Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
It is the model. It is up to the individual whether or not to follow it. People arent perfect.
You quote some model then say you don't have any intention to follow it?

Trump's all about dividing people. The wall, banning muslim immigration, accusing a man of Mexican heritage of inability to be fair to white people, jumping on the idea that radical Islam was the root of the Orlando shootings, rounding up 11 million people the first year he's elected are all examples of divisive politics. And you swallow those turds whole, smile and spew them back onto this board. So don't tell me about Jesus's model and "cast the first stone" crap. The kind of Christian you are is exactly what Jesus was railing against 2000 years ago and those people killed him.


Well-Known Member
Definitely not what i said.
Oh Really? You didn't say that Muslims around the world want to impose their laws and execute those who won't follow them?

How about:

Strict adherance to their version of islam.
Taliban and Isis are both Islam fundamentalists.

They want shariah law to be the law of the world.
They have it in middle eastern countries.

They are pushing europe and america to tolerate their backward ways.

Women have barely any rights and gays are executed by the people you love so much.
Do you want to nit pick and say, well, only the Muslims in the Middle East? How many people would that be? By the way, Trump isn't consistent about whether or not he'd ban all Muslims or those from specific countries. He HAS said ALL Muslims at one time or another.

Cafeteria Christian, hmm, that's a great description of a right wing Christian.
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If i had an x box or something similar. I get dropped into an isis party under deep cover. With a fatastic weapon, my goal...probably at least 500.

Fact: my brother murdered by terrorists
What happened to your brother? was he an innocent victim or was he shooting at people with better aim?

Sorry for your loss bro.

ky man

Well-Known Member
Oh Really? You didn't say that Muslims around the world want to impose their laws and execute those who won't follow them?

How about:

Do you want to nit pick and say, well, only the Muslims in the Middle East? How many people would that be? By the way, Trump isn't consistent about whether or not He'd ban all Muslims or those from specific countries. He HAS said All Muslims at one time or another.

Cafeteria Christian, hmm, that's a great description of a right wing Christian.
I HOPE TRUMP bans all MUSLIMS and has are borders closed to make America safe again.Have you read there coran {there bible}..??fruck them muslims send them back where they came

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If two people get into a gun fight and one loses it doesn't make him a victim. When an American looses the guy is a victim and the killer is a terrorist .when an American kills someone he is a hero and the dead guy is still a terrorist.. merica,fuck yea..........