Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
If i had a penis, it would be yuuuge!Your tiny penis is so very tiny.
If i had a penis, it would be yuuuge!Your tiny penis is so very tiny.
Go suck on reality.
Buck, why would I want to defend your statement? nitro
Dont check the citations just look to undermine the source.
Sounds like a hillary supporter.
Its a vast right wing conspiracy!
Riot.What is going to happen when Trump does get elected ,, and all the people in here totally against Trump . What are you going to do then lol
It is a symptom of the illegal immigration problem.the reality is that nitro was looking at newborn hispanic children in the united states. those are called american citizens, not illegal immigrants.
so your attempt to justify his racism, although valiant, doesn't amount to a dog fart.
Then i will find another source.the source was white supremacist john stanton though.
It is a symptom of the illegal immigration problem.
And it would be orange and have a terrible combover. And it would have likely defrauded people out of good sex. And probably would have had sex with its child, if it wasn't his child of course.If i had a penis, it would be yuuuge!
my statement?
it was you who told obama to go back to kenya.
flaming pile is still not sure whether your statement telling obama to go back to kenya was racist or not.
Can you find one that is not one of these? Because these are all the same guyThen i will find another source.
IRS releases list of groups targeted in scandal – 3 years later
Published June 06, 2016
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IRS files list of Tea Party groups targeted 3 years later
Three years after the IRS admitted officials singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny, the tax-collecting agency has released a near-complete list of the organizations targeted.
And it numbers in the hundreds — for the first time showing the extent to which the agency slow-walked applications for tax-exempt status.
The new list shows a total of 426 organizations, far higher than what the Treasury Department’s inspector general believed there to be in May 2013, when he identified 298 groups.
Whose sock puppet are you?Illegal immigration is illegal, see how buck changes it it racism,, Trump is going to send them back and bring them back in legally.
This is not raciest this is doing it by the book and fixing the illegal immigration issues ,,
Where as Hillary, will say one thing , start something that costs 500 billiion. Send 3/4 of the money to Clinton foundation , and 3 years later still no progress ,, and also people would of already forgotten about it and tax money gone .
That is the game she plays.
She will dig up some scheme that includes terrorist attack on USA and start another war with a weak nation ,, this time probably Go after South Africa for there gold or other resources.. Of course a Muslim country
And the sad thing is will again be a devastating beating again on USA and another lose in there wars to conquer ..
Cant cut off that dark money in politics
It's the republicans and billionaires life line