just made 50 bucks... i knew you'd use the "moderator card"
report me to RIU.. and I can make another $50
now start licking..

Yes, that's it. Don't want the moderator card thrown at you? Give up your moderator status. Can you do that? It's an awful lot of power to just give up. I don't think you have it in yourself to just give up having any sort of power over people. If you did give up your moderator status, then your balls would essentially be cut off, we'd all be on a much more level playing field, and no one could "use" that card "against" you.
on a more personal note...
-nobody can bother you.. you are in control of yourself .... 100%
Ah, the psycho-babble emerges! Their behavior can bother me, and yours absolutely does. I've run across people like yourself before, they want to push the envelope, do things just to see people's reactions with little care, thought, or personal responsibility for their own behavior and the reactions it engenders.
and that is my religion... RESPONSIBILITY for ONE's thoughts feelings and actions.... NO BLAME..
So, you're taking responsibility for behaving like a complete and total boor (and that's putting it mildly)? You're going to take personal responsibility for your boorish and rude behavior towards others who have been totally undeserving? I doubt you'll change your tactics, you seem to be like medicineman hiding behind the keyboard, throwing out darts and barbs, although to be perfectly honest, you present yourself as far more schizophrenic than he.
Here's mine: Take responsibility for your own actions. Don't let shit slide just because you're afraid of a person who may have power over you (Hello, Moderator Card!); When you see something wrong, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! Because if you don't speak out against it, your silence equals your implicit approval and acceptance. And I don't accept your behavior, I won't just keep my mouth shut, and
I am not a-feared of the ban button that may be slammed on my ass at any moment here because I object to how you address people who say things you don't like.
and so I understand how you may not like my religion.. since your whole existence requires being bothered by other people.. blaiming other people.. being offended... you take things out of context to fullfill your own agenda of being offended.
You are awfullly full of yourself. You really seem to think that you have some sort of special knowledge that allows you to know others. Satisfy yourself with those thoughts, whoever you are, I'm sure you will. I'm sure it feels good, that's really the only reason I can see for your actions. Because, really, that's what this is about, your behavior and actions and how a reasonable person might see them and interpret them. Not about whether or not I "like" your religion. Not about my "religion", nor my "agenda". It's purely about your absolutely atrocious behavior.
how's that strike you Mr. Maiden ?
Like bullshit.