box of wonders

Looks legit. I want to believe you because it is just comforting to know this box exists! Either one elaborate prank or that shit is real. I M obligated to be skeptical cuz this is the internet after all, but I'm all in on this one... I believe it's real !
holy shit.... fuck it and go with the 2ci first
that haloperidol is an anti psychotic ... if you take too much of something I bet that haloperidol will jolt you right out of it .... probably turn you into a zombie for a while too
... if Mr. e Duck was around he'd tell you never fuck with drugs that bring you out of a trip, I bet. ride that shit out... unless you are deep into one of those trips Cando talks about
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no 2cb or dom? :((

If you're looking for a very spiritual and enlightening experience that 2ce will work wonders for you. And 2ci is a very very weird and fun one, 1 gram would last you quite a while. Salivating just looking at that list
Ok brothers... Here it is. The LIST. the penultimate LIST. what should I take? What do you think I should not take? What should I run away from screaming nooooooooo!!?

25 C nbombe
5meo dmt
Wild lettuce (lol)
25i nbombe
5meo dipt
10x passion flower extract
Copal resin
Syrian rue (ayahuasca!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
4aco set
4aco mipt
25b nbombe
4aco dipt
25b nbombe
4 ho Milt fumarate
Ghb (vanilla sky aqua)
25d nbombe
5meo mipt
10* blue lotus extract
Doc HCl
5 Mel amt
Mescaline nbombe
That list is insane!!!
Been busy. Moved into anew place yesterday.
Took the wild lettuce and blue lotus 10x, put a little of each in a blunt. I did not have high hopes, I mean lettuce? Got back inside pretty stoned, woke up an hour later really really stoned now, feeling a slight psychedelic come up, and somehow with no memory of smoking that stuff. Really started to get a buzzy feeling and turned on the lights to make sure I wasn't really tripping, did I accidentally touch one of these powders or something? And I trace it back... Ooooh. Wild lettuce and blue lotus. Finally calm down, and begin to enjoy the feeling (was really nice unless you thought you were only smoking weed) and I had se beautiful cev, like a giant flower or thin yellow layer or cellophane morphing and rotating slowly. Somehow I had an amazing headspace buzz too, clear thinking although it was also clearly not gonna make sense if you're sober
I've got either Sunday or Monday lined up to trip with the dude that gave me this magic.
One of the Mipt/dipt ones?
5meo dmt?
Or one of the mescaline analogues?
Yeah, hoping someone can recommend a good one as I am completely unfamiliar with most of these.
There's barely any 5meodmt, so I might save that one where I can try to add some Syrian rue or the b. Caapi.
I liked 4acodmt, I'm kinda looking at 4acodipt or 4acomipt cause it has the 4aco part in it.
For ingesting, any particular pointers? I usually just eat blotter papers, these are all powders. I have heard of parachuting, where you roll it up in toilet paper and eat it, I also have 100s of empty pills and weigh boats designed to dose into the pills (little hole the capsule can fit on, and you tap the powder in)
I personally have only eaten powders (or snort like with MDMA, coke etc) but I prefer not to snort. Should I try to dissolve in water like I have done, eat the shit as is, put it in the pill? I got enough 2ci I could dose a lot of blotter papers just so its familiar, but I won't have time before Sunday/monday
I hope you have some good .001 scales to use, a lot of those are very dose sensitive and only require a very small dose (especially those 2c's)

Just weigh and fill some empty caps / pills and down the hatch. Of course erowid has a lot of information on all of those so just check out the doses for each method of ingestion and choose which one suites you best. Personally I actually like to snort the 2c series a lot of the time, literally the most painful things you will put up your nose but the times they kick in instantly snorting it is crazy and the pain only intensifies it and focuses it i find. Although of course it does last for a shorter duration so I often take an oral dose and then lay out small amounts to bump during the trip if i want to extend it or take it further. My vote is still to take one of the 2c's still my favorite drug series, each one of them is very unique and very useful in their own way
One tiny fingerdip into the 4aco det and I'm feeling threshold effects, extremely similar to low dose of mushrooms. Very similar taste as well. Redosed twice
(tiny finger dip, about => o <= that much each time) after the third my vision is a bit cloudy like something is about to happen. Its only been about an hour since the first one, should be good to determine a nice baseline
I mean I can't safely recommend this ( don't hold me responsible ) but if you're like me and just eye ball crap I like to use just plastic drinking straws as scoops. Cut about 2 inches length off for a nice length scoop, cut out a section about 1/2 a cm bit more if you want a slightly larger scoop, average spoon full will be about 10mg. Of course depending on how thick the powder is, if its finely powdered or still quite crystalline etc etc many factors but its a semi-reliable rough method of dosing i use pretty much all the time with great success (often find its a little on the lighter side so somewhat safer than fully guessing)

AA battery for random size comparison


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I need a high def camera lol I messaged erowid about my goodies, about 10-15 of them is very little info!
@Noinch the one I sampled has a threshold dose of 1-2 mg. I wanna say I took about 5-6 mg total, but I kinda spread it too long, I was trying to redose and my mom made me clean the kitchen lol so i think it took too long. I'm going to get a scale that measures out 0.01 grams, but looks like I will have to borrow a better one before I try putting them in pills
I've got like 2-3 grams of some of this shit... I think 2.5+ grams 2ci

Threshold dose for the 4aco det is roughly 1 milligram, roughly=>o<= that size. Really shrooms feeling I like it, but the effects on my stomach are :/
I took about 1-2 mg last night and took my dog for a walk. Started to feel a bit funny (like I had eaten 1 cap of weak shrooms or something) about halfway through. Real light energetic feeling, would be perfect for a microdose IMO, redosed when I came back inside (1mg more) barely any added feeling. Redosed again after I cleaned the kitchen and effects got slightly better.
Today took about 5milligrams sublingually, and then as I was rushing out I put just a teensy bit more on my finger and licked it. Went for walk with the dog, got lost in nature for a few hours. Light breathing of shapes, trees etc. Seemed to get real in tune with nature, after about an hour, maybe 1:15 I was peaking, everything I could see was breathing, and felt good. It feels a lot like shrooms, and the downside so far is that its made me go to the bathroom a whole lot more than I thought was possible on a fairly empty stomach, but I still have to take that big dose ;)