Donald Trump

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Quit hiring them & they will go's the business owners fault not the immigrants
What are you going to do about the situation of illegals living off the hand outs given to their anchor babies? If they self deport their family, public assistance goes away.
Yes I have been staying up on the emails. They are in deep doo doo. I can see it in the enthusiasm and low turn outs when Bill or Hillary speak to there over the hill supporters. All I seen was mostly very old people with a discussed look on their faces. There done. TRUMP!
I think they will just delay the FBI investigation until after the election.....kinda like the supreme court judge
we are a wealthy country.....I doubt it will break us...although trump would probably file bankruptcy over it
How are we going to afford it? By raising taxes and sending more jobs to Mexico? Last time I checked, the national debt is around 20 trillion. We are on a path to bankruptcy right now. Take a look at the omnibus. Establishment GOP/DNC are teaming up to fuck us
I think they will just delay the FBI investigation until after the election.....kinda like the supreme court judge

Hey doublejj, That could be, who the hell knows at this point. I didn't know until today that there is a three month rule if a politician is indicted during an election , it can not be issued until after the election if it is under three months to election day. So the Clintons can be very worried until August 1st.

A judge just recently wants to hear from Clintons aids under oath about emails , private and public Emails. And possibly depose Hillary again under oath. I believe if she steps down soon it will be better for her in the long term. IMO TRUMP!
How are we going to afford it? By raising taxes and sending more jobs to Mexico? Last time I checked, the national debt is around 20 trillion. We are on a path to bankruptcy right now. Take a look at the omnibus. Establishment GOP/DNC are teaming up to fuck us

We could sell Yosemite, Yellowstone.....
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One vote for pinestraw.
How are we going to afford it? By raising taxes and sending more jobs to Mexico? Last time I checked, the national debt is around 20 trillion. We are on a path to bankruptcy right now. Take a look at the omnibus. Establishment GOP/DNC are teaming up to fuck us

You got that right. We ran out of money already. The left always says there is lots of money and only 5% of americans are looking for a job. Our political hacks that are in control have down graded what a collage degree means any more. Even the lefties on this forum talk about how much smarter they are than everybody else and they continue to back up stupid shit that makes no sense at all about real numbers. Its no wonder the USA ranks number 30 in the world and you hear the left brag about there papers like it means something anymore. TRUMP!
How are we going to afford it? By raising taxes and sending more jobs to Mexico? Last time I checked, the national debt is around 20 trillion. We are on a path to bankruptcy right now. Take a look at the omnibus. Establishment GOP/DNC are teaming up to fuck us
Start making some of these corporations pay some fucking taxes.
You got that right. We ran out of money already. The left always says there is lots of money and only 5% of americans are looking for a job. Our political hacks that are in control have down graded what a collage degree means any more. Even the lefties on this forum talk about how much smarter they are than everybody else and they continue to back up stupid shit that makes no sense at all about real numbers. Its no wonder the USA ranks number 30 in the world and you hear the left brag about there papers like it means something anymore. TRUMP!

No, we're not broke yet, Big Oil needs help with melting ice caps.
Now weather or not the spoils come back to "us" is another matter.

Now the smart thing to do would tax the Oil Industry.

Edit:Unless your intent was to be bankrupt.
All the dudes bitching about Mexicans taking all of our money.. Have you seen where the US budget goes? It's not the Mexicans taking all the money, it's the military.
Can't hate on some Mexicans trying to pick your tomatos, no one from the states wants to do the shitty jobs for low pay anyways.
People already bitch about how much food costs, we can't afford to pay white people to pick the fruit, mow lawns, do dishes, cook. Don't hate on them for trying to make a life..
I bet 90% of you buy clothes from Bangladesh and China and fucked up third world countries that are stealing good jobs from our people.. But no one cares because they don't want to pay 30 bucks for a tshirt.
There is also a problem with black culture in the United States. Explain gang-violence. Please. And then explain violent crime rate. And then explain why Asian-Americans have higher average IQs and incomes than native whites, despite being in a marginalized minority.

wow, it's like he's copying david duke verbatim.
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