Donald Trump

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America isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship. Our votes don't matter, what we want doesn't matter. The electoral college and conventions will decide what's best for you. This whole primary and general election bullshit just separates everyone, when it won't matter who or what you support in the end. The government will choose the path for its children and that's the way it is. Maybe that's why Trump has risen.
America isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship. Our votes don't matter, what we want doesn't matter. The electoral college and conventions will decide what's best for you. This whole primary and general election bullshit just separates everyone, when it won't matter who or what you support in the end. The government will choose the path for its children and that's the way it is. Maybe that's why Trump has risen.

trump has risen solely because of racists like you.
We can start by cutting Congress's pay, every year they vote to work less hours why not save money there. They keep going that way pretty soon it'll be a telecommuting congress.


Everyone has a pet project that they dont want cut. And every congressman, senator, etc. that gets funding for their state or other entity is simply creating jobs. Jobs that are missed when projects are ended. Which is why projects never get ended.

I agree, lets cut their pay, lets cut the defense budget, lets close the department of education and several other federal governments buracracies, lets eliminate the IRS... I can go on and on.

We really dont need the nanny state no matter how much they tell us we do.
America isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship. Our votes don't matter, what we want doesn't matter. The electoral college and conventions will decide what's best for you. This whole primary and general election bullshit just separates everyone, when it won't matter who or what you support in the end. The government will choose the path for its children and that's the way it is. Maybe that's why Trump has risen.

Trump has risen because the Republican party has not been listening to their base for far too long. They got the house and they got the senate and they promised to fight on Obamacare and other things and they completely caved. Fuck them....

Now they want to jury rig the election so they have someone they can control. It is so transparent if you just look at it.
Trump has risen because the Republican party has not been listening to their base for far too long. They got the house and they got the senate and they promised to fight on Obamacare and other things and they completely caved. Fuck them....

Now they want to jury rig the election so they have someone they can control. It is so transparent if you just look at it.
Yeah, I agree with that. That's kind of where I was heading, people are just tired of what everything is becoming and how we the people don't matter and are just tired of being push overs and people are fighting back, blindly maybe, but at least fighting back. I've always said, our government is just a two headed snake. It will always lead to the same thing, back and forth, back and forth.
all talk.

you and the KKK support the same candidate, spew the same rhetoric, and say the same stupid shit.

there is literally no difference between a klansman and you.

Hey poopy pants, Did you see the beat down that klan member got from the black dude? Maybe the BLM can find another idiot to wear a klan hat at the next rally. LOL LOL TRUMP!
Yeah, I agree with that. That's kind of where I was heading, people are just tired of what everything is becoming and how we the people don't matter and are just tired of being push overs and people are fighting back, blindly maybe, but at least fighting back. I've always said, our government is just a two headed snake. It will always lead to the same thing, back and forth, back and forth.

I wouldnt necessarily say it was blindly either. I have said before and will say again that Trump wont make a great president because it is always about Trump.

HOWEVER... Barak Obama had 0 managerial skills going into the office of president and will leave with 0 managerial skills.

Trump has a proven track record of putting the right people in the right job and holding them accountable. That is how his projects get done on time and budget.

At least it would be a change from the establishment. He aint a conservative, that is for sure.
Hey poopy pants, Did you see the beat down that klan member got from the black dude? Maybe the BLM can find another idiot to wear a klan hat at the next rally. LOL LOL TRUMP!

did you see where the KKK told its klansmen to get out there and support trump, so you did?
I wouldnt necessarily say it was blindly either. I have said before and will say again that Trump wont make a great president because it is always about Trump.

HOWEVER... Barak Obama had 0 managerial skills going into the office of president and will leave with 0 managerial skills.

Trump has a proven track record of putting the right people in the right job and holding them accountable. That is how his projects get done on time and budget.

At least it would be a change from the establishment. He aint a conservative, that is for sure.
Agreed. I'm Independent, but I usually lean left, but I don't like either left candidate running now, I guess I don't like any candidate really haha. Trump is certainly stirring the pot though. I came to this thread to see what's up and peoples views, seeing if I'd be swayed one way or the other, the only thing I found is the lefts are reallyyyyyy dumb af. I figured it would be mostly Trump supporters being hateful, but I was completely surprised that it's actually the liberals that are the hateful ones. The liars. The ones that are not accepting to others views. That really took me by storm and shocked me. Definitely was not expecting that. Showed some friends some posts by others I had to block the other day, they are now voting Trump lol. I may hold my vote, but we will see how it goes. I definitely won't be associated with a party that has so many messed up supporters in it, figured that would be trumps but guess not lol
Is that the guy that just endorsed Hillary? LOL TRUMP!

no, that is david duke, former KKK grand wizrd, who you stand with in supporting trump.

isn't that hilarious? that you are now in lockstep with the KKK?

or is that old news, since you are a longtime klan member?
Agreed. I'm Independent, but I usually lean left, but I don't like either left candidate running now, I guess I don't like any candidate really haha. Trump is certainly stirring the pot though. I came to this thread to see what's up and peoples views, seeing if I'd be swayed one way or the other, the only thing I found is the lefts are reallyyyyyy dumb af. I figured it would be mostly Trump supporters being hateful, but I was completely surprised that it's actually the liberals that are the hateful ones. The liars. The ones that are not accepting to others views. That really took me by storm and shocked me. Definitely was not expecting that. Showed some friends some posts by others I had to block the other day, they are now voting Trump lol. I may hold my vote, but we will see how it goes.

you support a candidate who wants to ban muslims from the country and build a wall to keep mexicans out, and you call other people hateful and dumb?

jesus fucking christ, take a look at reality sometime.
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