Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I think a Wall is required on The Canadian side to keep American Ditch Weed from working its way here LOL... oh and we'll make the Americans pay for it.....And using the free trade we'll toss you a Trudeau for Trump any day lol

i thought yall liked Trudy......why would you give him up so easy?

btw.....i have first hand reports that going over the border to CA is rediculous......they still tearin peoples car seats up and i dont think you need much of a wall, you already handlin biz way better than us


Well-Known Member
He is quite entertaining and I would like to believe he can do great things for American, that would be awesome. But when i think about his background and how he is so NOT down to earth and so tacky and rude and seems like such a bullshitter. He is very manipulative and narcistic. But maybe he can be a good strong leader. We are so far gone as a country i really dont know if anyone can help at this point. Its really depressing.

i agree with you. I dont vote exactly for the reason you one person can really change things....

i actually like joe rogans idea about having something like an elite group of decision makers similar to the senate but smaller and with special rules designed to minimize filibustering.....

this idea that we need to have ONE person vested with so much power is just too similar to a dictator or a king and upon careful reflection does appear to be rather outmoded. The problem is the population en masse cannot amend themselves to such a drastic paradigm shift and transitioning to such a system would likely take a very long time and that assuming all the key players were on board which they will never be.

we are stuck with this inept, broken system.


Well-Known Member
nah, I have seen so many now. He is pretty funny for sure but after a while it gets boring because he says the same things all the time. I wonder what he looks like without that stupid hair of his. I guess only his hot wife Malania would know. She is so much younger then him, its kinda disgusting really. How could she? some girls would do anything for money I guess. Plus she is foreign and might put up with more of his bullshit then an American women.
hmm. let's see: picking potatoes in eastern bloc country or occasionally sucking on an orange needle dick and living in a penthouse?

door #2 comrade!


Well-Known Member
I think a Wall is required on The Canadian side to keep American Ditch Weed from working its way here LOL... oh and we'll make the Americans pay for it.....And using the free trade we'll toss you a Trudeau for Trump any day lol
as long as you keep your crappy Canadian lagers on that side of the wall i'll be happy.

well, maybe le fin du monde or mordite would be acceptable to cross.


Well-Known Member
hmm. let's see: picking potatoes in eastern bloc country or occasionally sucking on an orange needle dick and living in a penthouse?

door #2 comrade!

its a cheap shot and easy joke for most of us to make but i actually know people who have married to get out of shithole countries and Melania might not have it that bad after all.

if i was a chick from the eastern bloc and my choices were between some rediculous ego tripping rich fat fuck from the us or some equally rediculous street hustling gang banger sniffing glue and talking with that horrible russian mafioso accent there would be no learnin to suck some needle least id get to go shopping for coach handbags and prada shoes when the don is away on biz


Well-Known Member
Gee thanks, ill gladly accept that elementary school level insult. Go back to the drawing board mate, your wordsmith skills leave more than just a little to be desired.

Heads up me against you in general knowledge im certain i could wipe you out in a few minutes. The knowledge i have just on tap memorized and absorbed from countless hours of reading and research is something you wouldnt even have the inkling to aspire to.

People like you prove the truism that ignorance really is bliss.
Hey don't get pissy with me , only stating what the Don says himself. He loves the uneducated.
I'm a numbers guy myself. I like that you can't argue numbers, but you can argue the shit out of 'I before E except after C.
I leave the wordsmith to others.
Cómos su español


Well-Known Member
He is quite entertaining and I would like to believe he can do great things for American, that would be awesome. But when i think about his background and how he is so NOT down to earth and so tacky and rude and seems like such a bullshitter. He is very manipulative and narcistic. But maybe he can be a good strong leader. We are so far gone as a country i really dont know if anyone can help at this point. Its really depressing.

and actually fixing the country would be too easy.....

im from the west coast where the fed shut down the logging industry right in my own back yard over a fucking owl. Proof the pieces of filth running the country do not give a shit about working america.

i know so many families who were for all intents and purposes destroyed with the timber industry......and towns too.

the stupidest thing about jobs is how easy they would be to create. Once you actually start making things and building things all the poor bastards living in shithole apartments and trailer parks smoking dirty meth cuz theres no jobs can be put to work and be given value added goods and services in lieu of cash payments. You decrim all drugs and follow the swiss and portuguese models of drug interventions while at the same time releasing all the land the fed has stolen and start giving out tracts of land to those who put in a certain amount of wouldnt even need money.....straight up trade goods and services for work like what Adam Smith advocated in wealth of nations.

anyone who knows about fiat currency knows its a joke anyway......the only thing that has value is ability and actual resources.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hey don't get pissy with me , only stating what the Don says himself. He loves the uneducated.
If you were a little bit smarter than you think you are you would figure out that Trump was including the Bernie supporters that don't seem to know what the hell is going on. So instead of shitting on the less fortunate he welcomes them to his camp. LOL TRUMP!

