EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

She voted for the Iraq war because she was afraid if she didn't it would hurt her politically.
I never claimed to like her. I just like her more than any of the republican candidates.
Sanders is off the menu.

hurt her?..hurt her?..what about all those kids who never came home?..or perhaps husbands and wives that didn't come back to their children?
you make me sick:spew:

you deserve President Trump.
Why do you keep working so hard to throw your own first choice under the bus? The process isn't over and the biggest liberal state hasn't voted.

because he's shaking in his boots over what a trump presidency might mean globally.

pretty shaky circumstances just to keep your capital gains.
Nobody is sneering here. But you are acting like a child willing to burn down his own house because he didn't get his way.
the only way Sanders loses if you don't vote and Cruz becomes the President.
Clinton is for universal healthcare. She just isn't stupid enough to advocate for it before she gets in

burning down houses is Red's gig not Tty's.
Really needed Bern to grab new york. Dammit.
Cnn is jumping all over this. Saying shes got it pretty much. Cant stand network news. They all have thier own agenda. I been really into the Young Turks lately. I agree with alot of what they say. Not all of it...but alot.

don't listen to the media..I know it's hard. but if it's any consolation..so do MANY others..you should read the comments..other voters are as upset as you that Bernie is and has been receiving unfair treatment.

it'll make you laugh specifically MSNBC.
As an individual the decision to own yourself must come from within.

So, yes we agree that people should take responsibility for their own freedom, but democracy doesn't do that, it removes the freedom of the individual and replaces it with the recipe to create that which exists now.

"They" did not underestimate complacency, they target marketed it, very successfully.
So how did you make out this year with taxes ?
When was the last time the democratic electorate was this disenfranchised?


Friends fighting with friends..somewhere I saw primary "confessions' where people called/texted how this election has changed your life..someone broke up with their sig other after it was found out they voted differently..people saying their friends thinks they voted Clinton but voted trump..voted sanders but secretly wishes Clinton would win etc.

This is going to change us, but on the flip side has engaged and empowered the under 30 voter which is traditionally the least to show at the polls for obvi reasons..this Millenial under 30 are sooooo smart and we need them to be involved..we CAN thank Sanders for this.

They're talking this morning about how Clinton will BROKER Sanders' voters:lol:
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