@UncleBuck I love that I so get under your thin skin, with facts, while you only call names like a kindergartener in the sandbox.
I read something recently that applies to you:
" Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, positive feedback and validation of their worth, and many are happy with what attention they get naturally through their normal activities at home, at work or wherever they happen to spend their time. From time to time, people inevitably do things that might attract attention, but that is not their primary aim. In some situations it is quite normal to seek attention, such as in advertising, TV, radio and stage work and so on.
Some people need excessive attention and get it by behaving inappropriately. It could be due to lowered self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, low levels of self-worth or self-love or feeling insecure. Some may seek positive attention by creating situations in which they hope to be praised, thanked or admired;
Some perhaps are not bothered about the quality of attention they get, just so long as they get it, and so will elicit negative attention perhaps by making a scene in public, getting over-indignant about a trivial matter, causing heads to turn and tongues to wag. Some seek out sympathy by always having something to complain about. If you care for someone whose actions are plainly done to get others to take notice and react, it's important to consider what's motivating them. If it is a one-off, it might be a sign of tiredness or a reaction to pressures and stress.
If the Behavior is persistent or goes beyond what one might normally expect, it can be a sign of an underlying mental health issue. "
But worry not UncleBuck, because Obamacare does cover a lot of those health issues. Don't lose hope, please seek help. We'll all be better for it
