Crazy bug infestation. Anyone seen this before?

I've been growing for a long time and I thought I had seen all the pests that can infest a marijuana plant but I have never seen this before. I'm assuming they are aphids at several life stages. Anyone know what's going on here? Has anyone seen this before?IMAG0312.jpg IMAG0311.jpg
Not fucked at all actually. I harvested the whole room and everything looks great. No damage what so ever and I don't see anymore bugs. I'm just curious if anyone has experience with these and knows what they are and how to prevent them in the future.
..I dunno if I'd smoke it, man. They are bound to gave gotten stuck in the bud. That infestation looks pretty bad.
And they were really only on a few leaves. I threw away the few nugs that had them on them but I'm not throwing away 5 lbs that look perfectly fine. Lol
Look it up never had an issue with them personally I know you use pyganic if root aphids but not a huge person for knowing too much bout pests