Yeah, hoping someone can recommend a good one as I am completely unfamiliar with most of these.
There's barely any 5meodmt, so I might save that one where I can try to add some Syrian rue or the b. Caapi.
I liked 4acodmt, I'm kinda looking at 4acodipt or 4acomipt cause it has the 4aco part in it.
For ingesting, any particular pointers? I usually just eat blotter papers, these are all powders. I have heard of parachuting, where you roll it up in toilet paper and eat it, I also have 100s of empty pills and weigh boats designed to dose into the pills (little hole the capsule can fit on, and you tap the powder in)
I personally have only eaten powders (or snort like with MDMA, coke etc) but I prefer not to snort. Should I try to dissolve in water like I have done, eat the shit as is, put it in the pill? I got enough 2ci I could dose a lot of blotter papers just so its familiar, but I won't have time before Sunday/monday