I'm voting for McCain....


I think you mean "catcher", as in: Between you and GK,.....which one of you "pitches", Med?...or....who's the designated "batboy", Med?........:peace:
just made 50 bucks... i knew you'd use the "moderator card"


report me to RIU.. and I can make another $50

now start licking..
Predictable. :lol: Yes, that's it. Don't want the moderator card thrown at you? Give up your moderator status. Can you do that? It's an awful lot of power to just give up. I don't think you have it in yourself to just give up having any sort of power over people. If you did give up your moderator status, then your balls would essentially be cut off, we'd all be on a much more level playing field, and no one could "use" that card "against" you. ;)
on a more personal note...

-nobody can bother you.. you are in control of yourself .... 100%
Ah, the psycho-babble emerges! Their behavior can bother me, and yours absolutely does. I've run across people like yourself before, they want to push the envelope, do things just to see people's reactions with little care, thought, or personal responsibility for their own behavior and the reactions it engenders.
and that is my religion... RESPONSIBILITY for ONE's thoughts feelings and actions.... NO BLAME..
So, you're taking responsibility for behaving like a complete and total boor (and that's putting it mildly)? You're going to take personal responsibility for your boorish and rude behavior towards others who have been totally undeserving? I doubt you'll change your tactics, you seem to be like medicineman hiding behind the keyboard, throwing out darts and barbs, although to be perfectly honest, you present yourself as far more schizophrenic than he.

Here's mine: Take responsibility for your own actions. Don't let shit slide just because you're afraid of a person who may have power over you (Hello, Moderator Card!); When you see something wrong, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! Because if you don't speak out against it, your silence equals your implicit approval and acceptance. And I don't accept your behavior, I won't just keep my mouth shut, and I am not a-feared of the ban button that may be slammed on my ass at any moment here because I object to how you address people who say things you don't like.
and so I understand how you may not like my religion.. since your whole existence requires being bothered by other people.. blaiming other people.. being offended... you take things out of context to fullfill your own agenda of being offended.
You are awfullly full of yourself. You really seem to think that you have some sort of special knowledge that allows you to know others. Satisfy yourself with those thoughts, whoever you are, I'm sure you will. I'm sure it feels good, that's really the only reason I can see for your actions. Because, really, that's what this is about, your behavior and actions and how a reasonable person might see them and interpret them. Not about whether or not I "like" your religion. Not about my "religion", nor my "agenda". It's purely about your absolutely atrocious behavior.
how's that strike you Mr. Maiden ? :)

Like bullshit. :D
If any of u have read the bible b4 u know what could/would happen if mccain won. I'm talking about the Gen to Rev. U can hate on Obama cuz he a brother all day. Deep down inside America knows or America will fall. Not just fall but from the face of the map. A lot of people say that the world is comming to an end, I believe that some what. I also believe that America will be one of the first to go. A country built on racism, slavery. A country to this day that is still fueled on racism and mind slavery. A country that will fall if it doesn't wake up. How could change be so alarming when we are failing in all major categories that matter to our future. America is not the home of the free and the land of the brave. Bush is a coward, that's not brave. Sacrificing Americans in a BS war is not brave, nor or we free. FREE huh. What about Sean Bell? How free is that? Your free to do what you want as long as you don't drive a certain car or stay in a strange neighborhood ( I say strange because that's all I ever heard America say about the ghettos, slums, neighborhoods in this country) or biggest of all don't have to much a of a tan.
You know that fire on that US carrier, mccain was a fault 4 that. Americas TV land didn't talk about that or show how the sailor's felt about the fire. I was in the Navy, in boot camp they show us the fire which happen top be the worst in Naval history. They showed us much more than the CNN special. Your buddy mccain made several mistakes with his plane and trying to fight the fire if you can say that. (did he fight the fire or did he run like a coward and let young sailors die fighting a fire that he started.) He will make the same mistakes as president. Why do u think the Navy gave up on his search so soon. He had just put a major dent in the Pacific fleet and what less than month later he wants to fly a mission. Sure go ahead. U know like I know that he is not the right direction for America. I tell u this God will not let Obama fail.

If any of u have read the bible b4 u know what could/would happen if mccain won. I'm talking about the Gen to Rev. U can hate on Obama cuz he a brother all day. Deep down inside America knows or America will fall. Not just fall but from the face of the map. A lot of people say that the world is comming to an end, I believe that some what. I also believe that America will be one of the first to go. A country built on racism, slavery. A country to this day that is still fueled on racism and mind slavery. A country that will fall if it doesn't wake up. How could change be so alarming when we are failing in all major categories that matter to our future. America is not the home of the free and the land of the brave. Bush is a coward, that's not brave. Sacrificing Americans in a BS war is not brave, nor or we free. FREE huh. What about Sean Bell? How free is that? Your free to do what you want as long as you don't drive a certain car or stay in a strange neighborhood ( I say strange because that's all I ever heard America say about the ghettos, slums, neighborhoods in this country) or biggest of all don't have to much a of a tan.
You know that fire on that US carrier, mccain was a fault 4 that. Americas TV land didn't talk about that or show how the sailor's felt about the fire. I was in the Navy, in boot camp they show us the fire which happen top be the worst in Naval history. They showed us much more than the CNN special. Your buddy mccain made several mistakes with his plane and trying to fight the fire if you can say that. (did he fight the fire or did he run like a coward and let young sailors die fighting a fire that he started.) He will make the same mistakes as president. Why do u think the Navy gave up on his search so soon. He had just put a major dent in the Pacific fleet and what less than month later he wants to fly a mission. Sure go ahead. U know like I know that he is not the right direction for America. I tell u this God will not let Obama fail.

