Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....


Well-Known Member
My rejection of idiotic "left wing policy" doesn't mean I adopt "mindless right wing policy".

I appreciate your left handed compliment too, thanks.
you'll have to excuse my assumption please.

I may have judged you by the standards of others


Well-Known Member
Right, in answer to your question...

The CIA is multifaceted and doesn't have a single purpose. Also, they're a bit secretive and they don't keep me in the loop. Unreasonable I think.

That said....

(to the best of my knowledge) the CIA started getting involved with regime change in 1953, in Iran. Operation Ajax.
They have been doing it ever since.

In 2006 the US decided it was Syria's turn for regime change. The CIA have been ARMING and funding anyone who opposed Assad.

when brainstorming the consequences of their actions (again..2006 five yrs before civil war broke out) they foresaw that a likely consequence of intervention would be the rise of an Islamic caliphate such as we see today with Isis.

It was decided that it was a price worth paying.

Consider that ^^^

Now, why?

Typically it is so rich people can get richer.

Have a look at the world banks and who owns them. Then when you discover who controls the fed reserve, bank of England etc...have a look at which central banks they don't own.

Interesting list.

Genie energy; Look at their major shareholders (including Rupert Murdoch who owns news channels that are unapologetically pro news etc) They wanted to drill for oil in the Golan Heights and were denied (by Syria complaining to the UN) as authority to do so had been granted by Isreal...who do not own that land.

Genie energy now have found oil there and Syria was too destabilised to stop them.

This is rushed I'm afraid, as I say, I'm working.

Your taxes have paid for the wars, have created terrorists and killed people...the profit is kept by the corporations.

Similarly Iraq and halliburton.

Hope this makes some sense, feel free to ask questions if it's unclear

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Right, in answer to your question...

The CIA is multifaceted and doesn't have a single purpose. Also, they're a bit secretive and they don't keep me in the loop. Unreasonable I think.

That said....

(to the best of my knowledge) the CIA started getting involved with regime change in 1953, in Iran. Operation Ajax.
They have been doing it ever since.

In 2006 the US decided it was Syria's turn for regime change. The CIA have been ARMING and funding anyone who opposed Assad.

when brainstorming the consequences of their actions (again..2006 five yrs before civil war broke out) they foresaw that a likely consequence of intervention would be the rise of an Islamic caliphate such as we see today with Isis.

It was decided that it was a price worth paying.

Consider that ^^^

Now, why?

Typically it is so rich people can get richer.

Have a look at the world banks and who owns them. Then when you discover who controls the fed reserve, bank of England etc...have a look at which central banks they don't own.

Interesting list.

Genie energy; Look at their major shareholders (including Rupert Murdoch who owns news channels that are unapologetically pro news etc) They wanted to drill for oil in the Golan Heights and were denied (by Syria complaining to the UN) as authority to do so had been granted by Isreal...who do not own that land.

Genie energy now have found oil there and Syria was too destabilised to stop them.

This is rushed I'm afraid, as I say, I'm working.

Your takes have paid for the wars, have created terrorists and killed people...the profit is kept by the corporations.

Similarly Iraq and halliburton.

Hope this makes some sense, feel free to ask questions if it's unclear

The purpose of the CIA is to ensure those with power, keep it.


Well-Known Member
oh my...I'm embarrassed for you.

I feel for you, I really do.

I wish people could leave their domestic politic confirmation bias alone when discussing international politics.

Your reply made me cringe. So inaccurate.

Stick to facts, not opinions
Don't mind old benny. He is an old man who just says random shit that he's picked up over the years at various klan rallies he's attended. No one takes him seriously anyway. He's harmless.


Well-Known Member
As usual you got it as backasswards as you are. ISIS arose because we pulled out of Iraq leaving the middle east hopeless and vulnerable thanks to Obama. Bush took out the Islamic terrorist regime, got Iraq restored and the other countries stabilized and back to normalcy thanks to the invasion and brilliance of his general's and staff. That's a fact.
if that is a fact, then you should be able to find a well-respected, unbiased source which completely demonstrates everything you said to be true.

unfortunately though, what you said is not true. a country with 4 hours of electricity per day and a massive power vacuum is not restored or stabilized.


Well-Known Member
One could spend a Billion to stir up terrorism and still have 439B left over.

Building markets in China isn't cheap.


Well-Known Member
what i'm saying is that we should turn the united states into an authoritarian police state in order to stop all terrorism. checkpoints, random searches, the modern day equivalent of the gestapo and SS. we should even make known muslims wear some type of symbol so that they can be identified, just like hitler did with the jews.

we should also abolish the first amendment so that we can stop all muslims from entering.

that would stop all terrorism and we would win the war of terror.

do you disagree because you are a terrorist, or do you agree because you are a patriotic american?
It works for Israel. Oh, wait.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't the question then become, "why was the USA in Iraq in the first place" ?
Let's connect the dots, shall we?

You need to ask Congress who authorized the invasion (as they should) and then ask the Iraqi people why and how they convicted Hussein AND other key staff for wars against humanity and then hung them.

Fact is, because of Bush's restoration of Iraq's infrastructure and economy and his successful attempt to get the various tribes (Sunni's, Kurds, Shita) to work together - utilities, schools, markets, transportation, etc. were eventually rebuilt, restored and stabilized to a state of normalcy. Obama took over, said "fuck it", withdrew our troops and the whole world is now in a state of chaos.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Let's connect the dots, shall we?

