Donald Trump

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Protesters are really starting to wake people up. After Chicago, Trump won big time in Illinois.
Democrats and illegal aliens blocking the highways, will almost guarantee he takes Arizona too.

he has always been up in the polls there, einstein.

now before you choke on three pounds of ice cream, tell me which states don't have illegal aliens driving already.
You are right about me not loving Megan. I couldn't imagine being married to her. Trump already crushed her , like a twig. TRUMP!

Dude you're psychotically mistaken. A fox journalist revealed your candidate as not only flat witted and thin skinned but also characterless and cowardly. Oh ya he'll be potus

Like i said, think about the satisfaction you would derive from having Trumps ball sack in your trophy box (with those panties you stole and ted nugent pics.) Give megyn a call before she feeds them to her parakeet.

"you couldn't imagine being married to her" well your imagination is non existent. Your sense of reality is even further gone "imagining being married to her" AYFKM? thats rock talking.
By crush you mean run like a shaved bald bitch? WTF are you talking about she sent his bitch ass packing.

I have watched every debate and if anybody got sent packing it was Megan after the first fox debate. She was mentally broken and had to take a two week vacation after the ass kicking she took. And the vacation is a fact. TRUMP!
he has always been up in the polls there, einstein.

now before you choke on three pounds of ice cream, tell me which states don't have illegal aliens driving already.
I was chatting with Nitro. If you want to know which states issue drivers lisences to criminal illegals, then look it up for yourself. I have no interest in debating this with trolls who believe the entire southwest united states should be turned over to Mexico, while flooding the country with potential terrorists from Syria. Your ideas are too far out there for a civil discussion. I'm not interested in back and forth name calling right now. Maybe some other time...
@NOTgop" perhaps the dullest, creepiest and least cogent on RUI states:"Your ideas are too far out there for a civil discussion." This is the thinking that imagines Trump as president. Keep stroking that hate twig. it's all you got coming.
I was chatting with Nitro. .

Hey GOP, After watching the democratic display on the highway I have come to the conclusion that there will be a pile of democratic Trump support this tuesday. So I want a huge thank you to go out to, BLM, and whatever other leftist nut job group that is helping the Trump movement . THANKS TRUMP!
I have watched every debate and if anybody got sent packing it was Megan after the first fox debate. She was mentally broken and had to take a two week vacation after the ass kicking she took. And the vacation is a fact. TRUMP!
thats trump univ ed talking.

Blowhards, Beware: Megyn Kelly Will Slay You Now
The brightest star at Fox News, Megyn Kelly is a newly minted role model for women who sees her gender as irrelevant, and a conservative champion who transcends politics with her skillful skewering of windbags of both parties, most notably Donald Trump.
Hey GOP, After watching the democratic display on the highway I have come to the conclusion that there will be a pile of democratic Trump support this tuesday. So I want a huge thank you to go out to, BLM, and whatever other leftist nut job group that is helping the Trump movement . THANKS TRUMP!
thats trump univ ed talking.

Blowhards, Beware: Megyn Kelly Will Slay You Now
The brightest star at Fox News, Megyn Kelly is a newly minted role model for women who sees her gender as irrelevant, and a conservative champion who transcends politics with her skillful skewering of windbags of both parties, most notably Donald Trump.

I don't want to pop your bubble but , aren't you suppose to impress a democrat?

A cartoon is not going to get you there. Just so you know. TRUMP!
The reason we have a second amendment, is to deal with Democrats who hate the first one.

Second Amendment was to repel invaders. Democrats have been the strongest proponents of the 1st Amendment. Trump is the strongest opponent of the 1st Amendment.

Protesters are really starting to wake people up. After Chicago, Trump won big time in Illinois.
Democrats and illegal aliens blocking the highways, will almost guarantee he takes Arizona too.

These are primaries. Trump didn't win shit but 30-40% of the Illinois overall vote. Really, it doesn't take a genius to know this, I know I'm not a genius by any means I've just worked in politics at the city, county, state, national level. This is how Illinois has voted in the general election since 1988.
  • 1988 George H. W. Bush (R)
  • 1992 Bill Clinton (D)
  • 1996 Bill Clinton (D)
  • 2000 Al Gore (D)
  • 2004 John Kerry (D)
  • 2008 Barack Obama (D)
  • 2012 Barack Obama (D)
Also, the people in Illinois also know that the Trump supporters were the ones starting/inciting the violence. There is literally no narrative that you can spin and/or come up with without going through a ton of mental gymnastics to say otherwise. Watch the videos, watch all of the Trump rallies where there've been violence.

One sure fire way to make sure people vote Trump, is to block traffic and protest in the middle of the highway.
I'm not sure how ruining people's weekend by creating traffic jams is supposed to make them become Democrat.

If anything, it underscores the reason why illegals should not be given driver's lisences. Our roads and infrastructure is not large enough to handle hundreds of thousands of new drivers overnight.
They don't have to home, but they can't stay here


Reading through the news reports, they interviewed on Hispanic who's a US citizen, but I guess since his name was Salvador you thought he was an illegal, huh? You're also forgetting how someone on their way to the Trump rally did this... "#BREAKING: Jeep plows into protesters in Fountain Hills. Does not appear anyone is injured. #abc15."
Hopefully it starts on time. I'm not sure if sheriff Joe is done arresting all the rabble-rousers. If he picks up and body slams a protester, that would so freaking awesome. More than 3 taken to jail so far. Are you ready for the biggest show on the planet?
See man, this is why conservative cries about rights is a joke. In one breath you complain that your klan meetings get shut down because of protesters, denying you of your 1st amendment rights, then in the next you openly advocate for committing violence against protesters for exercising their 1st amendment rights..

In one breath, Donald Trump says he'll pay the legal fees of people who get arrested for committing violence, in the next he says he never said that!

Hypocritical inconsistency won't win the white house
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