That looks a lot like her, but I don't think we have those here. We do have a lot of squirrels, but she doesn't have black toenails, so she's probably a rat. That's really the only likely wildlife we have around here, cos I don't think she's a fox or a hedgehog and we don't see much else. She's hanging in there, getting used to sucking on the cotton bud now so maybe she has a fighting chance. I don't have a penny to my name until the end of the week unfortunately, but if she makes it until then on honey water and diluted milk then I'll get her some soy baby milk, which apparently is the closest thing to a mother rat's milk, and probiotics to try build up some immunity. I don't really know what else I can do, I thought about asking the local Pets at Home if they could donate me some hand-rearing stuff, or if they know of anyone local with a nursing mother, I'll pop in tomorrow on my way to work.. I've been doing loads of reading today and apparently it's very rare they make it if they're orphaned before their fur comes in, but I'll do my best for her.
And my fella would prefer I wasn't always bringing home strays but I think he much prefers stray pinkies than stray addicts and runaway children, which I've also been known to attempt to rescue!