Nutrients for soil grows


Well-Known Member
Would like to start a thread,for Nutrients in soil grows.

Brands used, and amount used and so forth.
and pics of results.

Thank you.
First organics used were advanced Iguana juice grow and bloom. Great results, healthy lush girls! Decent fruiting. Downside smells like vomit and brought in fungus knats at times.
Second organics Humbolt Natural grow and bloom with humbolt equillibrium (calmag)) and humbolt honey es. (carb loader). Even better results, noticeable yield increase! No downside, no stinky organic smells.
Third and final organic, Gaia Green grow, bloom, and glacial rock dust. overall favorite. Amend soil and forget it for three weeks, and then top dress more in. Best flavor flowers, yield on par with humbolt nutrients. Only downside, most expensive organic nutrients.


I use BioBizz. I've used Bionova before, synthetics, but I switched cuz I wanted to go organic. I use the Fish Mix (indoors) for all the grow-type needs. Alg-a-mic is great for calming the plants a bit after a tough training regime. I use 0,5 of recommended dose and every other watering. In the end I might push a little, to like 0,75 of recommended dosage. I dont flush, I leach, for economic reasons, I dont think it makes much of a difference when using organic fertilizer honestly, but yeah, it's expensive stuff.

conor c

Well-Known Member
I use BioBizz. I've used Bionova before, synthetics, but I switched cuz I wanted to go organic. I use the Fish Mix (indoors) for all the grow-type needs. Alg-a-mic is great for calming the plants a bit after a tough training regime. I use 0,5 of recommended dose and every other watering. In the end I might push a little, to like 0,75 of recommended dosage. I dont flush, I leach, for economic reasons, I dont think it makes much of a difference when using organic fertilizer honestly, but yeah, it's expensive stuff.
As bottles go it's decent stuff