Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

That young gentlemen is just doing his job. Why mock him? Have you "identified" him as a Mexican?

You've let every bit of dignity fade revealing the crippled mind of a damaged idiot child.

Loco a half wit, bigot sage.
Nope, the information doesn't come from anti gun organizations, unless you call NIH, FBI and universities anti gun organizations. Look again, or don't, I don't care. The truth comes out when reading and cross checking reports. A lot of chaff is out there and it takes time to sort it out. I did so a bit ago and it turns out that gun nuts don't really want to learn.

Regarding anti-gun organizations, I don't read their propaganda, nor do I cite NRA's discredited shit. But I did check their stuff out. The NRA has some pretty good safety guidelines that would do a lot of good to reduce accidental gun deaths if most gun owners would only follow them.

Radicals on both sides are allergic to truth.
2/3 of gun deaths are suicides.
He was a gay Muslim, when his parents found out, they were broken. Matte then decided that he was going to shoot the very people that he's attracted to....this has nothing to do with religion, well not one specific religion at least. All religions hate homosexuals, so it's not just an Islamic problem. If I shoot and kill 50 people, please don't blame Mexico for my actions. I'm not sure about today but in the past, the majority of serial killers were white men. Nobody ran around saying" we need to watch all those Fucken White guys..
I get it. I saw this coming the day of the massacre. Which is why I asked others to let it be for a day or so out of respect for the dead and their families. But of course,I was shouted down and the political dialogue started right away. I let it be until the next day, out of respect for others.

For the record, I'm not in favor of the bans that Clinton advocates and shamelessly touted so close to this tragedy. Nor am I at all liking Trumps use of this issue to pump up his image and inflate the hatred of bigots against Muslims.

Right now, I'm just having fun with wing nuts and putting facts out there to irritate them. Maybe I shouldn't, I don't know, but my leaving the site won't stop the stinky right wing shit from collecting here.

But no disrespect to those that are gone is intended.
I would never ask you to leave.
Real problem is the lack of a strong father figure in the household, one that sets solid goals and boundaries for their children, is ethical, loves them and cares. Blacks have the highest count of single parent households, mostly unmarried where the father can not be found. The mom is out doing crank and grandma is struggling to provide for her grand kids.

Blaming it on the war of drugs is like blaming a spoon for Rosie O'Donnell being fat.
Are you saying blacks cant help but be fucked up?
I understand what you're saying, but people having guns isn't gonna stop bombs, grenades,an 18 wheeler crashing into a parade or some sporting event, chemical weapons, gas attacks, poisoning water supplies or imagine a commercial plane crashing into a football stadium. Having guns might may you feel safer but people wanting to cause shit like this will find a way. I think the solution is for the U S to mind their business. For some strange reason our government has to fuck with people and places we have no business fucking with. Then they spin it like its terrorists,jihad,extremists, what ever you wanna call it when something like this happens. In reality this country has been dropping bombs, missles and supplying weapons killing people who live in mud houses,their military is comparable to a large boy scout troupe but they're extreme.
They've occupied and destroyed multiple countries,killed tens of thousands of people,spent billions, and slowly taken away the rights we have under the constitution.Took over afghnistan looking for bin laden and iraq for WMD and found nothing in either place.
They had this kid labeled an isis terrorist before they got into the building. The people in this country are being kept in fear of terror so we can continue to invade countries taking what we want, natural resources in my opinion pretending we're fighting a war on terror. I have no idea how you can fight a war against an idea. Theres no enemy, no uniforms, no military, no boundries,nothing. Very similar to the war on drugs Reagan started and has done absolutely nothing but cost trillions. I live in the boston area and there is a heroin problem that is killing people daily. Last year 1500 deaths in one of the smallest states in the country. Its gone up every year since about 2000. The war on drugs didn't do shit, and now the US controls the largest producer of it in the world and its at epidemic proportions. How does that happen? I hope people will see that its not about guns, closing borders,or religion. If the US stayed in their lane this shit wouldn't happen. It doesn't happen in Canada, Mexico, South America, China,Russia, Ireland, Australia, seems to happen to us and our supporters.

Oh very true, but when was the last time someone bombed or grenaded anyone inside US borders?

But someone(s) getting shot inside a building, when did that happen last, and if multiple people inside were armed do you think the outcomes would have varied?
back seat toddlers kill people. Your logic is tiresome nra pablum.

"guarandamntee" i see you spiiting ut that word with a lil abner sleveless shirt and 7 teeth left in your mouth. It's very poignant.

I see you taking swings at my online persona, and completely missing. Try harder next time as I might be more entertained.
I see you taking swings at my online persona, and completely missing. Try harder next time as I might be more entertained.
By swings you mean china cracking contact? Apparently youre numb, numb skull.

Have some dignity. Why would you post a witless, flaccid, spineless gasp???
How do you figure its days are numbered?
I read the news. Don't you? Revenue, territories and troop morale are all on the decline.

ISIS main funding methods are squeezed. Oil revenue is dropping, Saudi private funding sources, which had been their startup funding are under threat of death if they continue funding and taxes from territories are shrinking because they are losing territory. Their war costs 1-2 million USD per day to keep going. IS also robbed banks in their territories but you can only do that once. They have a good bankroll but it's shrinking.

IS has shrunk by about 40% over the past few months, losing ground in both Iraq and Syria. The coalition between NATO and Russia (now that's something I don't type often) is starting to bite. The Iraq army is showing some ability as a fighting force in Ramadi. It's not rainbows and lollipops but IS is on the back foot. &

Troops are defecting at increasing rates. Failure to meet payroll, purges, hunts for spies within the ranks and public executions of troops are all taking their toll on troop loyalty and morale.

It's not over yet by a long shot but ISIS is losing and there is no chance of a come back unless a major power steps in to back them. There is no sign of that occurring. The mass murders in Europe, I believe are an example of IS desperation.

The mass shootings in Orlando were not an IS operation. That was perpetrated by a nut-job with radical religious views. The US born and raised berserker could have been Christian or atheist but basically the guy was a homophobe with anger management issues. His allegiance to IS was sworn after the attack started and shortly afterward, a bullet ended his rampage.
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So we say fuck it and let it go completely?
No not at all, but it's happening and i'm not sure people realize it yet. When this shit happens it seems we lose some rights. Weather it's the patriot act, stricter gun laws, or uncle sam listening in on telephone calls or who knows what else. Remember edward snowden or russia hacking into the DNC. It seems to me and this thread is good example of people losing sight of what it is they're debating. It goes from a fuckin nut killing 49 people to arguments about gun control and religion. If there are no guns people will find alternative methods. Islam hates gays and treat women like shit, the same argument could be made for Christianity. Its liberals its trump its this its that. The whole time its all you hear about on TV, newspaper,the internet,or the radio. People are made to live in fear so they don't mind giving up rights here and there for the illusion of safety.