why do you hate political correctness?

Yeah because kids at college are the poster Children of oppression.
To be fair, not all college students are rich or getting a free ride, either. I'm not, and I nearly died to have what I have. Like, I earned it, and at the same time, I'm very grateful and not taking for granted that I have such an opportunity. So, you can't necessarily be general about that. I mean, fuck, a lot of them come out with hundreds of thousands in debt.
To be fair, not all college students are rich or getting a free ride, either. I'm not, and I nearly died to have what I have. Like, I earned it, and at the same time, I'm very grateful and not taking for granted that I have such an opportunity. So, you can't necessarily be general about that. I mean, fuck, a lot of them come out with hundreds of thousands in debt.
I worked all the way through college & still needed help with tuition. Never even had a car. Still grateful though. It gave me grit.
To be fair, not all college students are rich or getting a free ride, either. I'm not, and I nearly died to have what I have. Like, I earned it, and at the same time, I'm very grateful and not taking for granted that I have such an opportunity. So, you can't necessarily be general about that. I mean, fuck, a lot of them come out with hundreds of thousands in debt.

Like me. No one paid for my college or bought me a new car to drive there. And I still owe a not so small fortune in loan repayment.
I don't remember saying anything about the death of racism, and it's definitely not at the heart of my premise. It seems as though you've judged me through your view of the world. We all judge, Fogdog, but the cultural Marxist lens through which you see things has taken this innate tendency and magnified it to such a degree that no white man with ideologies that differ from your own can be anything but a racist, bigot, pedophile (a favorite card of yours), etc. It's much like Freudian psychoanalysis. The claims are unfalsifiable. The more that I try and convey to you that I don't want relations with my Mother only makes you more inclined to believe that I'm in denial (feel free to crack a few jokes about this example in your reply, bud). So, should I try explaining rationally to you my perspective, one which is very different from your own, I'm only further reinforcing in your mind my supposed prejudice and bigotry.

Oh, and hey, I didn't feel sorry for the lady. It is what it is. She was trying to be polite. I respect that. Would I have given a preface about not having racist intentions? No.
nope, we don't all judge. Why do right wingers assume other people are the same as they are? Which explains why they are haters of the idea that to avoid saying things that give gratuitous offence is somehow censorship. Right wing ideology is a form of intellectual glaucoma. Wingnuts can't seem to get that there are different people in this world.

Here's a good article from the Economist regarding their view of political correctness in writing.

So strike a balance. If you judge that a group wishes to be known by a particular term, that the term is widely understood and that using any other would seem odd, old-fashioned or offensive, then use it. Context may be important: Coloured is a common term in South Africa for people of mixed race; it is not considered derogatory. Elsewhere it may be. Remember that both times and terms change: expressions that were in common use a few decades ago are now odious.

This paragraph ends with what I think of as a golden rule regarding how to treat others

Nothing is to be gained by casually insulting your readers.
nope, we don't all judge. Why do right wingers assume other people are the same as they are? Which explains why they are haters of the idea that to avoid saying things that give gratuitous offence is somehow censorship. Right wing ideology is a form of intellectual glaucoma. Wingnuts can't seem to get that there are different people in this world.

Here's a good article from the Economist regarding their view of political correctness in writing.

So strike a balance. If you judge that a group wishes to be known by a particular term, that the term is widely understood and that using any other would seem odd, old-fashioned or offensive, then use it. Context may be important: Coloured is a common term in South Africa for people of mixed race; it is not considered derogatory. Elsewhere it may be. Remember that both times and terms change: expressions that were in common use a few decades ago are now odious.

This paragraph ends with what I think of as a golden rule regarding how to treat others

Nothing is to be gained by casually insulting your readers.

It's the strong emphasis on words that I find silly. They're arbitrary symbols that have no meaning in and of themselves, only the sentiments that you yourself have attached. What I believe to be most important are one's intentions when they use these symbols. Don't hate words, hate the bitter and caustic attitude of those using them as a means of hurting other people.

And yes, the world is made up of many individuals, and understanding our differences is vital for understanding one another. But I refuse to dilute myself and my ideas, to focus heavily on trivialities, and to spend half my time making sure that I don't offend someone's delicate sensibilities.
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nope, we don't all judge.

Fogdog. One more thing. Did this little back and forth of ours not begin with your referring to me a "racist European-American asshole"? If I recall correctly, you gave me this label without first asking me to explain myself.

Perhaps you'll say something like, "Well, it was obvious he's a this or that based on the contents of his post." Well, that's your prerogative, but to give someone such a title isn't a small thing. Not just that, but it was given rather hastily as well.

Why Fogdog....Did you, well, JUDGE ME!

I'm only kidding. I'm a white dude. I'm fair game.
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