of USA , you have other candidates that have done fuck all as senators but like a game think there worthy of leveling up to president status .ut yet did nothing as senators
If you look at history of trump being billionaire that he is he has put the right people in the right places to get the job done Right ..
Its pretty fucking simple really lower middle class and corporate tax that alone will speed up the recovery and bring jobs back ..
From mexico, Japan , China where these corporations moved to .. That is the right thinking imgine the trillions of dollars already coming back into usa
See that is the real problem money has been going out but not coming back any time soon

So yeah Vote for Bush / Hillary an you will have the same repetitive shit over n over
Vote trump for change its needed yes i agree he is wet behind the Ears on some things but again you voted for obama and he was wet in all areas of being president

If only Trump does one thing like lower taxes on corporate and middle class and lures back the jobs taken from USA he would of acomplished more then last 4 presidents in office did
Trump won't last much longer in this campaign. He's a joke.

Also, a joke is how much you write and how little you say. Of that, how little of what you said is anything other than right wing mythology. For example, cutting corporate taxes. Right wingers love them tax cuts but don't offset them with spending cuts. Under Bush Jr, we enacted enormous tax cuts for the wealthy. Yet the middle class and working classes saw erosion in their standard of living. You right wingers keep quoting from the echo chamber as if it were fact.

Also, this bit about how badly Obama has done. Keep repeating this lie and your brain will start to shrink in an attempt to get away from your mouth. Obama had done a fair job and a far better one than Bush Jr.

The real problem with this country right now is the concentration of wealth in the 1% and the near lock on legislation from...corporations! I wonder who Trump will represent?
still trolling:roll:

At least I hope so for your sake.

But least this time im actually talking to you:mrgreen:
I see you pretend the answer I give to one question you assign to another. You are very dishonest. You assert false statements, then try to pretend they were opinions. Then, instead of making an attempt to defend your false statements and your lame attempt to weasel out of them, you launch an attack on me. The you accuse me of trolling, which is exactly what you are doing now. Your holier-than-thou attitude renders you beneath my attention.
You start by doing landscaping or cleaning pools or pest control. Something simple and cheap to start. Then you build from there.

No, everyone cannot walk into a bank and get a loan for 1,000,000 dollars. I didnt say it was easy but it is the way to become self sufficient and even wealthy if you work hard at it.
Those businesses are not so easy to start. Mandated insurance, licenses and all the other stuff required by Federal, State, and local governmental agencies are a bitch, both in costs and navigation. Most of those I know who started businesses operated illegally for years just to get enough money to comply with regulations.
Can we put Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld on that list?
But it is a free Country, so you are more than welcome to start your own list....
I know that just like most other libs you would rather piggyback or copycat off of someone else & then try to take credit, but surely you can at least figure out how to make your own list.

If not, just private message me & I will be more than happy to help you get started....
Trump won't last much longer in this campaign. He's a joke.

Also, a joke is how much you write and how little you say. Of that, how little of what you said is anything other than right wing mythology. For example, cutting corporate taxes. Right wingers love them tax cuts but don't offset them with spending cuts. Under Bush Jr, we enacted enormous tax cuts for the wealthy. Yet the middle class and working classes saw erosion in their standard of living. You right wingers keep quoting from the echo chamber as if it were fact.

Also, this bit about how badly Obama has done. Keep repeating this lie and your brain will start to shrink in an attempt to get away from your mouth. Obama had done a fair job and a far better one than Bush Jr.

The real problem with this country right now is the concentration of wealth in the 1% and the near lock on legislation from...corporations! I wonder who Trump will represent?
So Trump is done huh?
Care to put your money where your blow hole is?? I'm willing to bet whatever you want that he will be among the final 3 candidates....
Hey does anyone else smell that??
That is the stench of liberal bias & hypocracy melting away anytime it's confronted! Lol

The only joke here is the one that I just made at your expense! :hump::hump::hump:
Those businesses are not so easy to start. Mandated insurance, licenses and all the other stuff required by Federal, State, and local governmental agencies are a bitch, both in costs and navigation. Most of those I know who started businesses operated illegally for years just to get enough money to comply with regulations.

