why do you hate political correctness?

Because it's oppressive and subverting. That doesn't mean don't be tactful discussing things like race and sexuality and such. We should respect each other as people. But I don't agree with censorship, just with not being in/removing yourself from a situation if it conflicts with your views.
LMAO! This speaks volumes. There's nothing more to say.
you want to argue semantics when your post was full of right wing supremacist generalities, such as:

it is the brainchild of clueless pseudo-intellectual college professors whose ideas have no grounding in reality and how people relate to one another emotionally and culturally.

I refuse to argue "its" vs "it's" grammar when the whole premise of your post was about claiming racism is dead.

As far as I can tell, the only "respect" you express is for your white pride buddies in the quote below:

Let me preface my spill by saying that respect for others and a strong dedication to maintaining civility and equality is of the utmost importance to me...

a Black woman entered the store and asked if I knew where she could buy a "Mexican" dress for an upcoming quinceanera to which she'd been invited. She seemed a little uneasy and quickly added that she wasn't trying to be racist or anything but just wasn't sure about proper terminology.

You say the bit about the black woman in the context of how sad it is that she felt the need to be clear about her intentions. Maybe her past is different than yours. Maybe she knows the world is full of jerks. You judged her through your view of the world and found her "sad" because she didn't act as you would have. What kind of respect is that?
you want to argue semantics when your post was full of right wing supremacist generalities, such as:

I refuse to argue "its" vs "it's" grammar when the whole premise of your post was about claiming racism is dead.

As far as I can tell, the only "respect" you express is for your white pride buddies in the quote below:

You say the bit about the black woman in the context of how sad it is that she felt the need to be clear about her intentions. Maybe her past is different than yours. Maybe she knows the world is full of jerks. You judged her through your view of the world and found her "sad" because she didn't act as you would have. What kind of respect is that?

I don't remember saying anything about the death of racism, and it's definitely not at the heart of my premise. It seems as though you've judged me through your view of the world. We all judge, Fogdog, but the cultural Marxist lens through which you see things has taken this innate tendency and magnified it to such a degree that no white man with ideologies that differ from your own can be anything but a racist, bigot, pedophile (a favorite card of yours), etc. It's much like Freudian psychoanalysis. The claims are unfalsifiable. The more that I try and convey to you that I don't want relations with my Mother only makes you more inclined to believe that I'm in denial (feel free to crack a few jokes about this example in your reply, bud). So, should I try explaining rationally to you my perspective, one which is very different from your own, I'm only further reinforcing in your mind my supposed prejudice and bigotry.

Oh, and hey, I didn't feel sorry for the lady. It is what it is. She was trying to be polite. I respect that. Would I have given a preface about not having racist intentions? No.
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