A simple organic garden

I get tax exempt!!! I just live in a state that it does not matter. Our insurance is through the roof but taxes are reasonable, my state is in the top 5 for yearly cost for auto and home insurance! Tornadoes and Hail
I feel ya man... BUT I can be at the pacific ocean in 5 minutes..
not to rub it in..
BUT I bet your black bass fishing is badass..
I miss freshwater fishing
Land here in the south is dirt cheap(pun intended) haha but the problem is that everyone here judges your every move and heaven forbid you're from a small town and they know you smoke....you're considered a low life basically...funny thing is I went to a 4 year military college and graduated with a degree that could lead to the medical field if I ever choose to do more schooling(for the birds). When it's finally legal..that's a BIG when...I feel the south with rival the west coast in quality outdoor, it's just gonna take a lot of support to convince people around here to start liking the Devils lettuce. I've gotten my whole family on board with the notion of medicinal marijuana can rid the world of pills. And slowly but surely I hope everyone will realize that. Lost too many people to pills...it's gotta stop somewhere and hopefully with our generation. Sorry for the rant..just took a nice bong rip:leaf::leaf:bongsmilie
Land here in the south is dirt cheap(pun intended) haha but the problem is that everyone here judges your every move and heaven forbid you're from a small town and they know you smoke....you're considered a low life basically...funny thing is I went to a 4 year military college and graduated with a degree that could lead to the medical field if I ever choose to do more schooling(for the birds). When it's finally legal..that's a BIG when...I feel the south with rival the west coast in quality outdoor, it's just gonna take a lot of support to convince people around here to start liking the Devils lettuce. I've gotten my whole family on board with the notion of medicinal marijuana can rid the world of pills. And slowly but surely I hope everyone will realize that. Lost too many people to pills...it's gotta stop somewhere and hopefully with our generation. Sorry for the rant..just took a nice bong rip:leaf::leaf:bongsmilie
I am a 100% disabled veteran and people still look at me like I am a low-life. I only make more money than they do now. I get about $4,200/mo from disability alone. I easily clear 6k/mo

I feel ya man... BUT I can be at the pacific ocean in 5 minutes..
not to rub it in..
BUT I bet your black bass fishing is badass..
I miss freshwater fishing
Dont get me wrong, I am still day-dreaming of a cooler climate!!! I am trying to figure out how I am going to keep my chickens and rabbits from getting heat exhaustion!
You dont understand much my wife wants to move! I am ready to get away from most of the people that I know.
See that's exactly what irks me the most. Being from a military college I have a lot of classmates that are deployed/have been deployed and many of them tell me all the time how they would rather smoke a joint or two a day for PTSD or whatever instead of taking their prescribed k-pins, opioids, Xanax, etc etc. Its sick how we abandon veterans when they come home. Thank you for your service btw!!!! Guys like you make this possible for us all!

Side note: my gf is dying to move as well. a fresh start is what we both need.
See that's exactly what irks me the most. Being from a military college I have a lot of classmates that are deployed/have been deployed and many of them tell me all the time how they would rather smoke a joint or two a day for PTSD or whatever instead of taking their prescribed k-pins, opioids, Xanax, etc etc. Its sick how we abandon veterans when they come home. Thank you for your service btw!!!! Guys like you make this possible for us all!

Side note: my gf is dying to move as well. a fresh start is what we both need.

