What did you accomplish today?

If ya can't operate a power tool drunk,then you shouldn't use one at all.
I agree. Now!!!
Wow. Glad you kept your hand!
Yea lol.. That's a big bonus.

That's more like it lmao
My rescue raven, Stinky Girl, just flew off today. I hope the very best for her, she was a joy. I chopped my sadly neglected flower table LOL and I'm potting the new flower girls and so turns the wheel of life.

I had not heard the "Stinky Girl" saga.
Raven's are intelligent as all get-out & Hella cool too!

As far as her flying away, perhaps this will help.
"The Raven signifies moving through transitions smoothly by casting light into the darkness."

I had not heard the "Stinky Girl" saga.
Raven's are intelligent as all get-out & Hella cool too!

As far as her flying away, perhaps this will help.
"The Raven signifies moving through transitions smoothly by casting light into the darkness."

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One of the many city ravens some asshole shot. Except she was part of my conspiracy (related to Vinnie), She was shot through and through, the crop to the neck and came to find me in extremis. My vet saved her and I rehabbed her. She was very young and very sweet. She had the prettiest, tiny little feet, but squawked like her big brother LOL. Anyway I saw her later today on top of the neighboring rooves with one of her family feeding her!

I hope she does well and shits on the asshole who shot her and did not finish her.