Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding

why are you teaming up with the KKK to support donald trump then?

@UncleBuck I'd call you a first class idiot but I think Supreme Idiot is more appropriate.
No Republican is teaming up with the KKK. But Hillary was connected to several of them:

^^^^^ her Mentor :) LOL

^^^^^ they like Hillary.

^^^^^ Love this guy, he's smooth and professional. Best of all, he's Honest and Factual about how the KKK was started, and by who. :)
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No one is teaming up with the KKK.

Screenshot 2016-06-05 at 1.10.21 PM.png

Virginia KKK Leader Calls Donald Trump ‘Best For The Job’
He said the GOP front-runner and many of the organization’s members share similar beliefs.
05/03/2016 03:32 pm ET

Video: Trump Repeatedly Avoids Condemning Infamous White Supremacist and KKK

Like I said " Supreme Idiot " that's your new title @UncleBuck
Not surprised you'd find other Supreme Idiots pics to post, to deflect from the fact that the Democratic Party formed and supported the KKK. It was the Democratic Party that helped them rise to a large, and dangerous group of homeland, racist terrorists. Luckily, Republicans stepped in, and did most of the real work to weaken them.

^^^^^ facts, not political propaganda .
Like I said " Supreme Idiot " that's you new title @UncleBuck
Not surprised you'd find other Supreme Idiots pics to post, to deflect from the fact that the Democratic Party formed and supported the KKK and helped them rise to a large, dangerous group of homeland terrorists.

but the KKK is supporting trump now, just like you. you and the KKK are teaming up together.
I have no use for racist, or name calling idiots like you @UncleBuck.

You are only on here to argue with people. Not to make a valid point, or provide any real information. You're merely a weak minded troll. Down with the KKK, and @UncleBuck, who bet on the POTUS race, and will leave RIU once Trump is elected POTUS.

Enjoy the time you still have @UncleBuck on RIU. Trump will win, and we'll be rid of you. It's a win / win by every measure.

Too bad you're not like this Uncle Buck. He was an idiot too, but at least he made me laugh.
Down with the KKK

you say this, but then you team up with the KKK to support donald trump, who was endorsed many times by KKK leaders, and for whom KKK members are actively supporting his campaign. there are even going to be a whole bunch of KKK members at the convention too.

so excuse me for calling you full of shit since you and the KKK are holding hands right now, united in support of a common cause.
@UncleBuck I love that I so get under your thin skin, with facts, while you only call names like a kindergartener in the sandbox.
I read something recently that applies to you:
" Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, positive feedback and validation of their worth, and many are happy with what attention they get naturally through their normal activities at home, at work or wherever they happen to spend their time. From time to time, people inevitably do things that might attract attention, but that is not their primary aim. In some situations it is quite normal to seek attention, such as in advertising, TV, radio and stage work and so on.

Some people need excessive attention and get it by behaving inappropriately. It could be due to lowered self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, low levels of self-worth or self-love or feeling insecure. Some may seek positive attention by creating situations in which they hope to be praised, thanked or admired; Some perhaps are not bothered about the quality of attention they get, just so long as they get it, and so will elicit negative attention perhaps by making a scene in public, getting over-indignant about a trivial matter, causing heads to turn and tongues to wag. Some seek out sympathy by always having something to complain about. If you care for someone whose actions are plainly done to get others to take notice and react, it's important to consider what's motivating them. If it is a one-off, it might be a sign of tiredness or a reaction to pressures and stress. If the Behavior is persistent or goes beyond what one might normally expect, it can be a sign of an underlying mental health issue. "

But worry not UncleBuck, because Obamacare does cover a lot of those health issues. Don't lose hope, please seek help. We'll all be better for it ;)
@UncleBuck I love that I so get under your thin skin, with facts, while you only call names like a kindergartener in the sandbox.
I read something recently that applies to you:
" Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, positive feedback and validation of their worth, and many are happy with what attention they get naturally through their normal activities at home, at work or wherever they happen to spend their time. From time to time, people inevitably do things that might attract attention, but that is not their primary aim. In some situations it is quite normal to seek attention, such as in advertising, TV, radio and stage work and so on.

Some people need excessive attention and get it by behaving inappropriately. It could be due to lowered self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, low levels of self-worth or self-love or feeling insecure. Some may seek positive attention by creating situations in which they hope to be praised, thanked or admired; Some perhaps are not bothered about the quality of attention they get, just so long as they get it, and so will elicit negative attention perhaps by making a scene in public, getting over-indignant about a trivial matter, causing heads to turn and tongues to wag. Some seek out sympathy by always having something to complain about. If you care for someone whose actions are plainly done to get others to take notice and react, it's important to consider what's motivating them. If it is a one-off, it might be a sign of tiredness or a reaction to pressures and stress. If the Behavior is persistent or goes beyond what one might normally expect, it can be a sign of an underlying mental health issue. "

But worry not UncleBuck, because Obamacare does cover a lot of those health issues. Don't lose hope, please seek help. We'll all be better for it ;)

what facts?

the fact that you are teamed up with the KKK to support an openly racist scumbag who is on trial for fraud and racketeering in multiple states?
see what i mean lol
that was idiotic, prejudice, hateful nonsense, based on profiling.It's also a stawman argument based on some eternal issues he must have and not anything in reality or what was said by me, a black man born in AL
it is interesting that he suggested abortion, these closet neonazi types are all about eugenics
the "real" KKK we not just assholes but mayors,judges,police, democrat presidents, and so on. hardly random assholes and crazy people the FBI got a hold of
both are dangerous but it wont ever be the institution it was it will be more like radical Islam
Black like Rachel Dolezal? I honestly don't give a shit what color your skin is, your conspiracy theory bullshit removes any chance of me respecting what you have to say. If you don't like the KKK you should choose your phrasing better, because it sure seems like you have an glorified view of them, and you're defending Philipe Rushton. For the record, there has never been a Democratic President (or any other President) who was a member of the KKK. Woodrow Wilson screened Birth of a Nation at the white house, and viewed the film as historically accurate (He called it "History writ with lighting" which is a disgusting thing to assert), but he was not a member of the KKK. And the KKK was ALWAYS a fringe group, who, despite some high profile members (and the ones who stayed successful denounced it later like Robert Byrd [Who the NAACP rated as 100% on their side on their issues]) they never achieved anything like real power in government. But conspire away with your garbage research.
Like I said " Supreme Idiot " that's your new title @UncleBuck
Not surprised you'd find other Supreme Idiots pics to post, to deflect from the fact that the Democratic Party formed and supported the KKK. It was the Democratic Party that helped them rise to a large, and dangerous group of homeland, racist terrorists. Luckily, Republicans stepped in, and did most of the real work to weaken them.

^^^^^ facts, not political propaganda .
You have literally no understanding of the history of political parties in the US, if you think that the Democratic and Republican parties of today are anything in line with what they used to be. Also, The Democratic party did NOT form the KKK, your shitty ancestors did. "The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former members of the Confederate army". I hate to tell you, but they weren't Democrats. Fucking idiot.
You have literally no understanding of the history of political parties in the US, if you think that the Democratic and Republican parties of today are anything in line with what they used to be. Also, The Democratic party did NOT form the KKK, your shitty ancestors did. "The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former members of the Confederate army". I hate to tell you, but they weren't Democrats. Fucking idiot.
reads like hate speech