EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

LOL Weak sauce you serving bud.
right leaning SCOTUS said fuck you. and added to that campaign finance. Right leaning SCOTUS controlled campaign finance reform and kept that Citizens United . SCOTUS can run shit. You somehow can't see how. Come on you smarter than that

  • Only appoint Supreme Court justices who will make it a priority to overturn Citizens United and who understand that corruption in politics means more than just quid pro quo.
  • Fight to pass a constitutional amendment making it clear that Congress and the states have the power to regulate money in elections. I have been a proud sponsor and leading champion of such an amendment in the Senate.
  • Fight for a publicly financed, transparent system of campaign financing that amplifies small donations, along the lines of the Fair Elections Now Act that I have been pleased to co-sponsor, and an effective public financing system for president.
  • Insist on complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns, including through disclosure of contributions to outside spending groups, via legislation, action by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Election Commission, and Federal Communication Commission, and an executive order requiring government contractors to disclose their political spending.
  • Fight to eliminate super PACs and other outside spending abuses.
  • Work to aggressively enforce campaign finance rules."
Next we'll be hearing Chicken Little reruns.
Instead of telling me I don't care about black people's problems to try to shame me into voting for Clinton, am I crazy, maybe a better way to achieve that goal would be to give me a good reason to support you or your candidate? Why is it Sanders' responsibility to get his supporters to vote for Clinton instead of Clinton's responsibility? There are what, 10 million people who voted for Sanders in the primaries, right? a large percentage say they won't vote for Clinton, so will she sway more left and try to appeal to us, or sway more center/right and try to make up those votes from independents and republicans in the general elections?

Care to make a prediction?

  • Only appoint Supreme Court justices who will make it a priority to overturn Citizens United and who understand that corruption in politics means more than just quid pro quo.
  • Fight to pass a constitutional amendment making it clear that Congress and the states have the power to regulate money in elections. I have been a proud sponsor and leading champion of such an amendment in the Senate.
  • Fight for a publicly financed, transparent system of campaign financing that amplifies small donations, along the lines of the Fair Elections Now Act that I have been pleased to co-sponsor, and an effective public financing system for president.
  • Insist on complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns, including through disclosure of contributions to outside spending groups, via legislation, action by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Election Commission, and Federal Communication Commission, and an executive order requiring government contractors to disclose their political spending.
  • Fight to eliminate super PACs and other outside spending abuses.
  • Work to aggressively enforce campaign finance rules."
Yes in this election the SCOTUS picks will be the most important. That is what I have been saying. It is my number one reason for voting Dem.
Instead of telling me I don't care about black people's problems to try to shame me into voting for Clinton, am I crazy, maybe a better way to achieve that goal would be to give me a good reason to support you or your candidate? Why is it Sanders' responsibility to get his supporters to vote for Clinton instead of Clinton's responsibility? There are what, 10 million people who voted for Sanders in the primaries, right? a large percentage say they won't vote for Clinton, so will she sway more left and try to appeal to us, or sway more center/right and try to make up those votes from independents and republicans in the general elections?

Care to make a prediction?

I couldn't have said it better, myself.

It isn't Bernie Sanders or his supporter's responsibility to elect Mrs Clinton- it's hers! If she can't make a compelling case for us to do so, why and by what twist of logic and credibility is that anyone's fault but her own?

I predict that November is a long time from now and much will happen. I want to see what Mr Sanders has to say at his speech from the bully pulpit of the Democratic National Convention.

I also predict that the 'inevitability' of Shillary's progression through the race will stick in the craw of many millions of voters. I predict that I'm likely projecting my own views onto the larger populace and could be hysterically wrong!

I predict that you were warned about my predictions.
I couldn't have said it better, myself.

It isn't Bernie Sanders or his supporter's responsibility to elect Mrs Clinton- it's hers! If she can't make a compelling case for us to do so, why and by what twist of logic and credibility is that anyone's fault but her own?
I agree. You should vote for who you please. Bernie is voting for who he please. That will be Hillary.
Yep, more high minded talk. First world kind of issues and problems. "They didn't select who I want, so I'm just going to stay home."

I'm not condemning you, I merely point out that Trump's overt racism won't affect you and that the people who would be affected are not nearly as blase about Trump. People can be counted upon to vote in their own self interest.

Aren't you understanding the problem lies with 'they'? and you keep defending it.
Aren't you understanding the problem lies with 'they'? and you keep defending it.
I'm just pointing out that you aren't going to be affected by Trump's racism nor will the typical white Bernie baby. So it's easy for you to claim some moral high ground.

"We need more torture" and "waterboarding is not enough". Yeah, you won't be affected by the guy's desire to re-introduce torture in the war on terror. Muslims in this country, I don't think, take the same view that you do about the likelihood of Trump taking office as prez.
I'm just pointing out that you aren't going to be affected by Trump's racism nor will the typical white Bernie baby. So it's easy for you to claim some moral high ground.

"We need more torture" and "waterboarding is not enough". Yeah, you won't be affected by the guy's desire to re-introduce torture in the war on terror. Muslims in this country, I don't think, take the same view that you do about the likelihood of Trump taking office as prez.

I don't like him either. Yet here you are, defending a pathetic excuse for a 'people's choice' for president. She's a milquetoaste on domestic issues, preferring to side with the corporate interests who paid for her election. She's okay with domestic fascism because it keeps the peace. Aggressive military adventurism abroad is her stock in trade... and that if her biggest backers.

So really, the actual, ultimate, bottom line difference between her and the Chump?

About that much.
I funny like him either. Yet here you are, defending a pathetic 'people's choice' for president. She's a milquetoaste on domestic issues, preferring to side with the corporate interests who paid for her election. She's okay with domestic fascism because it keeps the peace. Aggressive military adventurism abroad is her stock in trade... and that if her biggest backers.

So really, the actual, ultimate, bottom line difference between her and the Chump?

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About that much.
I'm just criticizing like you do practically every day. I'm not advocating for anything. Just pointing out that members of a majority ignoring the outrage of singling out a minority for scapegoating because it doesn't affect them is fairly common in history

  • Only appoint Supreme Court justices who will make it a priority to overturn Citizens United and who understand that corruption in politics means more than just quid pro quo.
  • Fight to pass a constitutional amendment making it clear that Congress and the states have the power to regulate money in elections. I have been a proud sponsor and leading champion of such an amendment in the Senate.
  • Fight for a publicly financed, transparent system of campaign financing that amplifies small donations, along the lines of the Fair Elections Now Act that I have been pleased to co-sponsor, and an effective public financing system for president.
  • Insist on complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns, including through disclosure of contributions to outside spending groups, via legislation, action by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Election Commission, and Federal Communication Commission, and an executive order requiring government contractors to disclose their political spending.
  • Fight to eliminate super PACs and other outside spending abuses.
  • Work to aggressively enforce campaign finance rules."


Now, let's make them do it.
I'm just criticizing like you do practically every day. I'm not advocating for anything. Just pointing out that members of a majority ignoring the outrage of singling out a minority for scapegoating because it doesn't affect them is fairly common in history

That's the thing I hate most about you.

That you're a lot more like me than I always wanna admit.


