Nutrients for soil grows

I am currently trying to make my first ever grow work, I have bought pots ( 2.6 Gals )
I am currently about 1.5 weeks ( Since I planted the seeds, pre -germinated )
They are now sitting in small plastic containers, just to let them sprout and grow their first few leafs.

I used roughly 50/50 ( might've used about 10 - 15 % more Compost ) Looks like this

( cant find any info about the compost that I bought )

And the soil I bought is a mixture of (50% local rich fertilesoil, 25% dried cow manure and 25% sphagnum peat)

These pots has been waterd roughly 2 - 3 times a week, ( Depending on how light the pot has been ) I live in a very warm place, water evaporates quickly.

My question being, how do I best utilize what I have? is a 50/50 ratio good for a first couple of weeks seedlings?

I'm asking, because the first 3 days, by pretties sprouted and grew, they even got their first 2 set of leafs.
2 days later they started showing signs of their 4th set of leaves, but since then they have just stopped. ( almost like stunted growth ) Unless I'm mistaking and they're just growing roots, I don't know.

If anyone has any input, I'd love to know
( I hope this question fares well in this thread, if not I do apologize )

/Invader out
Hey peeps! just getting started here got 2 autos at 8 days in 3g pots happy frog soil 300w led for lighting for now. been reading up on nutes & was thinking about GH go box starter kit. only doing 2 plants at a time was wondering how many grows that would get me through. thanx for any help!!!
Cal Mag is on the safer side.

What is your medium? Are you seeing a deficiency?

I typically add cal-mag to my pro-blend.

Good luck,

Hello soil beaters........dirt farmers and mud babies. I went out and bought 15 pds of farm raised catfish filets and buried em in dirt/soil well happy frog thats got about 45 gallons of used soil total. Prob ran 20 grows through. Im interested in seeing what kind of reinfusion of nutes ill get after a 5-6 month cook with 34 earthworms added to the dirt ........
First grow: picked up the cheapest things I saw at my local garden center while I was there: Earth Juice Rainbow Mix Grow (5-5-2) at the recommended dose (1 cup for all the soil I used in 12 x 3gal pots... with some left over). I added another 1/4-1/2 cup of the Bloom mix (1-9-2) to the topsoil when I switched at 6 weeks... each bag was 2 lbs (enough for 4 grows the way I used it) and around $9... though a possum got into one and wasted a lot. Seemed to work well. Though the mycorrhizae in the veg mix had expired (I didn't notice til after I used it... again, just picked it up cuz it was cheap).