Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding

Woodrow Wilson screened Birth of a Nation at the white house, and viewed the film as historically accurate (He called it "History writ with lighting" which is a disgusting thing to assert), but he was not a member of the KKK.
Interesting (to me anyway :P) side note: In my home town, the elementary schools are named after US presidents. My local school was named Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. My parents made me go to school across town. :hump:
Interesting (to me anyway :P) side note: In my home town, the elementary schools are named after US presidents. My local school was named Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. My parents made me go to school across town. :hump:
You have literally no understanding of the history of political parties in the US, if you think that the Democratic and Republican parties of today are anything in line with what they used to be. Also, The Democratic party did NOT form the KKK, your shitty ancestors did. "The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former members of the Confederate army". I hate to tell you, but they weren't Democrats. Fucking idiot.
so exactly when did the dixiecrats change? the 90s? please explain it to us dumb southerners I'd love to hear you expertise.

does the 2016 DNC differ in platform to LBJ? woodrow Wilson ? FDR? george Wallace? when was this change?

interesting side facts: congress headed an investigation that found the dixiecrats did run the KKK

the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention

around 37% of ppl killed by the KKK were whites who opposed local dixiecrats or had dealings with blacks- 1297/3446 lynchings were white republicans
those are called facts some people use them instead of name calling

* http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1979/2/79.02.04.x.html
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so exactly when did the dixiecrats change? the 90s? please explain it to us dumb southerners I'd love to hear you expertise.

does the 2016 DNC differ in platform to LBJ? woodrow Wilson ? FDR? george Wallace? when was this change?

interesting side facts: congress headed an investigation that found the dixiecrats did run the KKK

the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention

around 37% of ppl killed by the KKK were whites who opposed local dixiecrats or had dealings with blacks- 1297/3446 lynchings were white republicans
those are called facts some people use them instead of name calling

* http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1979/2/79.02.04.x.html
Well, considering that LBJ did more for civil rights in this country than just about any president since Lincoln, I have trouble seeing what your point is, other than re-emphasizing how little you understand the history of American politics.
All Lives Matter
All hate is built on lies. Learn to recognize them, only honor truth, and associate with honest people.
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No all lives matter was laid out long ago in the Bible.
Ephesians Chapter 4 verses 31 & 32:
31: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice.
32: Be kind and tender-hearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

It has nothing to do with color. If you think only in color, your world is very limited. Like David Duke and Al Sharpton. Two sides of the same coin, promoting their agendas of hate, with money attached.
Martin Luther King Jr. had it right. " Let no man pull you so low, as to hate him. "
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