A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've done well with your grow bro, can't wait to see the dank :)

Good way to look at the house situation too man, it will happen when you are truly ready! Forcing it may see you somewhere you really don't wanna be ;)
You got that right bro! At least with renting I can move when I want, buying I'm kinda stuck there for a while lol


Well-Known Member
These gals are on day 49 with 2 weeks to go. I'm pretty happy with how they all turned out, there's 7 different strains, sherbert, black lime, gg4, blue petrol og, Bubba kush, mendo Breath #2 and animal cookies. They seem to have played well together in the same system :) the only one Im not sure I like is the blue petrol og, it doesn't have much of a nose on her yet

Mendo Breath rps20160620_184221.jpg
I think Bubba sherbert
rps20160620_184439.jpg gg4

Animal cookies rps20160620_184525.jpg rps20160620_184603.jpg Bubba kush
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Well-Known Member
Here's the double ended grow in the suspended net pots using veg+bloom. They got pretty damn big, flowers are already setting, quicker than they do under the single ended lights :) theres animal cookies, black lime and mendo Breath in there. One side didn't fill in as much as the other side (animal cookies isn't very bushy of a plant) but not had I suppose. I'm really liking how powerful the light is
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Well-Known Member
Here is dosido and animal cookies at day 14. I'm using 3x2 rw blocks sitting on top of a rockwool slab, 3 plants per slab, 12 plants in the tray with 1 drip stake per plant. I'm dripping for 1 minute 2x a day now. First full rockwool grow and I like it! I'm using veg+bloom on this tray, too. I think I'll be switching back to it fully after I use the last of the maxi, just easier for me. I'll also be switching to this grow method for a while. So damn easy it's ridiculous, I always hated rockwool, but once I got the hang of it, it's hands down the cleanest and easiest to set up. I'll still use my buckets for bigger plants, but for trays, no more flood and drain for me. Uses a bit more water than I like but not too bad. Can't wait to see how they end up, I do like how these strains perfectly fill the canopy, I really am digging the animal cookies, probably my favorite cut I have at the moment.
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Well-Known Member
that bubba sherbert, animal cookie and bubba look crazy dank. i know you said you're using veg+bloom now but those strains were from using just calmag and maxibloom?
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Well-Known Member
that bubba sherbert, animal cookie and bubba look crazy dank. i know you said you're using veg+bloom now but those strains were from using just calmag and maxibloom?
Thanks bro! They are on a strict maxi bloom and only a single initial dose of Calmag when I first mixed up the res 7 weeks ago, since I don't do a res change, I just add back water and maxi, next time I add back water and nutes they'll get a dose of Epsom, just a tablespoon, and then just water add backs until the chop. First 2 wks flower, calmag to 250ppm (.35ec including my tap ec), maxi grow and bloom 50/50 to 1050-1150ppmish (I use the 700 scale so just remember that). Then at day 15 i either do a res swap or just start adding back only maxibloom to an average of 1200ppm, between 1100-1300ppm. 1tbs Epsom at week 6 and one at week 8, then just add back water after which slowly lowers ppm to 500 ish. PH is always 5.9-6.1 for first 2 weeks, then 6.0-6.3ph week 2-7, then 6.1-6.4 till harvest. Those ranges work the best for me hands down. Never below 5.9ph in flower, I like 6.2ph the most for flower


Well-Known Member
Oh, here's a little house update. Not getting my hopes up at all this time, but we viewed a house today that fits 8/10 of the things I want. The only 2 bad things is it's outdated and there's not much of a view, but it's a newer house (late 80s) and looks brand new even with the old appliances and carpet etc. Put in an offer today and will see how it goes :) not much land, only an acre, but it's a private street with only 3 other houses on the street and it's super quiet, actually could hear the birds chirping!! If we get it our dogs will love it (kind of funny our house search kind of revolves around our pups lol, spoiled brats)


Well-Known Member
These gals are on day 49 with 2 weeks to go. I'm pretty happy with how they all turned out, there's 7 different strains, sherbert, black lime, gg4, blue petrol og, Bubba kush, mendo Breath #2 and animal cookies. They seem to have played well together in the same system :) the only one Im not sure I like is the blue petrol og, it doesn't have much of a nose on her yet

View attachment 3713173
Mendo Breath View attachment 3713174
I think Bubba sherbert
View attachment 3713175 gg4

View attachment 3713176
Animal cookies View attachment 3713177 View attachment 3713178 Bubba kush
View attachment 3713179 View attachment 3713180
You take some Great Pictures...


Well-Known Member
Oh, here's a little house update. Not getting my hopes up at all this time, but we viewed a house today that fits 8/10 of the things I want. The only 2 bad things is it's outdated and there's not much of a view, but it's a newer house (late 80s) and looks brand new even with the old appliances and carpet etc. Put in an offer today and will see how it goes :) not much land, only an acre, but it's a private street with only 3 other houses on the street and it's super quiet, actually could hear the birds chirping!! If we get it our dogs will love it (kind of funny our house search kind of revolves around our pups lol, spoiled brats)
Well it sounds real good,and happy trails my friend...