You just demonstrated why 95% of people will never own their own business...

By the way, I said it wasnt easy which = hard but it is certainly possible.
So Trump is done huh?
Care to put your money where your blow hole is?? I'm willing to bet whatever you want that he will be among the final 3 candidates....
Hey does anyone else smell that??
That is the stench of liberal bias & hypocracy melting away anytime it's confronted! Lol

The only joke here is the one that I just made at your expense! :hump::hump::hump:

The last 3? Hedging your bets a bit eh? LOL!!!
The last 3? Hedging your bets a bit eh? LOL!!!
Hey The lib said Trump was done, so I was originally gna bet him that one of the other 7 candidates drops out b4 Trump, but then I decided to at least give him a fighting chance....
So Trump is done huh?
Care to put your money where your blow hole is?? I'm willing to bet whatever you want that he will be among the final 3 candidates....
Hey does anyone else smell that??
That is the stench of liberal bias & hypocracy melting away anytime it's confronted! Lol

The only joke here is the one that I just made at your expense! :hump::hump::hump:
All right, I'll bet you a gazillion pasetas that he doesn't win. I don't know how you can send your payment from Bizarro World but we can figure it out later.

This from somebody that thinks his mom is reading this and can be insulted by what's posted here. Maybe she is monitoring her child like any good mom?

Actually, you are the embodiment of Trumps support. And why his candidacy is a joke show.
Trump won't last much longer in this campaign. He's a joke.

Also, a joke is how much you write and how little you say. Of that, how little of what you said is anything other than right wing mythology. For example, cutting corporate taxes. Right wingers love them tax cuts but don't offset them with spending cuts. Under Bush Jr, we enacted enormous tax cuts for the wealthy. Yet the middle class and working classes saw erosion in their standard of living. You right wingers keep quoting from the echo chamber as if it were fact.

Also, this bit about how badly Obama has done. Keep repeating this lie and your brain will start to shrink in an attempt to get away from your mouth. Obama had done a fair job and a far better one than Bush Jr.

The real problem with this country right now is the concentration of wealth in the 1% and the near lock on legislation from...corporations! I wonder who Trump will represent?

Well after last nights debate it clearly showed who was sponsered by corporate business in the crowd lol and also note that looks like Trump yet again schooled the others
All right, I'll bet you a gazillion pasetas that he doesn't win. I don't know how you can send your payment from Bizarro World but we can figure it out later.

This from somebody that thinks his mom is reading this and can be insulted by what's posted here. Maybe she is monitoring her child like any good mom?

Actually, you are the embodiment of Trumps support. And why his candidacy is a joke show.
Hahahahaha! Hey look everybody at how quick the lib went from saying that Trump is about done to now saying that Trump won't win!
You're the type that will tell someone how bad their team sucks during a game & then after their team wins you say something stupid like "I bet a gazillion fairy dollars that they won't win the SuperBowl."
You sir are the embodiment of a loser libtard!
You start by doing landscaping or cleaning pools or pest control. Something simple and cheap to start. Then you build from there.

No, everyone cannot walk into a bank and get a loan for 1,000,000 dollars. I didnt say it was easy but it is the way to become self sufficient and even wealthy if you work hard at it.

yep, scrubbing pools for $20 a pop is a certain path to wealth.

heck, you're wealthy, right?

Those businesses are not so easy to start. Mandated insurance, licenses and all the other stuff required by Federal, State, and local governmental agencies are a bitch, both in costs and navigation. Most of those I know who started businesses operated illegally for years just to get enough money to comply with regulations.

you're full of shit red.

it took me 3 minutes and $50 to register an LLC online.

then it took another 30 minutes and $500 down to get insurance going, with $100 monthly installation payments.

i don't know whether you are just repeating all that fox news dogma you crowd your stupid mind with, or if you really are this much of a failure that you cannot even try, but you certainly don't know anyone who has started a business.

spew your shit elsewhere, klanman.
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