Sounds complicated but sounds like it would work. Fuck if I lived on a farm I'd be loving it, yous do get it tight down there tho with all that fuel and fags they be smuggling lol.
Never been out mesel, big mortgage tied round my neck so would always have been awkward, livin comfortably enough ATM and bein at home I'm happy, done my share of working long hours away from home, wanna concentrate on my grows a bit more now instead. I know a joiner that worked out there a long time from round your area
Ahh man it's brutal, but it's called bandit country for a reason lol
Id always been one of the "anti-drug" people, if only I'd caught on & grew sooner haha
But wasn't great growing up in the troubles, looking back.
The American girlfriend got a bit of an eye opener
I know exactly what you mean, I went out when I was a cub so it suited 100%. Quickly found an area in the Bronx called, Woodlawn. It's like being down south.
I couldn't do it now, though. No mortgage or anything, just I'm too old & set in my ways to go through it all again.
Ohh yeah? I'd probably know him hi, most lads land out and say they're a carpenter "joiner" & them never been on a site haha
Is he private or in a union? if I could do without the ganja I'd try the union, they drug test.
To be honest, I never got my hands on any savage clones or anything. I think I'd of been better branching out to Cali or Colorado or somewhere it was more accepted.
Pot heads in NY, couldn't tell you what it is never mind how to grow it or find it.
a few of my buddies got me into it, but they all eventually moved, Boston, San Fran or Philly.
So I only really grew from seed or my own clones
I remember most strains, but breeders I'm not so sure. I keep everything though, so I'll go over some old things and edit later.
Pictures will follow later.
Easy kush (first grow)
SNS (sage n sour)
GDP (granddaddy purple)
SD (Sour Diesel)
Critical mass
Purple kush
Blackberry kush
SSH (super silver haze)
DP - blueberry
Alien bubba berry
Strawberry cheesecake
Lemmon kush
Snow ryder
Purple haze
Jack flash, #5 I think.
I know there's more, I just can't think off my head.
I had germed a strain called "money maker" & white widow, I germed them on the tissue on a plate sat on my optimum DVR box, that was around November, unfortunately I did have to make unplanned travel arrangements & didn't get back to early December
My girlfriend has grown a few auto's, she buys the seeds & im left with them. (Fucking hate autos)
Grew a few bag seed now & again too just for that little extra surprise.
I'll post the pics once I get back to NY