Donald Trump

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are you old enough to be here? Now im feeling a little worry that you might be a pre teen? You express yourself as if you are a child bewildered and angered by reality. Take some time for reflection you are not required to be an idiot pos.View attachment 3629301

they say that when people get old enough, senility forces them to revert to a more childlike state. you can clearly see that happening with nitro.

hence why his family is gonna put him up in a home.
are you old enough to be here? Now im feeling a little worry that you might be a pre teen? You express yourself as if you are a child bewildered and angered by reality. Take some time for reflection you are not required to be an idiot pos.View attachment 3629301

Start you sentence with a capital Letter, like an educated would, not like the preteen you accuse me of being.

I remember Woodstock,...Do you ?
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