You need to ask Congress who authorized the invasion (as they should) and then ask the Iraqi people why and how they convicted Hussein AND other key staff for wars against humanity and then hung them.

Fact is, because of Bush's restoration of Iraq's infrastructure and economy and his successful attempt to get the various tribes (Sunni's, Kurds, Shita) to work together - utilities, schools, markets, transportation, etc. were eventually rebuilt, restored and stabilized to a state of normalcy. Obama took over, said "fuck it", withdrew our troops and the whole world is now in a state of chaos.



Well-Known Member
Let's connect the dots, shall we?

You need to ask Congress who authorized the invasion (as they should) and then ask the Iraqi people why and how they convicted Hussein AND other key staff for wars against humanity and then hung them.

Fact is, because of Bush's restoration of Iraq's infrastructure and economy and his successful attempt to get the various tribes (Sunni's, Kurds, Shita) to work together - utilities, schools, markets, transportation, etc. were eventually rebuilt, restored and stabilized to a state of normalcy. Obama took over, said "fuck it", withdrew our troops and the whole world is now in a state of chaos.
Inaccurate I'm affraid.

The invasion was illegal for a start.

Sadaam Hussein was trained at the school of America's (by the USA) how to take over Iraq by coup...which he did.

As far as the US were concerned he was 'their guy'

He started like a good little puppet should, had a war with Iran because, after their revloution where they kicked out the USAs puppet shah, Iran was on your shitlist.

But then he started misbehaving.

He wouldn't allow US companies unfetted access to all his oil. Bad puppet.

Now Bush senior didn't want rid of him, he wanted him to play ball so they didn't have him killed after the first gulf war. The bush's are all about oil, love the stuff.

Many years of sanctions followed and he was still a V naughty puppet.

Unfortunately for Iraq, as your CIA had trained him, he knew how the CIA would try to depose him. It works like this.

1) Discredit him.
This works in 'democratic' nations where the press are onside such as Britain or the USA.
Ineffectual with dictators.

so on to method

2) Bribe him.
Now this works well in areas like Indonesia and it's the same method Pablo Escobar used so successfully. Offer money or a bullet (it is this method that has bought you so many votes at the UN btw)
He was sitting on an ocean of black gold, no bribing him...bad puppet

3) Assassinate him;
Problem here was they'd trained him so those methods that served America so well in south American countries (Bribe security guard to place bomb on aircraft and then control the 'crash' scene) he was aware of...hence why he handpicked his own security guards and employed body doubles.
IF the CIA managed to bribe a bodyguard, the bodyguard couldn't be certain they were blowing up the correct 'Saddam'
Get that wrong and it's a world of pain for you and your entire family and the end of your bloodline.

You trained him too well. it left one option


Now, research dick cheney & halliburton, have a look who got the first contract once you'd 'stabilised' the country.

You also failed to stabilise the country and needed Iran's help...yes, Iran's... they hold more sway there than you and the Sunny's hate the Shia's so well done for that.

That war was mega expensive...all those deaths and all that money...but your taxes and the lives of others paid for it, private corporations creamed the profit.

...but you carry on blaming Obama for everything if you wish.

p.s your petty internal political charade that is being played out, right vs left, I care not one jot about.

My only agenda is sharing the truth



Well-Known Member
Inaccurate I'm affraid.

The invasion was illegal for a start.


That war was mega expensive...all those deaths and all that money...but your taxes and the lives of others paid for it, private corporations creamed the profit.

...but you carry on blaming Obama for everything if you wish.

p.s your petty internal political charade that is being played out, right vs left, I care not one jot about.

My only agenda is sharing the truth

Corps didn't make shit compared to what we have lost.

I'm sure China morns the loss of our Veterans while enjoying our tax dollars.


Well-Known Member
Right, in answer to your question...

The CIA is multifaceted and doesn't have a single purpose. Also, they're a bit secretive and they don't keep me in the loop. Unreasonable I think.

That said....

(to the best of my knowledge) the CIA started getting involved with regime change in 1953, in Iran. Operation Ajax.
They have been doing it ever since.

In 2006 the US decided it was Syria's turn for regime change. The CIA have been ARMING and funding anyone who opposed Assad.

when brainstorming the consequences of their actions (again..2006 five yrs before civil war broke out) they foresaw that a likely consequence of intervention would be the rise of an Islamic caliphate such as we see today with Isis.

It was decided that it was a price worth paying.

Consider that ^^^

Now, why?

Typically it is so rich people can get richer.

Have a look at the world banks and who owns them. Then when you discover who controls the fed reserve, bank of England etc...have a look at which central banks they don't own.

Interesting list.

Genie energy; Look at their major shareholders (including Rupert Murdoch who owns news channels that are unapologetically pro news etc) They wanted to drill for oil in the Golan Heights and were denied (by Syria complaining to the UN) as authority to do so had been granted by Isreal...who do not own that land.

Genie energy now have found oil there and Syria was too destabilised to stop them.

This is rushed I'm afraid, as I say, I'm working.

Your taxes have paid for the wars, have created terrorists and killed people...the profit is kept by the corporations.

Similarly Iraq and halliburton.

Hope this makes some sense, feel free to ask questions if it's unclear
Isnt everyone trying to become richer to one degree or another?


Well-Known Member
Only because the game is rigged that way.

No point playing by the rules of kerplunk when monopoly is the only game being played
Debt is intentionally built into the system, the federal reserve is a privately owned institution, as is the bank of England.

They make the rules of the game