Seamaiden's gifted seeds journal


Well-Known Member
Subcool advised that, because of how I selected my males, I not use them. So I killed 'em two days ago. :( But it seems I'm learning to clone. :D We can go that route, yeah? You're Bay Area if I recollect, I can find an excuse to head out that way.

Headin' to SoCal next week, flying, so no gifts for anyone down there.


Well-Known Member
Subcool advised that, because of how I selected my males, I not use them. So I killed 'em two days ago. :( But it seems I'm learning to clone. :D We can go that route, yeah? You're Bay Area if I recollect, I can find an excuse to head out that way.

Headin' to SoCal next week, flying, so no gifts for anyone down there.
yeah, maybe combine with a trip to pick up some hijack!

what was wrong with your male selection?


Well-Known Member
I selected based purely upon vigorous growth and overall habit, not paying attention to when which males showed first. Apparently that gene or tendency seems to be linked with decreasing overall potency, as it's linked with gaining first breeding rights, sort of (I'm not sure I understand how it works). Though I haven't actually researched the concept, it does seem plausible. I'll have to read sub's tutorial a couple of times, because I'm still unsure of how best to select males. It's like when you're breeding budgies and you've gotta wait for 'em to get feathers before you know which ones will be yellow, blue, or green.

In any event, I did find a Mj botany book on Amazon, but am putting my funds towards lighting and the accoutrements. Gotta use 4-5 gallon planters to start. Then I need to figure out how best to make use of about 400W-500W (my husband was talking about setting me up with a 400W mh, which roughly equals the energy usage of a ceiling fan, right?). Space is not an issue, and during winter venting is unlikely to be an issue unless we were to completely enclose the platform (thus making it a "room"). Then I can alternate, growing outdoors when it's warm and the right season, then switching to indoors (who knows, I may utilize the indoor area as well).

Right now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get these CIxBB clones that I just took to re-veg, and I want to learn more about the whole "re-veg" thing. I have some girls I'd love to keep for another harvest.


Well-Known Member
hot damn! Those look great. You are doing a really good job and I am sure you will have a danky harvest. need any help. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I selected based purely upon vigorous growth and overall habit, not paying attention to when which males showed first. Apparently that gene or tendency seems to be linked with decreasing overall potency, as it's linked with gaining first breeding rights, sort of (I'm not sure I understand how it works). Though I haven't actually researched the concept, it does seem plausible. I'll have to read sub's tutorial a couple of times, because I'm still unsure of how best to select males. It's like when you're breeding budgies and you've gotta wait for 'em to get feathers before you know which ones will be yellow, blue, or green.

In any event, I did find a Mj botany book on Amazon, but am putting my funds towards lighting and the accoutrements. Gotta use 4-5 gallon planters to start. Then I need to figure out how best to make use of about 400W-500W (my husband was talking about setting me up with a 400W mh, which roughly equals the energy usage of a ceiling fan, right?). Space is not an issue, and during winter venting is unlikely to be an issue unless we were to completely enclose the platform (thus making it a "room"). Then I can alternate, growing outdoors when it's warm and the right season, then switching to indoors (who knows, I may utilize the indoor area as well).

Right now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get these CIxBB clones that I just took to re-veg, and I want to learn more about the whole "re-veg" thing. I have some girls I'd love to keep for another harvest.
Can you link me up to subcool's tutorial?

Wait, so you're going to use 4-5 gallon containers for the plants you're going to harvest? That is freaking huge ... how tall are you planning on growing them? I usually do about 1.7Gal (6.5L) for a plant that can yield two ounces.


Well-Known Member
I've got the one Papaya in a 4 gallon pot. She wasn't supposed to be as big as the CIxBB girls, but she is. I think that's because she's one of the few plants (two, to be exact) that got a 4 gallon pot as opposed to 3 or 2.9 that I have on hand. So, the clones that I have now I'd like to put in larger pots, because... that's how I think. In any event, my indoor vertical space is, for all practical purposes, practically unlimited. It's easily 20' I've got to work with, and 10' is plenty I think.

