box of wonders

In my experience with the 2c family, on there own they tend to only last about 6 hrs. The exception being when I tried 2cb, due to the fact that I've only ever tried it mixed with L and that's an adventure you better be ready for.

A lot of them have different duration's although most including 2ci 2cb and several others last 6 hours orally and about 3 insufflated 2ce on the other hand does last longer orally.

2ce is definitely an interesting one, its a very neutral psychedelic, doesn't particularly make you feel a certain way just intensifies what you're already thinking and feeling thus why its a very useful psychedelic for self exploration and spirituality
Tried 4ho Mipt
4aco det
4ho Mipt + allylescaline
4aco det +2ce
4ho Mipt + 2ce
4aco det + 2ci

Gave away to some friends
4aco det
4ho Mipt

I got a volunteer to sample the tryptamines, he's not too interested in phenethylamines so his reports will all be a week apart and tryptamine based.
I gave myself quite the tolerance and need a break from this shit lolol about to blast the fuck off on some crystal LSD my buddy has graciously led me to (he bought me a plane ticket to go to these people house, there's like 6 of us and 2 sitters) good night!
Love you guys and maybe when I float back down we can try to help po' Mikey here to not have such problems with phenethylamines... I'm not sure if I've gotten a proper dose as I seem to "eliminate" a lot of the dose before it has a chance to absorb into me. Maybe a problem with my method of intake?
Not sure where I left off so since I have some time...
Gave my buddy "J" about 0.03 g of 4aco det, he split it with one of his friends, skinnydude. J ate 0.018 g, skinnydude ate the remainder. J said it felt exactly like a 2 hour shroom trip, except it didn't last as long as he wanted so he said next time give me a bit more and it would be perfect. Skinnydude gave me a hug at work and said that it was the best feeling he ever had. No strong visuals (I assume he took less than 0.01 g) just the wavy kind like you get on an acid come up. But he said internally and emotionally he felt absolutely amazing.

I tried microdosing 4aco det a bit more, and roughly 0.01 grams makes me feel unstoppable for about a day or so, my mind is clear, I have slight visual distortion but nothing serious. I seem to feel more efficient, like i manage my time a lot more the day after. I've been doing the microdose every other day/every three days. I feel more full of energy too, like going for walks and just doing things in general seem to be more enjoyable. The effects are very very gradually going down so I'm going to take a break for a bit on it. My memory seemed to improve too. I'm no doctor, but I definitely think 4aco det would be useful for depression, anxiety, creativity, performance enhancement, concentration.

I tried 2ci, approximately <0.01, and after about 30-45 minutes i purged... I had tried all day to not eat anything, to make sure I would be able to stomach it. However right at the end of work I got a free beer and had to rush drinking it cause my ride was leaving. I ingested the 2ci orally approx 30-45 minutes after the beer. I still tripped tho, and this one was interesting. OEV were mainly the constantly flowing surfaces, again, similar to a low level LSD trip. However, CEV were very Smokey shaped (but clear) vivid pink and greens swirling constantly. If I opened my eyes I couldn't see any pink or green, just the slowly flowing surfaces. When I closed them the pink and green immediately came back. I think it was kind of unique because usually if I have CEV, I see the same things but much fainter with open eyes. I tested it by putting my blanket over my hear. OEV was just swirling dark colored dots (in almost complete darkness) CEV were again the very vivid pink and bright green. I could not project the colors ontoy blankets.

The 4ho Mipt gave me basically the same feel as the 4aco det, but it seems to take just a bit more to blast off the same way. 0.015 g of 4ho Mipt will seemingly give the same trip as 0.02 g 4aco det
J sampled the 4ho Mipt at 0.01 g (erowid says a moderate dose is 0.015-0.025ish) so personally I think he could have tried a bit more and been satisfied. He said it was a little weaker than the 4aco det, I told him next time I'd give him a bit more.

Tried the 4aco det with 2ce and at a later date 2cd. They seemed to complement each other nicely, although I did get a bit nauseous and spent some time in the bathroom watching the tiles dance.

Tried allylescaline with 4ho Mipt, and decided that I had tripped a bit much as i never got past a level 1.5. I also could have ingested them closer together and it would have been much stronger I think. I did get really blurry visuals and colored lights OEV and CEV, and the whole room looked like it was filled with fog that slowly changed colors.
2cd+ 2ce I misplaced my bag of 2ce right after dosing and when I decided about 10 minutes into it I should take a little more I couldn't find 2ce so I went with a redose of 2cd. Couldn't tell that I had taken a new substance but the original trip got a little better. I say this because when I did 2cx + tryptamine, I could definitely tell there was different kinds of something's working inside of me.

I also did notice on the 2cx's I got severe cramps in my legs, it might have been because I was stretching (that feels soooooooooooo good when you trip) and then outta nowhere I get a charlie horse and almost fall outta bed. I've been mixing these tryptamines and phenethylamines every other day or every other other day, and the tolerance seems to be building slightly, but I haven't done any of them since Friday. I think I might try again next Monday, how much tolerance would acid throw in the mix?
I want to up the dose but I don't wanna throw it up and waste it lol I think next time I get offered free booze the day in had planned to trip I'm gonna decline
I want to up the dose but I don't wanna throw it up and waste it lol I think next time I get offered free booze the day in had planned to trip I'm gonna decline
I find it absorbs before you can throw it up, if you feel nausea's its already in your system. Throwing up just makes you feel better haha, luckily I barely ever even feel any kind of nausea on the 2c's
OK cool I'll have to remember it. I probably would not recommend 2ci for a microdose. I think 2ce was really good cause as you said it just amplified what I was already feeling and it didn't make me feel sick
For some reason it won't let me edit. I just realized I said at one point that 4aco det was stronger than 4ho Mipt, then later I said 0.015 g of 4ho Mipt was about equal to 0.02 g of 4act det. I got that backwards.