which god is this you speak of??
Middle-Eastern Gods
The current Top Ten:

1st : SATAN
2nd : YAHWEH
3rd : JESUS
7th : BAAL
8th : GOD
10th : YHWH
aren't a couple of them the same? I speak of the God that allows u and I to wake up ever morning no matter what we did the night b4.
If any of u have read the bible b4 u know what could/would happen if mccain won. I'm talking about the Gen to Rev. U can hate on Obama cuz he a brother all day. Deep down inside America knows or America will fall. Not just fall but from the face of the map. A lot of people say that the world is comming to an end, I believe that some what. I also believe that America will be one of the first to go. A country built on racism, slavery. A country to this day that is still fueled on racism and mind slavery. A country that will fall if it doesn't wake up. How could change be so alarming when we are failing in all major categories that matter to our future. America is not the home of the free and the land of the brave. Bush is a coward, that's not brave. Sacrificing Americans in a BS war is not brave, nor or we free. FREE huh. What about Sean Bell? How free is that? Your free to do what you want as long as you don't drive a certain car or stay in a strange neighborhood ( I say strange because that's all I ever heard America say about the ghettos, slums, neighborhoods in this country) or biggest of all don't have to much a of a tan.
You know that fire on that US carrier, mccain was a fault 4 that. Americas TV land didn't talk about that or show how the sailor's felt about the fire. I was in the Navy, in boot camp they show us the fire which happen top be the worst in Naval history. They showed us much more than the CNN special. Your buddy mccain made several mistakes with his plane and trying to fight the fire if you can say that. (did he fight the fire or did he run like a coward and let young sailors die fighting a fire that he started.) He will make the same mistakes as president. Why do u think the Navy gave up on his search so soon. He had just put a major dent in the Pacific fleet and what less than month later he wants to fly a mission. Sure go ahead. U know like I know that he is not the right direction for America. I tell u this God will not let Obama fail.


I think you have lied, sir.
A missile on an F-4 got lose and fired on his LCMD McCain's A-4 aircraft, on the other side of the deck, and started the tragedy. LCMD McCain did NOT kill 134 of his shipmates. So feel free to state your opinions, but please check your facts.

Source - Report from the Secretary of the Navy, posted in Wikipedia
About 10:50 (local time) on the 29th, while preparations for a second strike were being made near
19°9′5″N, 107°23′5″E,[3] an unguided 5-inch Mk-32 "Zuni" rocket, one of four contained in a LAU-10 underwing rocket pod mounted on a F-4 Phantom II, was accidentally fired due to an electrical power surge during the switch from external power to internal power.

A drawing of the stern of Forrestal showing the spotting of aircraft at the time. Likely source of the Zuni was F-4 No. 110. White's and McCain's aircraft are in the right hand circle.

The rocket flew across the flight deck, striking a wing-mounted external fuel tank on a A-4 Skyhawk awaiting launch[3], either aircraft No. 405, piloted by LCDR Fred D. White[1], or No. 416, piloted by future U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate, LCDR John McCain.[
I'm sorry, could someone please explain to me why being friends with other nations is a bad thing? I think it was a beautiful speech.

It is not a bad thing. However, In order for all countries and all peoples to unite as one, it will require a one world government. The ultimate aim of Obama, and many many others like him is to form a one world government. What is wrong with that you ask? In order to get everyone on board with the idea of a one world government would require a strangle hold on individual rights and freedoms. Not everyone, everywhere will accept being friends with everyone else all the time. Thus acts of resistance or revolt under a single world government will be deemed "terrorism" and will be punished as such. Protests against a one world government will be quashed and the instigators punished as "terrorists". The foundation for this is being laid every single day. In a one world government, our beloved constitution will no longer mean anything. It will no longer carry any weight.

Think about it. The more people you want to govern at once, the more government you need. With more government comes inherently less freedom. With less freedom comes more stringent punishment for crimes against said government. If you need an example of how a one world government will look, look no further then China. Do you want to live under the same conditions? China is only 1+ billion people, imagine the size and scope of a government trying to control 6+ billion people. It would be terrible. World peace is a good idea but it cannot be legislated or brought about by a government. It must happen organically from the bottom up, not the top down.

