why do you hate political correctness?

There's so many places brewing great beer in this country, I hope we can emulate that with great strains and grows of people's specialty cannabis.

Wouldn't it be great if we could have a forum where people who like weed can all get together and talk about it?
You should visit n.c. sometime, in the last 5 years it has become a craft beer brewers and drinkers paradise.

Also, it would be cool to have a weed forum where there wasn't the threat of tribal war breaking out at any moment lol
People are all turning gay, thus becoming sensitive. But don't say there's a problem with people or that something that our nation thinks is okay is wrong, because then you're a piece of shit and you're really the one whose wrong. Just teach your kids to conform so that gay can be okay. o.0

Seriously what the fuck happened?
I'm spoilt; I used to love Coors Banquet Beer- and now I can taste how it just doesn't hold a candle to the great micro brewed beers from all over the state!

Sorry, Coors.
People are all turning gay, thus becoming sensitive. But don't say there's a problem with people or that something that our nation thinks is okay is wrong, because then you're a piece of shit and you're really the one whose wrong. Just teach your kids to conform so that gay can be okay. o.0

Seriously what the fuck happened?

Gee, people who give a fuck about the needs and feelings of others.

Can't have that!
Pick me, pick me, yeah..
Let along the signal..
At ease, at least, yeah..
Everyone is hollow..
En masse, a mess, yeah..
Everyone is waiting..
Pick me, pick me, yeah..
You can eat my marrow..


Dive in me!

Nothing new..

Kiss this, kiss that, yeah..
Let along your signal..
At ease, at least, yeah..
I will even swallow..

Pick me, pick me, yeah..
Let along the signal..
At ease at least, yeah..
You could even pay them..
People are all turning gay, thus becoming sensitive. But don't say there's a problem with people or that something that our nation thinks is okay is wrong, because then you're a piece of shit and you're really the one whose wrong. Just teach your kids to conform so that gay can be okay. o.0

Seriously what the fuck happened?
If you think someone being gay is a "problem", the problem lies entirely with you
nope, we don't all judge. Why do right wingers assume other people are the same as they are? Which explains why they are haters of the idea that to avoid saying things that give gratuitous offence is somehow censorship. Right wing ideology is a form of intellectual glaucoma. Wingnuts can't seem to get that there are different people in this world.

Here's a good article from the Economist regarding their view of political correctness in writing.

So strike a balance. If you judge that a group wishes to be known by a particular term, that the term is widely understood and that using any other would seem odd, old-fashioned or offensive, then use it. Context may be important: Coloured is a common term in South Africa for people of mixed race; it is not considered derogatory. Elsewhere it may be. Remember that both times and terms change: expressions that were in common use a few decades ago are now odious.

This paragraph ends with what I think of as a golden rule regarding how to treat others

Nothing is to be gained by casually insulting your readers.
You are judging he right now. You judge people all the time. You judge they are right or wrong. They are bad people or good people.

Don't be naive.