In my opinion, and J's opinion (he has tried both of them one week apart) the 4aco det at about 0.02 would be about the same as 4ho Mipt at 0.025-0.03. Sorry for any confusion
Tried to revisit allylescaline on a fully empty stomach and with no alcohol or anything.

Took 15 mg of Allylescaline around 10 pm. and decided right away to add another 10. About an hour or so into actually tripping so probably +2-2.5 hours I took 10 mg again and then about 15-30 minutes after that took an additional 10. Weird visuals, I'll try to describe lol. I stayed online for a while last night to judge how fucked up I felt. After about 30 minutes of dose 1 I had a tingling body load, at 1 hour and change I noticed that all letters started changing font and sizes. Bold, not bold, script, block letters, bubbly letters, sunken in letters, twisted 3d letters. And it would gonin shifts like from right to left it all got bolder and then turned to Gothic style font and back into skinny font etc. I was beginning to have a very hard time reading so I focused on my dark room to see if there was any other sensation. I began to see faint but sharp pictures in my mind of just some of the craziest things... None of the scenes made sense they were fast moving and constantly changing everything. I turned the lights on and... Nothing! Barely saw anything (except the grain in the wood and the tile pattern was dancing, and looking like water! This went on for a while and once I got the focus of what I was seeing I tried to read again (the book I am a strange loop) and due to some crazy shit I was reading, and a very weird essay I had read earlier stating that Hebrews were actually Neanderthals in the fossil record and some other quite bizzare stuff, my mind just blanked and I began to have a quite terrifying (from the human perspective I guess, it was vivid and weird and encompassed all-ness) mental aspect that we humans are a science experiment, we are part of a cosmic joke and were never supposed to have intelligent thought, that different races were.actually different outer space aliens. Weird bizzare and kinda scary, as these thoughts began to build. I put the book down, and turned the lights off, and back on again to see if it affected the visuals, which bit did. The more the lights were on and the brighter it was the hazier my vision and the sharper the visuals in my CEV. Like they would just multiply. Pieces of one visual would fall apart and morph into other visuals which made one larger visual object. Spent a few hours reading the history of the Aztec people, and it felt like I had lived many lifetimes as different Aztecs and I experienced what it was like to be Aztec. That was mental imagery through the use of pictures or paintings, I would look at the pictures of an Aztec in battle gear and felt myself being that guy. Its about 8 hours later and I still feel fucked up but its diminishing, rather quickly after I ate, just a nice steady slowing of the tripping sensations

All in all, 180° opposite of what I experienced the first time! No urge to spend hours in the bathroom unable to move from the "throne"
I did smoke weed, initially at about +1 hour, basically right before the visuals got intense, couldn't have timed it better if I tried, was not going for the synchronicity or anything, just wanted to smoke a tiny bit of weed. Also again at around 4:20 am when the effects were fully active. It seemed to make the trip linger a bit, however, both times after smoking, I didn't feel "high" from the weed, just weirder from the Al
Yes. There are so few trip reports on allylescaline tho so I was gonna take it slow to make sure I don't overdo it. I'll be upping the doses though as I gain experience. Today I'm gonna eat 1 mg LSD by myself in my house alone and in the dark. I just feel super comfy with LSD but some of these are so different in their feel I wanna be a little cautious
Yes. There are so few trip reports on allylescaline tho so I was gonna take it slow to make sure I don't overdo it. I'll be upping the doses though as I gain experience. Today I'm gonna eat 1 mg LSD by myself in my house alone and in the dark. I just feel super comfy with LSD but some of these are so different in their feel I wanna be a little cautious
1 mg of LSD ?!?!?! 1000 micrograms !!!!
yes yes yes!!!

I am so excited for You!!!! I hope You layout a playlist before You blast off . You just got Me so excited . Yes yes yes!!!!
Damn. Alot of of your visuals. And philosophies discovered while tripping align with mine man. I need to get a new guitar.
Have you listened to Tomahawk? Try their third album. I believe It's the one with revamped Native songs.
Took some 4ho Mipt last night, and realized soon after I had taken about twice as much as I should, so I spit it into a cup of limeade, and slowly drank that. I measured 0.02, and took it twice and a little extra powder so it was about 0.05 that I took and I was wanting to build up to it. I ended up having a real nice trip tho very gentle and bright lights on a black background were the CEV. All like little points of lights mainly green blue and pink. OEV were strange to say the least. On my right half field of vision everything was moving up. Left half it was moving down. So together I got a warped sense of up and down flowing visuals, I tried closing my left eye and it seemed to slow the "going down" part, but it was still there. Closing my right eye had the opposite effect. The CEV were really intense. I got a body high about half hour in, and visuals started around +45-60 minutes. Very different. Its like each one I've tried has it's own personality. Everything seemed shiny, and when I turned the lights off the points of lights seemed to have lots of depth.
On a couple different ones, I've seen the CEV and opened my eyes and they project just a couple inches from my face (in semi darkness) this time the light went almost out to the walls but it seemed they stopped a little short. When I turned the lights on, it seemed to make the CEV disappear. Really good body buzz.

Trade about 0.1 g of 4ho Mipt for a gram of weed, so I can try this variety. Told my buddy I wanted a trip report for erowid so that's why I gave him so much, so fingers crossed. The 4 ho Mipt lasted about 10 hours, but it may be because I drank the limeade slowly.

Gonna give a buddy some of the tryptamines and hopefully he can report back. He's the same guy who eats 14-20+ g of shrooms and blacks out. I'm hoping I get a better report than
"I felt super amazing and then blacked out and woke up working 3 days later"