How Many Nodes Before Topping?

True, but it sure helps a lot in the long run. Especially if aiming for high quality medical grade cannabis. You cant play Stevie Ray Vaughn without first learning Mary Had A Little Lamb. Well you could but you wont really know potential without the fundamentals first. Some people just have a gift, others do not and must study and learn the steps to get there. Im sure your doing just fine, BUT if you learned horticulture I promise your meds would be steps above what it is now. If someone is going to do something and spend time and money why not learn everything you can and be the best you can be. Maybe im partial being I have extensive experience in horticulture as a whole. I also grow high quality bonsai trees, and exotic hot peppers. Again, plants are plants when you strip everything down to the fundamentals.

plants are plants and newbies are newbies..not horticulture students...they freak out at the first spot on a leaf..they don't care how it happened they just want it gone. And maybe learn how to keep it stopped.

There is a forum for advanced marijuana growing on RIU perhaps all your education would be of more benefit? Of course you can post whever you want to but, you are kind of coming off as' better than' by using technical terms that most newbies, and a large amount of seasoned grow vets don't understand and don't care about at all. :peace::peace::peace:
BTW, I am all about learning and using one's own knowledge to grow successfully. I understand a degree in horticulture would make for a higher quality of meds. But a huge amount of new growerz use cfl lighting and miracle gro products. They want to grow now, not get horticulture and advanced botany lessons...know what I sayin?
I topped one of my current gurlz at 6 days and the other at eight...did not cause 1 single issue.

Thats awful young. In doing so your taking a chance on the plant not having a good strong root system or enough hormones for strength and vitality. Dont mistake fast green growth for health. Health is resilience, strong cell walls, protection against temperature extremes and pest attack. A plant, especially cannabis should really have atleast 3 nodes before being altertered structurally. Wouldnt you like to know why your plants react the way they do as a result of the techniques you apply? How they use the nutrients you give them? Not knowing these things a person can only progress so far eventually entering a stalemate. The most important thing ive learned is that the more I learn the more I realize I have much more to learn.
BTW, I am all about learning and using one's own knowledge to grow successfully. I understand a degree in horticulture would make for a higher quality of meds. But a huge amount of new growerz use cfl lighting and miracle gro products. They want to grow now, not get horticulture and advanced botany lessons...know what I sayin?

I know what you mean, but if they know what caused the spots they can much better prevent it in the future. I dont mean to come off better than anyone. Btw, no one should ever use miracle grow for cannabis ever. There are many reasons why its terrible. For one all the crap in it such as high amounts of salts and dyes. Thanks for the welcome.
WOW, now not only are you being presumptuous and condescending...but for all your knowledge why can't you comprehend that this is the NEWBIE CENTRAL forum. 99% of the growers in here don't give a rats ass about scientific terms when they need help now. Not after a few years of advanced horticulture classes and lectures?
please understand I am not attempting to belittle, insult, troll, or even just be a 'meany' LOL!!...There are forums and people here that understand the language and level of expertise you possess. But, newbies need quick and easy to understand answers.
The apical meristem leaf bud. Not to be confused with flower bud. This pushes back energy/auxins to allow the lower 2-4 buds/nodes to grow branches faster. Im sure you know that however.

Okay, I'm confused, lol! what is the difference between the apical meristem leaf bud and the flower bud?

You top at the 8th node, right? Do you top back to the 3rd or 4th? I'm asking because I vaguely remember reading something vaguely similar about the energy/auxins, that made sense at the time, lol! But, I can't find it now, of course!

I agree with you about miracle grow. Don't get me wrong, I used to use it 30 years ago with great results... but Scotts is an unconscionable company unless it comes to making money at any cost... they sleep with monstinko (by marketing roundup)... and they now own general hydroponics... they are agricultural bad guys!
I didnt know they own GH now, that sux! Scots products are fine for lawn and garden but thats about it. Its ok to use MG when growing outdoors in soil. Ferts require biological break down by soil microbes. Thats the difference between nutes and ferts. Nutes are directly absorbable by the plant. The terminal bud is the apical or apex bud where new growth extends from. Veg growth. Flower buds and leaf buds are different buds. Idealy you want to wait until you have at least 3 nodes before topping or pinching. If im not main lining I top when the plants have 7-8 nodes. If main-lining you want to top/pinch at every 3 nodes. Can you wait for more nodes? Sure, but your veg will be a little longer. On the up side your branches will be thicker and stronger if you allow more nodes between pinches. Its a good idea to do this with strains that produce heavy thick buds. Usually indica strains and indica dominate strains. Back to topping and nodes, some strains are alternating nodes which mean it produces one leaf at each node aternately, and some produce two leafs at each node. If its a alternating strain I top at 7-8 nodes and I remove the entire meristem down to the lowest 2-4 nodes. Alternating strains can be used for main-lining but two leafs per node are better. They branch off in a perfect Y. When mainlining you want your Y at every 3rd node. Does it HAVE to be? No, but its best. You want at least 3 nodes before topping/pinching so the plants have time to mature and produce critical hormones for strength, growth, and production. Now im not saying you have to use my methods as a bible. Anyone can do whatever they like but my techniques are from a horticultural standpoint. Hormones are imparitive to proper growth, strength, and production. Like I said before, do not mistake green foliage and fast growth for strength. Plant health is resilience and resistance to environmental stress. Temp xtremes and pests. Strong cells. Silica suplements only help, health begins with hormone production, as does growth and yield. Hormones, vitamins, and micro nutrients are just as important as NPK. Just as ph is vital for nutrient uptake. If the plant has two leaves at each node I top once it has 4-5 nodes. More leaves equals more photosynthetic surface area. A plant only needs a certain amount of photosynthetic area, this is why the more leaves you have the smaller they are. The less leaves you have the bigger they will be. So once I have 7-8 total leaves ill top/pinch, whatever you wish to call it. Sorry, I know you didnt ask for all that but sometimes I cant help myself! Lol.
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WOW, now not only are you being presumptuous and condescending...but for all your knowledge why can't you comprehend that this is the NEWBIE CENTRAL forum. 99% of the growers in here don't give a rats ass about scientific terms when they need help now. Not after a few years of advanced horticulture classes and lectures?

