why do you hate political correctness?

I don't get it

Okay. I'll try to help out. see4 said, "it's literally sex in a can"

Presumably that means he holds the can when he drinks it. It was a good natured jab at the possibility of his holding two cans.

The intended innuendo was if he is a two fisted drinker and drinking that particular beer is like having sex, then he might "hold" two cans at once. Of course "cans" was the subtle substitute for his penis... but since he presumably only has one penis....then he would be holding another person's penis at the same time....it was funny dammit !!
Fogdog. One more thing. Did this little back and forth of ours not begin with your referring to me a "racist European-American asshole"? If I recall correctly, you gave me this label without first asking me to explain myself.

Perhaps you'll say something like, "Well, it was obvious he's a this or that based on the contents of his post." Well, that's your prerogative, but to give someone such a title isn't a small thing. Not just that, but it was given rather hastily as well.

Why Fogdog....Did you, well, JUDGE ME!

I'm only kidding. I'm a white dude. I'm fair game.
Nope, did not judge but I knew you'd say something like this, it was pretty obvious. I certainly did label you but it was based on what you said, not any conviction. There are racists of many colors and sometimes they have the same color as the ones they denigrate. I could have been wrong about your heritage but assuming you meant what you originally said it earned you the racist label.

I don't get the fair game comment. Nobody is "fair game" based upon color of skin. They get into my sights based upon what they say, just like what I say puts me into somebody's scope.

It's the strong emphasis on words that I find silly. They're arbitrary symbols that have no meaning in and of themselves, only the sentiments that you yourself have attached. What I believe to be most important are one's intentions when they use these symbols. Don't hate words, hate the bitter and caustic attitude of those using them as a means of hurting other people.

And yes, the world is made up of many individuals, and understanding our differences is vital for understanding one another. But I refuse to dilute myself and my ideas, to focus heavily on trivialities, and to spend half my time making sure that I don't offend someone's delicate sensibilities.
Did you take a look at the link to the Economist's style guidelines regarding PC? In mainstream US discourse, that's all PC is. Its about avoiding gratuitous insult to people with a different background than yourself. Its not about changing the language or forcing clumsy wording.

And words do matter. You say so yourself in the post above. Where else do bitter, caustic attitudes become expressed other than through words.
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Nope, did not judge but I knew you'd say something like this, it was pretty obvious. I certainly did label you but it was based on what you said, not any conviction. There are racists of many colors and sometimes they have the same color as the ones they denigrate. I could have been wrong about your heritage but assuming you meant what you originally said it earned you the racist label.

I don't get the fair game comment. Nobody is "fair game" based upon color of skin. They get into my sights based upon what they say, just like what I say puts me into somebody's scope.

Did you take a look at the link to the Economist's style guidelines regarding PC? In mainstream US discourse, that's all PC is. Its about avoiding gratuitous insult to people with a different background than yourself. Its not about changing the language or forcing clumsy wording.

And words do matter. You say so yourself in the post above. Where else do bitter, caustic attitudes become expressed other than through words.

Here is another guideline: What I think about you is none of your business. I admit that I break this rule frequently here but not often in the brick and mortar world.

Pretty obvious, indeed. How am I to take you seriously, Fogdog? After all, we're not having this discourse in the "brick and mortar world."

Had you approached me in a less hostile manner, then I might take your "conviction vs. what was said" distinction a little more seriously. No effort was made on your part to intelligently discuss my post before you resorted to name calling.

The "fair game" comment was tongue-in-cheek.

Incidentally, I appreciate your acknowledging that nobody is fair game based upon the color of their skin. Perhaps you should spread the good news to your cronies.

By the way, there's yet to be a device invented that can gauge my level of indifference concerning how you feel about me. You're still my bud, though.
Judging people is not the same as taking them at their word.

Yes. Exactly. One needs to refrain from judging another person until they've read at least a couple of their online posts. Once this has been done, ad hominem attacks are acceptable, but only if this scenario is taking place exclusively online and not in the brick and mortar world.
What he said^^^^
By the way, there's yet to be a device invented that can gauge my level of indifference concerning how you feel about me. .


my care meter

Not your bud.
Okay. I'll try to help out. see4 said, "it's literally sex in a can"

Presumably that means he holds the can when he drinks it. It was a good natured jab at the possibility of his holding two cans.

The intended innuendo was if he is a two fisted drinker and drinking that particular beer is like having sex, then he might "hold" two cans at once. Of course "cans" was the subtle substitute for his penis... but since he presumably only has one penis....then he would be holding another person's penis at the same time....it was funny dammit !!
Cans mean titties. Fisting has nothing to do with grabbing a dick. This is like learning sex ed from a 13 year old mennonite. Hence why it's not funny at all.
A good laugh. Its a gag. Lots of biblical transgressions. Including the eleventh commandment against ruining a good steak.

I must've slept thru all the relevant discussion about said biblical transgressions... but yeah, that's a crime against cow-manity.

And jellybeans? I was waiting for him to throw some out the window and talk about a big plant growing in his backyard or something...
I must've slept thru all the relevant discussion about said biblical transgressions... but yeah, that's a crime against cow-manity.

And jellybeans? I was waiting for him to throw some out the window and talk about a big plant growing in his backyard or something...
I had a Jewish friend when growing up who explained why their kitchen was set up with two cooking areas. When he put the steak in the milk I was expecting him to add crab or pork to really go over the top. The jellybeans are a good embellishment. The pop culture reference was lost on me until I looked up milk steak. It was a gag in a TV sitcom.