box of wonders

I took 2ci and went for the absolute best night ride in a long time, 15-20 miles at night, tripping balls like it was LSD... No nausea or anything, this is rapidly becoming my fav.
Check out erowid, search their trip reports for user CallMeGhost! I got a few in submission stage, but a couple already through and submitted. Looks nice, I'd post a link but my phone is being mañaco
LSD at one point was a research chemical...
But you are right so far. So far I've have a lot of decent visuals and headspace but just not the Chutzpa that lsd has.

Here is a link to my page on erowid. Hopefully the bunch of trip reports i just submitted gets accepted. Tonight is _300 mics LSD+ Syrian rue. Anyone wanna help me figure out when to dose the rue? No scale so I was either
Gonna eat a handful and eat it an hour before the LSD

Crush a handful and put into a blunt to smoke on the peak
I'm gonna have to wait on 13 hits til after my dogs surgery. But since I forgot to check my diet today I'm thinking I'll just do allylescaline cause it has colorful visuals and lasts about as long as cid, and combine it with 300 mics.
Allylescaline has about a 2 hour come up.
LSD about 45 minutes. I'll probably take the allylescaline around 9ish and the lsd around 10.
I'm on 2ct4 and 4ho mipt right now, the 2ct4 is definitely lacking. A lot. When I took the 4ho Mipt it seemed to take over the trip. Stomach distress tho my God

Allylescaline is probably my new favorite of all time. The headspace that thing gives me... Plus the jumbled headspace of LSD? = clear and precise thought patterns. Once I have time to write it down... The allylescaline+ LSD combo seemed to put into words all of those things we can't put into words. It was simply beautiful. The one tiny dose of Syrian rue I took with weed made the tiny bit of weed last hours as opposed to 15-30 minutes. Awesome. I'm not sure what else I've done since my last update since I'm tripping right now. This combo is a bunch of loose headspace and very euphoric. Like why am I feeling so good? I don't know but it feels good.
Not very visual at all
I tried <0.01 gram each of 2cp and 2cd.

I am in love.

I have never ever ever ever ever x infinity (lol) been blasted that high and that far off such a tiny dose!
Had a friend ask me for 2cp, they brought a 0.01 scale, I gave them 0.21 grams (12 super strong trips or 20ish good trips) of 2cp. has 0.15~ as a heavy dose. I had spilled a little and it was not registering (had to be less than 0.01 g) so naturally I scoop it up and eat it. About an hour maybe less I decide to eat some 2cd, because I had some on my own scale (same situation, a little dust but not enough to register at 0.01 h increments) I scoop that up. About an hour later feeling maybe +1 but my movies over so I go to sleep. When I get to my basement I see red and blue and orange lights around me, but real close like I'm inside of an egg. Its semi dark but not totally black in my basement. When I got into bed, I had unique visuals. They were earth tone (most of my visuals heretofore are neon colored) dark forest green. Navy blue. Red (darker shade) yellow. Browns and tans, on q mostly black background. They made up things that seemed more organic than usual (not mechanical, almost as if they had a mind of their own) the visuals responded very very swiftly to my mental state, although I hadn't planned on tripping so I wasn't as prepared as I could have been. But I still switched the visuals at whim (more like this less of those wow that was nice, again. No I don't like...) They seemed to be whole, larger geometric shapes (squares, ribbons, flat panels) covered in scratch marks (like writing) that seemed to convey language to me. Opening my eyes, I saw next to nothing. Just billowy airy, it seemed thick and a fog over everything. With the light on.
With lights off, or dim, again CEV dominated everything. During my peak, CEV and OEV were the same. Nothing in my room really existed as it should have been, and I had a woooonderful headspace really nice.around +3 hours the CEV stopped dominating everything, and I noticed the backgrounds were going extremely acid-like. As if I had eaten 500+mics. I tripped BALLS for about 8 hours or so, then another 6-8 hours of tripping
I dropped around 11:30. When I went to work I felt as if I was seeing visuals akin to 3-400 mics LSD. That was as 9 am!! Can't wait to do it again, although I slept like a rock the last couple o nights and my breaks lol. Really drained but amaaaaaazing feel. Awesome headspace, felt voices talking to me. Felt tapped in. I felt like
This is it. This is "the" it. Visuals responding to my thoughts? Check. Amazing headspace? Check. Dumbass strong doseage... Might need to be a little more careful lol, but I still feel as though it was relatively weak dose and could have been stronger with more.
I tried <0.01 gram each of 2cp and 2cd.

I am in love.