A newbie needing help, does not need to be given the indication that it's a good idea to top a plant after 6 days of growth.
A newbie needing help, does not need to be given the indication that it's a good idea to top a plant after 6 days of growth.
A newbie is a living. breathing and hopefully intelligent being. And as such should make their own decision. I have never suggested to any grower when they should or should not top their plants. I simply stated what I did.

I do not need some kind of pretentious and condescending lecture. I strive very hard to give only my experience and opinions and not give 'advice'. except to tell newbies not to take anyone's advice without reading and making there own choice.

Now that being said, I resent the fact that you feel the need to admonish me over what you perceive as a threat to a newbies grow. And as far as the ensuing explanation I just gave, thought you had a right to know how I felt and make your own decision. Unless you are an automaton which is apparently what you consider of all newbie growers.

Peace to you and yours, Happy Highliday!:peace::peace:
A newbie needing help, does not need to be given the indication that it's a good idea to top a plant after 6 days of growth.

At 6 days old the plant doesnt even have one pair of mature leaves. That young the plant is still getting nutrients from the feeder leaves and hasnt even begun to produce hormones, nor will it have much of a root system. Will it survive? Sure it may but that's unnecessary stress to plants that young. Its a big chance and for what, there's no benefits to topping a plant that soon. Its just stunting the plant.
A newbie is a living. breathing and hopefully intelligent being. And as such should make their own decision. I have never suggested to any grower when they should or should not top their plants. I simply stated what I did.

I do not need some kind of pretentious and condescending lecture. I strive very hard to give only my experience and opinions and not give 'advice'. except to tell newbies not to take anyone's advice without reading and making there own choice.

Now that being said, I resent the fact that you feel the need to admonish me over what you perceive as a threat to a newbies grow. And as far as the ensuing explanation I just gave, thought you had a right to know how I felt and make your own decision. Unless you are an automaton which is apparently what you consider of all newbie growers.

Peace to you and yours, Happy Highliday!:peace::peace:

I managed to get through the first paragraph of that ridiculous diatribe and gave up, but thanks for taking the time to reply.

The bottom line is topping a plant at 6 days is foolish, advising new growers to do so is irresponsible, and posting it as a throwaway comment in a 'newbie' thread is utterly pointless and can only serve as some ridiculous attempt to inflate your own ego.

I think you might need a bit of a reality check old chap, because trust me, you're not half as interesting as you seem to think you are.
At 6 days old the plant doesnt even have one pair of mature leaves. That young the plant is still getting nutrients from the feeder leaves and hasnt even begun to produce hormones, nor will it have much of a root system. Will it survive? Sure it may but that's unnecessary stress to plants that young. Its a big chance and for what, there's no benefits to topping a plant that soon. Its just stunting the plant.
HMMM...the poster was whining about my stating that in my current grow, I topped one of my gurlz at 6 days after emerging from soil and the other 2 days later at 8 days. They suffered no ill effects, were not stunted, shocked, deformed etcetera. They are 3.5 weeks into flower and if I do say so myself are freakin gorgeous. But don't take my word for and videos in my journal. Thanks for viewing, have a great Highliday.
I managed to get through the first paragraph of that ridiculous diatribe and gave up, but thanks for taking the time to reply.

The bottom line is topping a plant at 6 days is foolish, advising new growers to do so is irresponsible, and posting it as a throwaway comment in a 'newbie' thread is utterly pointless and can only serve as some ridiculous attempt to inflate your own ego.

I think you might need a bit of a reality check old chap, because trust me, you're not half as interesting as you seem to think you are.

HMMM that may be true ....

But on the other hand....

I managed to get through the first paragraph of that ridiculous diatribe and gave up, but thanks for taking the time to reply.

The bottom line is topping a plant at 6 days is foolish, advising new growers to do so is irresponsible, and posting it as a throwaway comment in a 'newbie' thread is utterly pointless and can only serve as some ridiculous attempt to inflate your own ego.

I think you might need a bit of a reality check old chap, because trust me, you're not half as interesting as you seem to think you are.
P.S....your a pompous ass and are using words that the robotic newbies minions that I control cannot understand. I never, repeat NEVER advised anyone to do anything. I merely stated what I did.

Now Shoo fly...

Final response and you are ignored...not that you care about 1 more person that does not give arats ass.jpg what you have to say.
Interesting picture....but no, you don't. From clicking on part of your signature (which by the way is about as headache inducing as a gypsy fair for retarded kids) you grossly overestimate how capable you actually are.

To the OP; apologies for hijacking the thread, the answer is after the 3rd node, as others have already stated. It's tried and tested by many. :)