Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I'll be happy to meet up tough guy. I live in Gilbert Arizona. When you're in town, ping me and I will let you know where I'm at.

You're butt hurt and internet angry because your thin skin. You should follow in your father's and brother's footsteps and not be such a bitch.

My grandfather was retired Army-Air Force Lt Colonel. I served 4 years as a Flight Paramedic. Yet you run your bitch mouth like you were some war hero. You didn't do shit. And you ain't shit.

But again kid, when you're in town here in the Phoenix area, come look me up. I will set you straight.
Deeeaaammmmnnnn n shit.


Well-Known Member
If you want me to read something you need to put an "@" symbol in front of my name. Or else it makes you look like a scared little bitch.

Sure thing, next time in Denver, I will ping you. Look for the guy who is 6'4" 240 pounds.
Next time you're in Northern Colorado, hit me up. I'm always game for some good political conversation over a fat joint of Colorado's finest. I don't even care if we're on opposite sides, although I'd be pretty shocked if that happened!


Well-Known Member
Narcissistic people are not loved by their friends, family, and contractors. Trump is one of the most generous people you could ever meet. If he were a bad person, CNN would have film of disgruntled employees so fast it would make the camera spin. Lord knows they have tried already, but it backfired:

This is the childlike fantasy of a babbling straight jacketed gullible idiot.

Not GOP is scary stupid. A crazy needy dim wit searching for a white savior daddy figure


Well-Known Member
Next time you're in Northern Colorado, hit me up. I'm always game for some good political conversation over a fat joint of Colorado's finest. I don't even care if we're on opposite sides, although I'd be pretty shocked if that happened!
I was up at Estes Park last year. I actually stopped by someone's house on my way up. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. A mutual buddy.
You up that way? I'm actually thinking about heading back up to CO sometime this year, I need a refill of "supplies".


Well-Known Member
Much rather have a man who can take advice from the smart people he surrounds himself with than a smart man with a tribe of yes men like our current adminstration

Trump surrounds himself with smart people? Who allows him to look like a hairy carrot or speak like he's a clueless clown? When the rubber hits the road and Trump is told he's a phony bum clown i hope you lemmings take the manly route and move to Putin land.

Trump Palin cartoon 7.png
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Well-Known Member
Deeeaaammmmnnnn n shit.
Right? Reminds me of a school nurse here in town I had a chat with a couple years ago; he had a bunch of hats on the wall behind his desk, so being the kind of guy who asks questions, I expressed my curiosity.

Interesting hats they were; firefighter, paramedic, airmedic, 'high angle rescue'- that's crawling up the side of skyscrapers to rescue people- and a black FBI helmet he wore in Afghanistan and Iraq as a field medic for black ops. He said he liked his current gig, because he'd been there, done that, had the excitement and he was cool with a slower pace. And he loves kids.

I pity the poor stupid son of a bitch who tries to start shit in any school in Ft Collins. If it's this guy's school, said sad motherfucker is in deep shit.


Well-Known Member
Next time you're in Northern Colorado, hit me up. I'm always game for some good political conversation over a fat joint of Colorado's finest. I don't even care if we're on opposite sides, although I'd be pretty shocked if that happened!
I doubt we are (on opposite sides). I'm a real centrist, as it's defined. I have conservative values, like guns and small government and oversight, and I have liberal values, like civil rights, fair trade/labor, and social programs like SS, Medicare, Military Industrial Complex, etc.


Well-Known Member
Some kind of purple bud. A friend of mine picked up the strain from a hippie that worked at the health food store over 10 years ago. TRUMP!
fuck, it's like a zombie trance type thing. it makes you say ridiculous things but i believe you are enjoying yourself.

Not to bust your groove but legit reality check. Trumps POTUS odds dropped today. (oddsshark.)
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Well-Known Member
Much rather have a man who can take advice from the smart people he surrounds himself with than a smart man with a tribe of yes men like our current adminstration
Please do yourself a favor and try to actually learn the facts before yapping the Faux Spews party line; Mr Obama's first defense secretary was a REPUBLICAN. Bob Gates, a republican Bush appointee, was retained by and served almost three years under Mr Obama. That sure as fuck doesn't sound like 'surrounding himself with yes men' to me.


Well-Known Member
hey @Cezarkush - if you're so for veterans as you claim, why are you supporting Drump?


His "foundation" donated $75,000 to veterans SINCE 2010! That's roughly 0.00000012% of his claimed net worth.

To put it into perspective, I donated between $500 and $2000 to veterans and VA's programs in the past few years, roughly 0.0075% of my net worth.

And see how I used the "@" symbol to gain your attention?


Well-Known Member
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If we can't trust The Donald with his own personal information, how can we trust him with our nation's secret information? Not even Hillary let Anonymous hack her private servers.

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This guy is a shit bag, through and through. There's nothing further to discuss.
I disagree. Compost a bag of shit and you get something useful. I rather doubt the same is true of Chump.


Well-Known Member
There is gonna be some angry bitches when Trump gets slammed by how most of America views him.

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They talk about how much the Trump Brand is worth. I'm finding it hard to believe that brand will be worth the bedpan it's printed on after this election. Wouldn't it be great, nevermind befitting, if his own narcissistic hubris was also his financial undoing?
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