204Kush Master

Well-Known Member
i thought yall liked Trudy......why would you give him up so easy?

btw.....i have first hand reports that going over the border to CA is rediculous......they still tearin peoples car seats up and i dont think you need much of a wall, you already handlin biz way better than us
Trudeau let me tell you its only a matter of time all these refugees he's taking did you see this jack ass we will only take in Gay men to ensure there not terrorists , yea well fuck you who wants Gay refugees and who's the tester to find out if they're really Gay.


Well-Known Member
If you were a little bit smarter than you think you are you would figure out that Trump was including the Bernie supporters that don't seem to know what the hell is going on. So instead of shitting on the less fortunate he welcomes them to his camp. LOL TRUMP!
Trump still needs to hope the GOP don't find a way to snatch the nomination from him.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Sure guy. How would you have answered ?
Well , as you know I did not finish high school but I did finish at the top of the class at a trade school, that had hundreds of students. I remember the national director for Harley Davidson handing me an award for this achievement in front of hundreds of other students and veterans that attended the school. He looked at me and said that it was not easy to be the top gun among this large group. I walked off the stage thinking things don't get much better than that. So I kinda left that school thinking that I was able to fulfill something much greater than a diploma. Just so you know. nitro

204Kush Master

Well-Known Member
and actually fixing the country would be too easy.....

im from the west coast where the fed shut down the logging industry right in my own back yard over a fucking owl. Proof the pieces of filth running the country do not give a shit about working america.

i know so many families who were for all intents and purposes destroyed with the timber industry......and towns too.

the stupidest thing about jobs is how easy they would be to create. Once you actually start making things and building things all the poor bastards living in shithole apartments and trailer parks smoking dirty meth cuz theres no jobs can be put to work and be given value added goods and services in lieu of cash payments. You decrim all drugs and follow the swiss and portuguese models of drug interventions while at the same time releasing all the land the fed has stolen and start giving out tracts of land to those who put in a certain amount of wouldnt even need money.....straight up trade goods and services for work like what Adam Smith advocated in wealth of nations.

anyone who knows about fiat currency knows its a joke anyway......the only thing that has value is ability and actual resources.
Hell Schnooby if its meth and crack heads your helping we can send you ours before the walls up lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hmm. let's see: picking potatoes in eastern bloc country or occasionally sucking on an orange needle dick and living in a penthouse?

door #2 comrade!
Thats funny!. but i believe she was a well paid super model living in this country prior to her marriage with The Donald....and she had a lot of choice, . what i have seen , what she portrays to me, through he web page.... is just a pretty shallow glamour barbie doll all about materialism and money. No substance what so ever. Her English is terrible as well. She is all looks no substance from what i can tell so far. No real intelligent women would ever marry a man like Trump. And he should not be married! He is not the marrying type. Rock stars shouldnt get married either, it does not suit the lifestyle.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
and actually fixing the country would be too easy.....

im from the west coast where the fed shut down the logging industry right in my own back yard over a fucking owl. Proof the pieces of filth running the country do not give a shit about working america.

i know so many families who were for all intents and purposes destroyed with the timber industry......and towns too.

the stupidest thing about jobs is how easy they would be to create. Once you actually start making things and building things all the poor bastards living in shithole apartments and trailer parks smoking dirty meth cuz theres no jobs can be put to work and be given value added goods and services in lieu of cash payments. You decrim all drugs and follow the swiss and portuguese models of drug interventions while at the same time releasing all the land the fed has stolen and start giving out tracts of land to those who put in a certain amount of wouldnt even need money.....straight up trade goods and services for work like what Adam Smith advocated in wealth of nations.

anyone who knows about fiat currency knows its a joke anyway......the only thing that has value is ability and actual resources.
wow , that sucks about he timber and the owl. I wonder if you live in Redding Ca.
Im up in Oregon and they seem to do a pretty good job with the logging industry up here. They chop the trees down and then replant where they log. They seem to have a good system in place. I agree with keeping things simple. Thats the way i live. No kids, No pets, No house.. it makes life so much easier and low stress. Streamline things and cut the bullshit out. Maybe Trump can do it. Hillary certainly wont.
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