If you saw where we're gonna do this, you'd understand what I mean. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've got the one Papaya in a 4 gallon pot. She wasn't supposed to be as big as the CIxBB girls, but she is. I think that's because she's one of the few plants (two, to be exact) that got a 4 gallon pot as opposed to 3 or 2.9 that I have on hand. So, the clones that I have now I'd like to put in larger pots, because... that's how I think. In any event, my indoor vertical space is, for all practical purposes, practically unlimited. It's easily 20' I've got to work with, and 10' is plenty I think.

If you saw where we're gonna do this, you'd understand what I mean. ;)
Thanks for the link.

As far as bucket size is concerned, I guess I think in terms of how many plants I can fit under one light, which is largely determined by the bucket size ... but if you're gonna grow 'em big, then they'll bush out anyway. I guess it's also a lot of soil, but if you're getting it out of your yard, that doesn't matter quite as much !


Well-Known Member
Can you link me up to subcool's tutorial?

Wait, so you're going to use 4-5 gallon containers for the plants you're going to harvest? That is freaking huge ... how tall are you planning on growing them? I usually do about 1.7Gal (6.5L) for a plant that can yield two ounces.

Trust me she knows what she's doing,These girls need room to grow.I am growing both strains from the same seeds shes growing and they root like arteries Test smokes were out of this world by the way,couchlock is a side effect of a few hits.A brain buzz with one or two both are amazing and i havent even started water only.Think i may try a fruit juice cure with some.Peace people:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to try this stuff. 8) I'm figuring on a growing space (a lit space) that's approximately 6'x7'. I think that will handle my plants if I can stagger the flowering properly, I don't quite have everything sorted in my head, but certain plants will have to be in a more controlled environment by necessity. Is there any reason why a plant can't live outside with some kind of supplemental lighting to keep it from flowering? or...? (I'm chewing on weird ideas to make use of space and free sun, but it's also gonna get really cold in the winter)

Oh yeah, thank you edux! (sorry, didn't mean to skip past you like that)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about supplementing light for out doors. shouldn't be any different than a green house grow and those are run year round. Got some Querkle from Sub, hopefully its all it is cracked up to be. I don't have the space to veg for that long must be nice to only worry about a couple large plants. Plus logically it would seem that they would be more resilient over all.


Well-Known Member
I just took a clone count tonight. Of the successful ones (as in the ones I have to worry about THIS weekend, before I leave for SoCal) I've already got a total of 17. :|

At least they're all girls. :D

I took more yesterday, and I cannot kill.


Well-Known Member
good job. So all the ones you took rooted? I am only getting like 25% maybe 50% rooting. I am bummed.


Well-Known Member
No, not all, I had to pull quite a few for various reasons. But, considering what I did and how I did it... (no, I'm not telling or showing my pix again) :lol:


Well-Known Member
After reading the article I sent you on strain perpetuation I was bummed you killed off the 2 boys you had. Did you get and save any pollen? I think LB has access to more seeds. Nevertheless, I am stoked your clone factory is going well. We can talk when you get here about reveging and veg lighting.

So jealous of your deck. Very nice with nice view.


Well-Known Member
Yup, there are more seeds. Yeldah is supposed to send some to Honkey but I don't know if she's done it yet. I just sent her an email about it.

Seamaiden, are you going to have enough time to grow all those clones outdoors, or are you setting something up indoors?


Well-Known Member
I squeezed the maturing pollen sacs, and this gooey stuff came out (I shit you not). I was going to hit some of the Conquistador people for pollen, but I have yet to figure out how, exactly, someone determines a good male plant without letting it fully mature, or without knowing that it came from some superfine smoke.

Littlebat, you have a response from subcool in your thread, he's offering you some free beans. Consider me EXCEEDINGLY jealous. ;) Do you know if she's collected any pollen, or was this just a grow that she missed males, or what? And, have you actually smoked this stuff? My sister got me some stuff that's taken away almost all the pain in my hips and I want MORE o' dat.

Dave's going to build me something indoors. Winter's gonna be here in no time and there's no way I could grow this stuff outside without a heated greenhouse, not up here.