When the U.S. constitution was created, look how well it worked and how prosperous the people were for 200+ years. Now look where we are headed with all of the governmental involvement. Look at countries with huge governing bodies, their human rights and standard of living is terrible. Government is not the answer!

Besides, who wants to all look and act and talk and live the same way. Diversity is what makes life interesting.
Because, really, that's what this is about, your behavior and actions and how a reasonable person might see them and interpret them.

one at me three gingers back at you...

Are you claiming to know what correct behavior is ?

You base all your comments on a self righteous pre supposition..

And the funny part is.. you claim me to be self rightous...

classic... three fingers back at you bro.. three fingers

but wait, their is more!!!
When you see something wrong, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! Because if you don't speak out against it, your silence equals your implicit approval and acceptance. And I don't accept your behavior, I won't just keep my mouth shut,

Look at what you said... do you know the source of this thought?

"When you see somethig wrong" - self rightous know it all...

"speak the fuck up" reactionary pussy (:mrgreen:) who basis his existence on others rather than what he finds in HIMSEFLF.. lost puppy in a world full of lost puppy's

If you don;t speak oyt against it.. blah blha blah -

You fooking dunce.. pay attention.. and stop reacting YOU don;t have the capability to NOT speak up.. you are a reactionary fly... and you trell yourself this shit ... like it is "the same as approval" by keeping yor mouyth shiut.. cause you are to weak to stay still.. you are to scared.. you are a sleeping fooking drone..

reactionary .. that is all you know.. and you protect your reactionary tendencies with stories... ovf valor and bullshit excuses and name calling..

you may never get achance to have somebodty actually tell youthis ever again.. listen to what i am saying and learn something and chganeg yourself for the better...

You attack me for your own ego... do defedn yor position... I am only pointing at the truth...

I don't disagree with anything you say... yes the ocean looks like a solid mass when you see it from sapce.. and so I accept your vision.. but try going just a bit closer.. a bit deeper... and get intimate with WHAT IS...

Stop pointing at me.. and take resp[onsablity for your re- ACTIONS

you fucking ignoramous...


Here are the reasons Obama's getting my vote (and has already gotten some of my money):

1) I'm pro-choice. A prohibition on abortions would cause a greater number of unsafe abortions, resulting in more dead teenagers. Been there, done that, and a return to the pre-Roe v Wade days is not something that'd be good for this country.

2) I don't like religion being taught in public schools. Palin is an advocate of teaching creationism in school. Separation of church and state is obviously a part of the constitution of which Ms. palin is unaware.

3) Judgment. Obama has exercised very good judgment all along the way. Who wanted us to occupy Iraq, a country that had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 and had not attacked us? McCain. Obama wanted to focus more on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Two trillion dollars later and now we know Obama was right. Expensive lesson: that mistake will ultimately cost each US taxpayer around $14,000.

4) Knowledge and adaptability. Obama is clearly the smarter of the two presidential candidates, and he's more knowledgable about modern society. You can't be expected to solve problems that you can't even comprehend. McCain needs help reading email.

5) Age. One out of three presidents do not survive their term. With McCain being the oldest first-time nominee ever, the odds that he will not survive his term are likely significantly higher than 1 in 3. Which means there's a very good chance that a vote for McCain means a Palin presidency. And she is in no way ready to grab the reigns of global leadership.

6) Fiscal responsibility. This is something Republicans were once known for, but those days are long gone. There hasn't been a fiscally responsible Republican president in more than 25 years. The last time we had a budget surplus was near the end of Clinton's second term -- that man knew the power of the veto stick, something Bush didn't figure out until his second term, and even then he mainly has used it to prevent the advancement of science.

7) Equality for all. I want women to get the same pay as men for doing the same job. McCain has consistently voted against anything that ensures parity for women, and certainly the Republican Party is no friend to the gay community either. I don't give a shit what kind of genitals a person has, or with whom they are used -- *everyone* should be treated fairly and equally. Period.

There are other reasons to vote for Obama: he's inspirational, he's a moral man, he would restore our image in the eyes of the rest of the world, he's more apt to try diplomacy before bombs, he thinks outside the box, and so on. I'm mainly an issues guy when I vote though, personally, so the ephemeral things aren't as important to me as they might be to some.
5) Age. One out of three presidents do not survive their term. With McCain being the oldest first-time nominee ever, the odds that he will not survive his term are likely significantly higher than 1 in 3. Which means there's a very good chance that a vote for McCain means a Palin presidency. And she is in no way ready to grab the reigns of global leadership.

This is half of the problem. Why is it Americans and American presidents look at the presidency as the seat of "GLOBAL LEADERSHIP" or as the "Leader of the Free World". The president should be the president of the U.S. period. Why cant we just mind our own fucking business and stay out of everyone else's affairs. Why are we so busy worrying about other countries when we have more then enough of our own problems to worry about. Why do arabs and the so called terrorists hate us anyway? Because we have had our nose in their business for the past fifty years.