box of wonders

How do you not get the liquid shits on mescaline?? I took allyescaline last night... I don't regret it.... But my intestines do fo sho
Every Monday. Here is my plan for it:

I found out most of these are rarer to get, so I would feel bad just eating all myself and being selfish. So I'm going to do something for the community, each Monday I will take a triptamine in: threshold dose, light dose, medium dose, and IF I like how it effects me, I will take a heavy dose.
Every Wednesday I will take a phenethalamine, at the same (whatever erowid suggests)

I will be submitting a trip report to erowid too
Each trip:
I will fast for a minimum of 5 hours
I will ONLY take one substance (no weed or anything else!)
I will be in a quiet, semi dark room. I will research trip reports and information on whichever one I am doing at that moment, 24 hours in advance and get my mindset to focus completely on that one.

I am looking for anything that is entheogenic, or empathogenic.

Last night I took a little more 2ce, it felt good, maybe 2 mg dose. I almost felt like I could have done it at work I was so clear headed. I play the mobile game "Darkness Reborn" and there is a player vs. player mode, which I suck at. For 1 year of playing I never got any kills or anything. Always died in it. On 2ce I got 10 kills in about 20 minutes, and 30 assists, and developed some kind of strategy to it, which helped me not die every 10 seconds. My concentration was on point, I think I could have focused on anything and it would have been easy to understand or do.

I just weighed out a bit for a friend of mine who wanted to test some 4aco det (rapidly becoming one of my all time favs) and I spilled some trying to get it in the container so, I just had to lick it up before pinche Sombra right? Was planning on waiting till Monday cause I'm exhausted, I hope I didn't eat too much lol
every time I've taken mescaline.... full system purge. I think it is important to fast and really watch your diet the day before ....
Well said. :)

Impurities especially with the typical American diet should be taken accounted for, for sure.
The 2ce is wonderful! It seems to have a real long half life tho because I was still tripping yesterday until early afternoon
The 4aco det, I've let 4-5 people try it, and its over within 6 hours, and they've all enjoyed it immensely! I'm thinking the other triptamines will be about the same length too I hope!
The 2ce is wonderful! It seems to have a real long half life tho because I was still tripping yesterday until early afternoon
2ce lasts about 10 hours usually, unless re-dosing. With the 2c's I notice you can continuously just dose up small amounts and drag it on forever
2ce lasts about 10 hours usually, unless re-dosing. With the 2c's I notice you can continuously just dose up small amounts and drag it on forever
In my experience with the 2c family, on there own they tend to only last about 6 hrs. The exception being when I tried 2cb, due to the fact that I've only ever tried it mixed with L and that's an adventure you better be ready for.
Well I took 2ce about 10 pm and another dose around midnight. It feels a lot like acid, which scares me cause after doing it a couple times makes me think dishonest people could easily sell it as acid, it definitely doesn't feel the exact same tho. When I took the allylescaline it lasted till about 10-11 the next morning, about 12-13 hours, but I was blazing at work, I got all my shit done super fast, its like the small doses of triptamines followed by larger doses of phenethylamines followed by more triptamines is making me super efficient at work, but sometimes I do dumb things lol like Friday (after 4aco det) I got a whole bucket of oil when I needed soy sauce... D'oh! Weed potentiates these A lot! I tried smoking some blue dream (I hate that strain but all I been smoking is reggie bush) on top of some 2ce I think that's why I tripped so long! When I take a phenethylamine (2cd or 2ce so far, and allylescaline) it seemsy visuals are stacked on top of each other, like the floor reflects the wall reflects the floor etc. But low doses I have a focus that I didn't know I had! I tripped 2ce and went to work, to find out that from 10-12 I had to make 7 boxes of chips, AND someone bet my friend $5 that I would not make it at all. Guess what? I was finished at 11:01!!! Blew his mind, my buddy should spilt his winnings with me! I literally had everything done super early and was walking around like now what give me something to do guys? Its weird, its like I was running on E (no gas... No sleep!!) But was still fresh and ready! I tripped 6 days in the last 8 and I feel amazing )my body feels 250%, my mind feels sharp as a tack) I introduced a couple coworkers to 4aco det, blew their minds! And it was cheap for them, maybe 1/4 what they would have paid for 6-7 g shrooms, so I feel good cause I saved them money and they had a better trip then what they were expecting!
Sombra injured his foot last week so I can't go out with him to trip in the woods, but I need a little tolerance break anyway. Where's good ol LSD when you need it lol?
I might try one of these psychedelic stimulants next to see if a low dose is "work-on-able"
I think my 2cx adventures last so long because I always double dose (second dose an hour or two later) sometimes one more dose at +3:00
I've had 2ce and 2ci on there own then like I said the b mix. And it's an adventure you will never forget lol 25mg of 2cb and one hit of acid (I believe it was np mop up if I remember correctly). I've never had such intense visuals in my life. It was phenomenal. The other two, I don't have anything negative to say about them really but I'd never go out of my way to find them either.