Well-Known Member
good job. So all the ones you took rooted? I am only getting like 25% maybe 50% rooting. I am bummed.
No, not all, I had to pull quite a few for various reasons. But, considering what I did and how I did it... (no, I'm not telling or showing my pix again) :lol:
I wanna know what you guys/gals are doing to kill your clones.

As I told SM, I cut, add rooting powder, put into rockwool cubes under a T5 in one of these, mist an average of twice a day, and I feel like I can't go wrong. I've rooted single leaf sets before just to see if I could.

So ... what's going on? I want to help...


Well-Known Member
I squeezed the maturing pollen sacs, and this gooey stuff came out (I shit you not). I was going to hit some of the Conquistador people for pollen, but I have yet to figure out how, exactly, someone determines a good male plant without letting it fully mature, or without knowing that it came from some superfine smoke.

Littlebat, you have a response from subcool in your thread, he's offering you some free beans. Consider me EXCEEDINGLY jealous. ;) Do you know if she's collected any pollen, or was this just a grow that she missed males, or what? And, have you actually smoked this stuff? My sister got me some stuff that's taken away almost all the pain in my hips and I want MORE o' dat.

Dave's going to build me something indoors. Winter's gonna be here in no time and there's no way I could grow this stuff outside without a heated greenhouse, not up here.
EEEEWWWWW. That's pretty sick, SM. I'm glad to hear some of your clones are going to make it. You'll have a good experiment going for when you leave - some will be healthy as ever and ready for transplant when you get back, and some will be casualties.

I just scored a kick-ass unit in a four-plex with a garden and a shed, so I"m pretty stoked on the indoor shed idea too. It don't get quite as cold 'round here, though.


Well-Known Member
EEEEWWWWW. That's pretty sick, SM.
When it happened it reminded me of a night I'd spent fishing San Diego Bay, pulling up calico, striped and sand bass. They had to have been breeding because they were HITTING my plastics, just chewin' 'em up to shit. Then, I pulled up the third or fourth fish, and in taking it off my hook I grabbed him in the right spot and he MILTED all over me. :lol:
I'm glad to hear some of your clones are going to make it. You'll have a good experiment going for when you leave - some will be healthy as ever and ready for transplant when you get back, and some will be casualties.
They all actually look really good right now. I think if they're alright by Monday I'll have a better success rate. I just hope I can kick those flowering girls back into veg.
I just scored a kick-ass unit in a four-plex with a garden and a shed, so I"m pretty stoked on the indoor shed idea too. It don't get quite as cold 'round here, though.
You're moving? Same general area, or moving out of area? I HATE moving, even if it's to a great place, the physical act of moving just sucks.


Well-Known Member
When it happened it reminded me of a night I'd spent fishing San Diego Bay, pulling up calico, striped and sand bass. They had to have been breeding because they were HITTING my plastics, just chewin' 'em up to shit. Then, I pulled up the third or fourth fish, and in taking it off my hook I grabbed him in the right spot and he MILTED all over me. :lol:

They all actually look really good right now. I think if they're alright by Monday I'll have a better success rate. I just hope I can kick those flowering girls back into veg.
You're moving? Same general area, or moving out of area? I HATE moving, even if it's to a great place, the physical act of moving just sucks.
Man, I love fishing. It's one of the best uses for weed. Can't wait to finish up this writing and get out before it gets too late. Wait, so it was sperm or eggs? If it were eggs, that's free bait!

Yeah, I'm very very happy to move. Between campus apartments and the job, we've been living in a quasi 1bd apt. in her mom's for a couple months ... love her, but you can understand being stoked to get the fuck out of here. Haven't been able to grow here either, so having a yard and a shed with power is going to be fucking sweet. Getting off the coast, going to be halfway between here and my job, just over the hill. Right next to a park, downtown shopping. It's going to be great ... we got lucky, found the exact place we wanted, and had to convince them our dog would be quiet and not fuck anything up! As far as the physical act of moving, we don't have much here at all, and are having her stuff shipped out from the midwest ... most of my shit is still in the NW ..