What did you accomplish today?

Oh fuck hahahahahaha

You are point today

Unlike golden state will be
Finished the truck! Paint turned out awesome, I decided to go with hot rod black since it was cheap and the truck was black anyway.

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Good looking rig. Is that a matte finish? I am seeing that more and more and I like it. If yes, does matte require more maintenance than shiny? Good work 420.

damn.. that came out really nice. how many goats do you want for it?

Took an hour and cut up old carpet and put 67% in garage attic...the
rest I dried old partial paint cans on in dumpster... nicer to crawl around on carpet up there.
View attachment 3712089

Last year we put in this planter well that covers an old well from 1939, before city water... May 19th:
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Today one month after planting tomatoes and peppers...View attachment 3712095
looks OK...was getting low 30's weather at night into May...had to wait to plant or they'd be more advanced...not bad for the area though...

Geez. you and I are remodeling fools. What are the milk jugs filled with water used for?

I have still been painting. (hey I know I'm slow, but it's just me and a roller. Can't spray, walls too uneven and don't have proffesional spray set up yet.) Did the entire underside of the front porch. Did I mention how much I hate black paint.? the underside is white but the perimeter is black. You guessed it: painted bled through frog tape. FUCK! will go touch up lines today and make them clean. Under crunch time. Must be done by July 4th. Flooring next, electrical finished this week, and then move in all vanities, tub (cast iron) etc. I am SORE from overhead rolling. It's giving me quite muscular shoulders though so I got that going for me.:lol:
Good looking rig. Is that a matte finish? I am seeing that more and more and I like it. If yes, does matte require more maintenance than shiny? Good work 420.
Yeah, satin.
Easier to paint and no maintenance. It's a two part urethane and once it hardens it's scratch resistant. Didn't need much prep work either since you can spray it over almost any surface.
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