I have never ever ever ever ever x infinity (lol) been blasted that high and that far off such a tiny dose!
Had a friend ask me for 2cp, they brought a 0.01 scale, I gave them 0.21 grams (12 super strong trips or 20ish good trips) of 2cp. has 0.15~ as a heavy dose. I had spilled a little and it was not registering (had to be less than 0.01 g) so naturally I scoop it up and eat it. About an hour maybe less I decide to eat some 2cd, because I had some on my own scale (same situation, a little dust but not enough to register at 0.01 h increments) I scoop that up. About an hour later feeling maybe +1 but my movies over so I go to sleep. When I get to my basement I see red and blue and orange lights around me, but real close like I'm inside of an egg. Its semi dark but not totally black in my basement. When I got into bed, I had unique visuals. They were earth tone (most of my visuals heretofore are neon colored) dark forest green. Navy blue. Red (darker shade) yellow. Browns and tans, on q mostly black background. They made up things that seemed more organic than usual (not mechanical, almost as if they had a mind of their own) the visuals responded very very swiftly to my mental state, although I hadn't planned on tripping so I wasn't as prepared as I could have been. But I still switched the visuals at whim (more like this less of those wow that was nice, again. No I don't like...) They seemed to be whole, larger geometric shapes (squares, ribbons, flat panels) covered in scratch marks (like writing) that seemed to convey language to me. Opening my eyes, I saw next to nothing. Just billowy airy, it seemed thick and a fog over everything. With the light on.
With lights off, or dim, again CEV dominated everything. During my peak, CEV and OEV were the same. Nothing in my room really existed as it should have been, and I had a woooonderful headspace really nice.around +3 hours the CEV stopped dominating everything, and I noticed the backgrounds were going extremely acid-like. As if I had eaten 500+mics. I tripped BALLS for about 8 hours or so, then another 6-8 hours of tripping
I dropped around 11:30. When I went to work I felt as if I was seeing visuals akin to 3-400 mics LSD. That was as 9 am!! Can't wait to do it again, although I slept like a rock the last couple o nights and my breaks lol. Really drained but amaaaaaazing feel. Awesome headspace, felt voices talking to me. Felt tapped in. I felt like
This is it. This is "the" it. Visuals responding to my thoughts? Check. Amazing headspace? Check. Dumbass strong doseage... Might need to be a little more careful lol, but I still feel as though it was relatively weak dose and could have been stronger with more.

2c 2c 2c 2c 2c

the most amazing drug series, all so unique and beautiful. And people won't even give them a second thought because of the 'research chemical' branding
I was beginning to feel an ego death too, like stuff was melting away, if I had let it. The best part... It was all subjective to what I thought. Like it reacted to me, sure the visuals kept coming but if I wanted different shapes or colors... I got it. I feel like it communicated with me, but in a way that I forgot immediately. I'm glad you've been recommending the 2cx's cause just taking the couple I have... Wow just wow. Felt like face melting super high dose of LSD. Absolutely beautiful and calm. Just kept me fully awake though, and at part my heart rate went to maybe 100-110 BPM, my resting hr is around 60-70 bpm
Just picked up a milligram scale. This thing is pretty awesome. I put next to nothing on the scale... And its weighing at 0.020! Wow that's the upper end of the heavy dose of 2cp! Like waaaay too much to take right now!
Always surprises people how little you need of the 2c's when you measure out the powder properly and look at it. Have the same scale but it broke :sad: luckily I've memorized an eye amount for most of them, eye-balled some 2cb for a friend the other night at his house, said he wanted to make sure it was right, bet him an 1/8th of weed that it would be exactly 22mg's. Guess who's an 1/8th of weed happier :blsmoke:
LSD at one point was a research chemical...
But you are right so far. So far I've have a lot of decent visuals and headspace but just not the Chutzpa that lsd has.
Have you tried 1p-lsd? from what I read it has the same headspace as LSD.
2cb is the only 2c I don't have
2cb is my personal favorite in the 2c family, though I have yet to try them all. But damn I love 2cb. If you do get the chance take 25mg and a dose and get stung lol. I watched a towel covered in peace signs my homie had over his window turn into graffiti that covered the whole wall, his floor looked like it was covered in a thin layer of smoke and the patterns on his couch were literally jumping off at me. When we walked outside for a cigarette the whole ground was a swirl of color with no real detail to it but one of the most fantastic things I've ever seen none the less. I've eaten a lot of psychs since I started on this long strange trip when I was 16 and nothing has given me visuals like that.
So how am I suppose to dose this 2CD stuff?

I didn't know it takes a whole gram of the pure GHB to equal a dose.. I'm little scared to drink that much.. So if I die thanks bro.. Lolz