billy your damaged leaves wont recover, but your plant will make it to harvest and your next grow will be better using what youve learned. Growing good cannabis takes a little bit of time and experimentation on your part. Take some advice, learn what works for you in your particular enviroment and you will be fine. If there is one piece of advice i can give you that will nearly always apply is less is more... learn to grow healthy plants to harvest with a basic nutrient program before you try and push your plants with tons of supplements. Gh micro and gh bloom by themselves will grow healthy plants to harvest... in coco its wise to add some additional calcium/magnesium in moderation, not needed every feeding. Vary the ph of your feeds... keep them in the 5.7-6.2 range but dont lock them in to one number... get a ec meter and keep track of the strength of your feeds anything over 1.8 ec is probably going to be on the excessive generally like less1- 1.2ec or so. less is nearly always more my friend. following recommendation on bottles or manufacturer schedules will nearly always be too damn much... they have a vested interest in seeing you empty those bottles as fast as possible. Things like koolbloom have their place but only in moderation and only at specific times when your plant is needing those nutrients. For example i like to add a phosphorus supplement just as bud sites pop up, just once. This will help increase the number of budsites and stimulate rooting.And ill add it again once about the fourth week or just at the start of the bulking period. You will want to modify your base when you add these so your ec isnt pushed too high. As far as strength goes adding. 2 -.3 ec of a good booster like koolbloom at select times of your grow is a good and safe practice. And the last bit of advice i can give is research, research, research.
sorry about the wall of text..