Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding


there's nothing "micro" about your wife's bull and you know it. now get back in the cage after you get done prepping him.
according to "research" done by white supremacist and eugenicist phillipe rushton.

What about the inherent violence related to blacks, is that a bunch of pseudoscience too somehow?

there's nothing "micro" about your wife's bull and you know it. now get back in the cage after you get done prepping him.

Man you watch alot of cuck porn don't you, why is that, are you incapable of given your wife a orgasm?
What about the inherent violence related to blacks, is that a bunch of pseudoscience too somehow?

you have not proven inherent anything, barnyardboy.

the only thing you have proven so far is that you are a shill who repeats KKK conspiracy theories about genetic superiority.
you have not proven inherent anything, barnyardboy.

the only thing you have proven so far is that you are a shill who repeats KKK conspiracy theories about genetic superiority.

Where is the link with the kkk and original study. Its just after the study was published the kkk grabbed a hold and ran with it. Its not conspiracy theories it was basically a poll doing IQ test on subjects based on the race/age and the findings are hard for you to look at.
Where is the link with the kkk and original study. Its just after the study was published the kkk grabbed a hold and ran with it. Its not conspiracy theories it was basically a poll doing IQ test on subjects based on the race/age and the findings are hard for you to look at.

where is the original study? you still haven't presented it.

too scared to admit you are leaning on phillipe rushton, a white supremacist and eugenicist who headed the pioneer fund for years?
For one you never asked me to present it so wording your sentence that way implies you already asked once from me for it.


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his work has been debunked as junk science so many times i need not repeat them. but you can read up here, klanman.


this is the same guy whose "scientific research" consists of going to the mall and paying blacks, whites and asians to tell him about their penis size, and then coming up with the theory that brain size and penis size are inversely related.

only a retarded person would mistake this guy's body of work for anything even remotely resembling science.

and here you are.

fucking white supremacist.
his work has been debunked as junk science so many times i need not repeat them. but you can read up here, klanman.


this is the same guy whose "scientific research" consists of going to the mall and paying blacks, whites and asians to tell him about their penis size, and then coming up with the theory that brain size and penis size are inversely related.

only a retarded person would mistake this guy's body of work for anything even remotely resembling science.

and here you are.

fucking white supremacist.

giphy (49).gif

according to "research" done by white supremacist and eugenicist phillipe rushton.
Africans do have an extra muscle in their calves. Hyper twice muscle or something like that, it's called. My brother is 5' 8" and can dunk and run faster than hell.
Africans do have an extra muscle in their calves. Hyper twice muscle or something like that, it's called. My brother is 5' 8" and can dunk and run faster than hell.
Well they did have to outrun and out jump/climb a cheetah in Africa so they must have evolved that extra muscle. After all white men can't jump. :)
The "Real" KKK was also just assholes who called themselves the KKK and committed acts of violence. You just idolize them and think they were great because you have been indoctrinated by your racist, mentally limited peer group and should-have-practiced-abortion parents and grandparents. Take your bullshit "false flag" conspiracies elsewhere, your stupidity is showing.
see what i mean lol
that was idiotic, prejudice, hateful nonsense, based on profiling.It's also a stawman argument based on some eternal issues he must have and not anything in reality or what was said by me, a black man born in AL

it is interesting that he suggested abortion, these closet neonazi types are all about eugenics
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the "real" KKK we not just assholes but mayors,judges,police, democrat presidents, and so on. hardly random assholes and crazy people the FBI got a hold of
both are dangerous but it wont ever be the institution it was it will be more like radical Islam