This place fits the bill!! 10+ acres, 4bd, animal housing, 2 different garages(guest house lol), and it is within my price range. I would probably have to start growing food also, but that is what I want... Would you be any good at taking care of animals? I hate needles and I would have a problem giving cattle their vaccinations! I like having people around, but everyone I know is just after something free. I think that it would be very cool to get a few people that enjoy homesteading! This house is just an example...
Oh man that's right up our alley!! I was smoking a joint with my lady last night looking at places telling her my dream would be a house with acres, many many animnals(she loves animals more than people) a garden of veggies and herb, and a shop to do my woodworking in(been a carpenter for about 2 years now). basically I want to have a little ranch with my family and animals and be self sufficient. We have completely lost the art of doing for ourselves and its sick. We could have a few wells and solar panels and be set!!! Haha
During the summers between college I would go home and work on a tobacco farm bc all I ever heard my grandad say growing up was "son you don't know work until you've worked in tobacco" so to prove it to him I would work most summers and it was hell. Now that I'm a little older I'm so grateful for those summers. My work ethic completely changed and I saw fr the first time how hard work can reward you in the long run. I know putting that effort into my own farm/homestead would be so rewarding. It's all just gotta fall into place
Oh man that's right up our alley!! I was smoking a joint with my lady last night looking at places telling her my dream would be a house with acres, many many animnals(she loves animals more than people) a garden of veggies and herb, and a shop to do my woodworking in(been a carpenter for about 2 years now). basically I want to have a little ranch with my family and animals and be self sufficient. We have completely lost the art of doing for ourselves and its sick. We could have a few wells and solar panels and be set!!! Haha
I think that I already like you more than my current friends, minus grease. People that I know just dont understand that type of living. When I went into Federal Vocational Rehab, they asked what my passions were. They ended up finding me un-employable and pushed for my 100%. They said that there is no money in farming for a small timer. I am just tired of reading articles about arsenic that they put in chicken just to make their meat a nice pink color. I could give a fuck about what color the chicken meat is, dont put fucking arsenic in their food!!!

This is a different article than I first read, but it says close to the same thing.
It's funny bc anyone I've told my plan to has basically laughed in my face and said I wasted four years of college if that's all I wanna do. But they don't realize my idea of rich and wealthy is at the end of the day to sit on MY porch looking over MY land smoking MY weed eating MY food and knowing my family is fed and safe. Money is great don't get me wrong but I think we should go back to a barter society and get rid of monetary values.

This place fits the bill!! 10+ acres, 4bd, animal housing, 2 different garages(guest house lol), and it is within my price range. I would probably have to start growing food also, but that is what I want... Would you be any good at taking care of animals? I hate needles and I would have a problem giving cattle their vaccinations! I like having people around, but everyone I know is just after something free. I think that it would be very cool to get a few people that enjoy homesteading! This house is just an example...
lets all go three fuckin ways and buy that bitch!
we'd have the mother of all organic farms going, and herb so good, you'd wanna smack your mother after smoking it
I got dibs on the master bedroom!
I like Yall as well!! Haha none of my friends get it man. They all wanna climb the corporate ladder and kiss ass to the top...effffffff that!! When the zombies come and they all come running to our compound bc we are self sufficient im gonna laugh at them while smoking a fat joint eating some homegrown fruit
lets all go three fuckin ways and buy that bitch!
we'd have the mother of all organic farms going, and herb so good, you'd wanna smack your mother after smoking it
I got dibs on the master bedroom!

I'm down guys!!! Doesn't take much to convince me! Haha I'll build a little shack for me for all I care haha My gf dies everytime I tell her my dream home is a single wide with about 50 acres hahaha
I like Yall as well!! Haha none of my friends get it man. They all wanna climb the corporate ladder and kiss ass to the top...effffffff that!! When the zombies come and they all come running to our compound bc we are self sufficient im gonna laugh at them while smoking a fat joint eating some homegrown fruit
I thought that the U.S was going to fall apart like Rome did, from the inside...


It is a little farther along now, but I couldnt find recent pics... Here is the shack that I have been building!
I was just seeing how many different rooms could fit in that basement!! Haha that's a growers dream basement. Too bad we don't have basements around here, too close to the coast
I have been looking at loan amounts, I think that I qualify for $200-215K and that would be $1,600/mo... It took me forever to find this little bit of info...

The sum of the monthly mortgage, interest, tax and insurance payments must be equal or less than 41% of your gross (pre-taxes) monthly salary.

I make close to $4,300 that they consider income.