Donald Trump

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I am not a valid Trump supporter . I have said before if I have a chance I will vote for Sanders but not Clinton. I just want a better out look on my future and everyone's else. All this racial shit makes me sick to my stomach and the divided country that we are .
Clinton is not my first choice....I'd love to see Bernie get in. But I could not stand for Trump at any cost he would be the worst.
I am not a valid Trump supporter . I have said before if I have a chance I will vote for Sanders but not Clinton. I just want a better out look on my future and everyone's else. All this racial shit makes me sick to my stomach and the divided country that we are .
Ok, then I will take you at your word. I'd really like to know the role that you feel the left has played in the creation of trump.
Then why did you specifically emphasize black people by mentioning BLM? The white/white & black/black crime rates are statistically the same regardless of the rate of crimes (which is pretty easily explained by socioeconomic factors since black people are more likely to be poor than white people and, shockingly, more crimes take place in poor areas than in not poor areas), so were you just trying to confuse ignorant republicans?
LOL. Democrats separate crimes by race for a reason. It's really not that complicated...

90% black on black crime sounds a lot better than citing the actual number of blacks killed by another black.
When blacks ridicule other blacks for doing to well in school, and acting "too white", then that is just another example of brothers holding each other back. Is it empathy? Perhaps. Jealousy? Probably. But your right, progress begins at home, and at the local level. Things that an individual has direct control over. To better themselves, and better their lives.
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Guy, if it's legal, nobody has to worry about any of that
I know. I agree with you. But unless everyone else follows Colorado and people can have 75 plants or better yet no number or space regulations, the small guys get screwed still. And former anti pot rich fat cats, make all the money and shove little farms and farmers out onto the streets. Just like big corporations buy up all of these mega farms out here now in california
90% black on black crime sounds a lot better than citing the actual number of blacks killed by another black.

white on white murders outnumber black on black murders.

When blacks ridicule other blacks for doing to well in school, and acting "too white", then that is just another example of brothers holding each other back.

this line of bullshit you spew has been debunked.

Screenshot 2016-03-13 at 6.34.28 PM.png

go away.
LOL. Democrats separate crimes by race for a reason. It's really not that complicated...

90% black on black crime sounds a lot better than citing the actual number of blacks killed by another black.
When blacks ridicule other blacks for doing to well in school, and acting "too white", then that is just another example of brothers holding each other back. Is it empathy? Perhaps. Jealousy? Probably. But your right, progress begins at home, and at the local level. Things that an individual has direct control over. To better themselves, and better their lives.
It's clear just by reading your personal views about this your opinion is biased, I'm glad I quoted this post in time just incase you tried to edit it later since it's a good example of what I'm talking about

This is something nobody will change, so enjoy your view, it won't get you very far
It's clear just by reading your personal views about this your opinion is biased, I'm glad I quoted this post in time just incase you tried to edit it later since it's a good example of what I'm talking about

This is something nobody will change, so enjoy your view, it won't get you very far

"Something nobody will change"? Please explain your points, rather than asserting random opinions
LOL. Democrats separate crimes by race for a reason. It's really not that complicated...

90% black on black crime sounds a lot better than citing the actual number of blacks killed by another black.
When blacks ridicule other blacks for doing to well in school, and acting "too white", then that is just another example of brothers holding each other back. Is it empathy? Perhaps. Jealousy? Probably. But your right, progress begins at home, and at the local level. Things that an individual has direct control over. To better themselves, and better their lives.
Why are you so concerned with how many black folk kill each other?
Why are you so concerned with how many black folk kill each other?
I already told you. Because we are all Americans. We need to look out for each other. Trump will become known as the great uniter. America first, no more catering to illegals.
When these republicans say that are going to build up the military & balance the budget at the same time where do you think the money will come from?....cutting "entitlments"...they consider SS an entitlement, like I haven't been paying in for 40 years!!! Their political forefathers (previous adminstrations of both parties) have miss appropriated much of SS to fund wars. Now they want to screw us out of our money....Trump would file bankruptsy & say it was a 'good deal'. There are a lot of ways to fix SS if they want too....
Dude you are asking a Trump supporter to use numbers and do some math. Not going to happen.
It's always the same bunk argument with you. Try not to be a partisan hack all the time. People would have to be complete idiots to believe anything you post. Everyday you want to have the same exact conversation, like deja vu, the movie groundhog day... This is the last time I'm going to explain it to your remedial, tiny little brain.

Percentages of crime rates in terms of black on black, and white on white; do Not factor the frequency in which the crimes are happening. You're cherry picking irrelevant stats to try and confuse ignorant Democrats.
heres what the FBI says
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